Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 273 God King Level Time and Space Fusion Secret Technique

Chapter 273 God King Level Time and Space Fusion Secret Technique

"As for the over 100 million memory stones scattered randomly in this endless ocean, they are all kinds of information from our country, Wu, and other countries. It can be said to be all-encompassing."

"More than 99% of the various information about our hometown's civilization has been recorded. Of course, the records are all simple and basic information."

This inheritance of Wu's secret method is similar to that of Duan Donghe.

With the hundreds of millions of memory stones in this lake, Wei Wen is completely able to replicate the low-end secret law inheritance of the continent of origin.

Of course, the premise is that when Wei Wen accepts the information in these inherited memory stones, his projection in the world of Lord Snow Eagle is not restricted and he can accept the information.

If so, according to Wei Wen's estimation, with the blessing of these inheritance foundations, it would not be difficult for Wei Wen's understanding to break through the two-step Ultimate Time and Space Dao Lord.

As for the three-step ultimate Taoist master, it is a bit difficult to rely on the inheritance of the God King of Wu.

After all, the three-step ultimate Taoist king has surpassed ordinary emperors in terms of perception.

If not, then needless to say, he can only plan in the world of Wild Age and Lord Snow Eagle.

Because he didn't want to break through the True God of the Void so quickly and go directly to reincarnation.

But soon Wei Wen's eyes lit up, because he in the world of Lord Snow Eagle and the World of Wilderness could really accept the inheritance!
In one word, cool!

Therefore, he who was in the Devouring Starry Sky World accepted the memory inheritance, and he who was in the Snow Eagle Lord World and the Wild Era World also received it at the same time.

The essence of Wei Wen's Breath-holding core inheritance... the most proud secret knowledge of the God King of Wu who stands at the top?
Three invisible divine powers spread out and quickly enveloped the three black heritage memory stones.

However, he didn't know that Wei Wen already knew everything.

Of course, with Wei Wen's level, it is not that easy to understand the inheritance of the True God level of the void, he can just simply accept the memory information in it.

"You first try to wrap these three memory stones with divine power." The black-robed figure continued.

The information from the true god level was the least, and it was quickly accepted, followed by the information from the void true god level...

Otherwise, the strongest way of time and space that he understood in the world of Devouring Starry Sky and Lord Snow Eagle would not be passed on to the projection deity and second soul of the world of the Wild Era.

Although he is just a projection in the world of Wild Age and Lord Snow Eagle, he still has the consciousness to figure it out.

The moment the divine power touched it, the three black stones dimly lit up, and ancient and complex patterns appeared on the surface, and then the turbulent message of transformation merged into Wei Wen's mind.

With Wei Wen's speed, it took about a day to fully accept it.

The black-robed figure stood aside and watched with a smile. He knew the restrictions of the supreme rules, and he had only dared to say that Wei Wen could teach them at will.

In the world of Devouring Starry Sky, due to the current supreme rules, Wei Wen is logically unable to accept the inheritance information of the Void True God level.

A massive amount of messages were sent to Wei Wen overwhelmingly...

Because in the Universe Sea, information above the true god level cannot be transmitted, and in the Origin Continent, Wei Wen must not dare to transmit it easily. This is his self-confidence.

It's a pity that there is still one drawback...that is, the Supreme Rules are so lenient. Even if he has obtained complete memories in Lord Snow Eagle's world, Wei Wen still can't see anything when he passes them to me.

Of course, Wei Wen doesn't care about this. Anyway, even if he can't see more information in this world, it won't affect his growth in other worlds.

When he enters the Origin Continent, with a simple connection of consciousness, he can rapidly increase his strength in an instant. Of course, he does not plan to go to the Origin Continent before the end of this reincarnation era. The invincible strength of the True God is enough, and it is of little use if the True God-level information of the Void cannot be seen.

As for the contents of the three memory stones, they seem to be three secrets!

As for the core of the entire Wu Zhi Shen Wang lineage, the real essence is the three secrets, one of which surprised Wei Wen!

They are "Time and Space Fusion", "Divine Burning", and "Time and Space Escape".

Time and space fusion, as the name suggests, is the secret method of time and space fusion, and it has reached the level of a god king. It will obviously be of great help to Wei Wen in understanding the way of time and space fusion!

As for divine burning, it is a very special set of secret techniques for burning the divine body, which can cause all the energy of the divine body to explode rapidly in a very short period of time!
In this case, the strength can be increased hundreds of times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times in a short period of time... similar to the secret method of burning divine body in the Duandong River lineage and the world of Jin.

To put it simply, this secret method is a bit similar to self-destruction, because self-destruction causes the whole body's power to explode instantly.

But simply self-destructing will cause energy to attack in all directions.

Moreover, in the True God Realm, the two parts will merge into one, and once they self-destruct, they will be gone. In short, after the True God Realm, they will not dare to self-destruct easily unless there is nothing they can do.

And "Divine Power Burning" is the core secret method created by the God King Wu, which allows the strong to control the speed and total amount of divine power burning!

For example, if half of the divine body is burned in an instant, this concentrated burst of power is much stronger than self-destruction.

After all, the battle between super strong men can end in just an instant, and the burning can stop immediately when the battle is over!
Therefore, this is a set of explosive secret techniques that are unparalleled in nature, and can completely kill enemies across levels.

Take the Chaos City Lord as an example. He is currently at level 8 combat power. If he can understand the secret method of burning the divine body, his combat power can reach level 9.

Realize the second level, that is the 10th level!
There are nine levels of secret method in total. If you fully understand it, it will not be easy to fight across levels.

Of course, other strong people are not without the secret method of burning the divine body, and the secret method of the stronger ones is also not bad, so don't try it if you want to fight across levels.

The last secret technique of time and space escape is obviously a set of time and space escape techniques.

Once it is used, it can travel through time and space instantly... It is even more incredible than teleportation. Under certain circumstances, it can even penetrate layers of forbidden time and space dimensions!

"These three secret methods are of great significance to me who swallows the starry sky world. As for other worlds, the most important one is undoubtedly the secret method of time and space fusion." Wei Wen said with a smile.

The most powerful way of time and space that Wei Wen has understood is the way of fusion of time and space!
With the secret method of time and space fusion at the level of a god king, Wei Wen felt that it would be easy for him to reach the fourth level of time and space fusion.

There are five paths to ultimate time and space, and the fusion of time and space is already guaranteed. Based on Wei Wen's understanding, there is no need to worry too much.

"Don't be too happy too early. Maybe at the stage of Lord of the Universe and True God, with your understanding, you can slowly break through by immersing yourself in practice." The figure in black robe reminded.

"But as your strength becomes stronger, especially after reaching a certain level, you must take a different path."

"So any super strong person must go through countless battles to hone himself."

"Always start from the True God stage and keep going up. The further you go, the harder it gets!"

"Of course you have a lot of potential to reach the peak, so you need to keep moving forward between life and death, but still standing tall."

(End of this chapter)

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