Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 274 Breakthrough 2 steps to the ultimate Taoist master

Chapter 274: Breaking Through the Two-Step Ultimate Dao Lord
"Originally, I, who was lonely in the endless reincarnation era, suddenly found a peerless genius like you for my country of Wu. I have many, many things to say..." The black-robed figure slowly shook his head.

"But in fact, I have long realized that... I should have died long ago, so I will record everything I want to say into this memory stone."

"This memory stone records what I want to tell you, as well as all the secrets of the entire Wu inheritance. You will know everything after reading it."

"As for the Wu treasure you want, you need to provide information about the world beasts, or even enslave the world beasts."

"Okay, do you plan to leave, or stay here to meditate?"

"Leave, I'm going to look for world beasts." Wei Wen waved his hand, and he put the inherited memory stones into the world ring.

In fact, Wei Wen knew where the world beast was, but he was actually more concerned about Wu's inheritance, and Wu's treasure was dispensable.

After all, it would be difficult for most treasures to make him crazily increase his strength.


After Wei Wen left, he in other worlds began to digest the information of the inherited memory stones.

It only took Wei Wen less than a day to write down everything about the core inheritance.

The first thing Wei Wen did was something that almost all inheritors of Wu would do...that was to write down all the memory stones first!

Then he began to carry out more extensive practice, which was to classify over 100 million memory stones into categories, taking their essence and discarding their dross...

The God-King who swallows the stars and Lord Snow Eagle is actually not simple either.

There are many blue memory stones, but each one is the most basic part, so the amount of information is far less than the core inheritance.

After all the memories of the competition were passed down, Wei Wen began to understand and study them carefully as time accelerated.

The ultimate way of such a level is estimated to be comparable to the ordinary eternal true god. This is the state that Luo Feng spent a reincarnation to reach!
Of course, Luo Feng didn't have that many opportunities, and he couldn't see information above the True God, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a long time.

Therefore, those on the first and second levels of the Universe God are estimated to be the dominant masters of the world in the Wild Era, probably comparable to the Four-Step Ultimate Tao Lord.

"Knowledge is power. This inheritance of Wu has the experience of countless strong people, and the concepts of countless cultivation schools are all created by countless strong people..."

The ultimate path at the second-step level may be comparable to ordinary chaos masters.

Integrating all the branches of Tao, that is the ultimate realm of the universe god. According to Wei Wen's understanding, it is already comparable to the eternal ultimate emperor.

After all, after breaking through the Ultimate Dao Lord, his strength is no less than that of the True God of the Void!

As time went by, Wei Wen gained a more detailed understanding of the corresponding realms of the True God, the True God of the Void, the True God of Eternity, as well as Lord Snow Eagle and the Wild World.

"Come on." Wei Wen waved his hand, divided countless divine powers, and began to absorb the memories of purple and blue memory stones.

With Wei Wen's soul consciousness and thinking speed no less than the True God of the Void, and comparable to the Eternal True God, the actual time it takes is not very long.

It took Wei Wen about a day to finally select all the inheritances that were useful for him to understand the ultimate way of time and space.

As for the purple memory stone, although there is a lot of information in it, the quantity is very small.

Maybe Wei Wen doesn't follow those schools, but maybe drawing parallels will help him practice the ultimate way of time and space, or he can know some details, strengths, weaknesses, etc. when he encounters opponents of this school in a real fight.

The ultimate three-step path is comparable to the strongest four-step path, and is estimated to be the limit of the Chaos Dominator.

The difficulty of the two-step ultimate path is evident!
But he can see the information above the true god, which gives him a deeper understanding of time and space.

Although many perceptions may be different because the world is different, they can still be transformed, and at the end they can provide Wei Wen with many ideas for the ultimate path to time and space. He knows the comparison of each level, and even how to continue to move forward in the ultimate way of time and space, etc., and he knows it very clearly.

The power of chaos is still roaring outside the chaotic world of the gods, but Wei Wen is not affected by it at all.

He stayed in the Time and Space Tower to comprehend a little bit, or in other words, he was creating the second step of the ultimate way to time and space.

In fact, from the time when the world realm reaches perfection, practitioners in this world cannot rely on the origin of the chaotic universe to practice. The next step is to create it themselves.

If the "Tao" of creation is consistent with the ultimate origin of the chaotic universe and is correct, then there is hope for success in the future.

If there is an error in the creative Tao and it is not corrected in time, it can be said that the future Hedao will definitely die.

This is the realm of the Taoist Master of Life and Death. One step leads to life and one step to death. Once you take one step forward, there will be no chance of regret. If you make a mistake in the Tao, the price you will pay in the future will be very serious.

Wei Wen is still pondering the higher level of the ultimate way of time and space. Even with the accumulation of the secret law inheritance from the God King of another world, Wei Wen has almost made a devastating breakthrough this time.

After all, many years have passed while waiting for the inheritance to start, and he has accumulated a lot of knowledge over the years.

Now coupled with the guidance of inheritance, Wei Wen suddenly opened his eyes in silence.

In an instant, countless mysterious mood fluctuations erupted in the surrounding time and space, and a more powerful aura quickly dispersed towards the endless depths of time and space.

"This is the second level of the ultimate way of time and space!" Wei Wen saw the birth and death of time and space in his eyes, as well as the changes of endless time and space dimensions.
The accumulated foundation, under the guidance of inheritance, cleared the clouds and saw the bright moon, and now it finally has results.


Wei Wen did not hesitate. He moved directly and instantly took out a large amount of Chaos Crystals and Chaos Spiritual Liquid.

Endless power of chaos surged out, rushing crazily into Wei Wen's body.

At this moment, in the golden elixir chaotic space inside Wei Wen's body, the Dao tree grew crazily again.

At the same time, the divine crystals in his divine body also began to break and reorganize, undergoing qualitative changes.


After the breakthrough of the two-step ultimate way of time and space, the world of the heart was built with this, and the world of the heart also began to expand crazily.

At this moment, the size of Wei Wenxin's world has surpassed that of Hedao Edge Dao Lord!

And just when Wei Wen absorbed the endless power of chaos and broke through, many people had already gathered around this space.

After all, Wei Wen's power when he broke through Dao Lord was quite powerful, enough to cause great fluctuations.

"The Dao Lord broke through before, and he broke through again?"

When Wei Wen broke through the bottleneck before, he made a lot of noise, which was comparable to the breakthroughs made by the ordinary four-foot-step master.

Now that it has broken through again, its power has become even more terrifying.

Of course, those people could tell at a glance that Wei Wen was not following the Taoist path, which meant that Wei Wen must at least follow the path of a top Taoist master.

Otherwise, the Dao Lord who broke through the 'Four Steps' would not have such powerful power.

However, even if they were beaten to death, they would never have imagined that Wei Wen had only broken through from the First Step Dao Lord to the Second Step Dao Lord.

It's just because he is following the ultimate path, which is one level stronger than the strongest way, and two levels stronger than the top way!
(End of this chapter)

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