Chapter 282 Ji Ning Crisis
"This is 7200 million cubic meters of Chaos Spiritual Liquid, but..." Wei Wen took out 7200 million cubic meters of Chaos Spiritual Liquid.

"In the name of Wanbao Palace, we will ask the strong man who refines the divine weapons to make a destiny oath with you. You can rest assured about this kind of transaction." The waitress explained.

Such a large order cannot be traded directly, so it does need to be bound by a destiny oath.

After the waitress received the Chaos Spiritual Liquid, she found the powerful emperor who refined the divine weapon of destiny, and the two parties made an oath of destiny.

This emperor was able to refine the divine weapon of his destiny, so he obviously had a high net worth, and he would not break the contract for 7200 million cubic meters of chaotic spirit liquid. After all, the oath of destiny was not just talk.

For example, Ji Ning once made a vow that he needed to go to Tiancang Palace during the Chaos Era. If he didn't go, he would have no choice but to die!

This is also the main reason why Ji Ning went directly to Tiancang Palace after returning from another universe.


A thin man in gray robe looked at Ji Ning's movements and walked out of Feiyu Tower with a sneer, a trace of greed flashing in his eyes.

"He's just a Second Step Master, but he was actually led to the important place of Feiyu Tower?" The thin man in gray robes stared at him, "He looks very rich!"

So he attacked Ji Ning... As for the result, he was killed by Ji Ning with one move!
It's just that his master Kongsa Daojun is very extraordinary, and his combat power is the second level Daojun.

Suddenly, in the direction of the more than 100,000 caves in the distance of Ji Ning, a terrifying black mist suddenly erupted from a cave.

Ji Ning understood that the situation was not good, and immediately vaguely guessed that the three-foot-step master he had just killed had some connection with this terrifying Taoist master.

Ji Ning felt that this might not be safe and planned to ask Wei Wen for support.

As a frequent visitor to Feiyu Tower, he knew a lot of information. Ji Ning was a second-step master, but his net worth seemed to be no less than that of an ordinary fourth-step master.

Because according to the rules of the Tao Alliance, it is absolutely forbidden to do anything in the palaces, caves, and formations within the eight holy cities. Once you do it, your body will be destroyed!

Ji Ning had discussed and competed with Wei Wen before, and had some understanding of Wei Wen's strength.

After all, as long as he can succeed once, the rewards will be exaggerated compared to countless adventures in the past.

The Golden Belt of Murder and Arson, as long as Ji Ning is killed, his treasures and opportunities will belong to him, but he has strong greed and murderous intent in his heart.

But some strong men prefer to plunder from other practitioners. After all, plundering is the fastest way to obtain treasures and opportunities.



Ji Ning didn't care about anything else, and immediately turned into a stream of light, speeding up to ten times the speed of light, and rushed directly towards the nearest Feiyu Tower.

According to his perception, although this person was very strong, he should not be as strong as Wei Wen, because he always felt that Wei Wen was more than just his apparent strength.

This is what cultivation is like. Even though Wei Wen is not a good person, he spends most of his time practicing Taoism, and the most he takes risks to experience.

Ji Ning must have a great opportunity if he has treasures worth over ten million square meters.

Although they were far apart, Ji Ning instantly felt that the space around him was completely imprisoned.

There are gains and losses, because the huge benefits brought by 'plundering' are enough for him to take risks.

But this road is also very dangerous, because the object of plunder, such as Ji Ning, seems to be something wrong at first glance, and he may have some terrible trump cards.

"Second level Dao Lord?!"

And he has followed his master for so long and has ventured to many places, but after countless years, his total harvest is only a few million square feet.

In fact, even if Ji Ning didn't say anything, Wei Wen already knew about this.

The top Tao Lords are already comparable to the weakest Tao Lords. As a second level Tao Lord, their strength is already stronger than the ordinary Tao Lords.

When a strong man of this level takes action, the fluctuations are terrifying. "Huh?" Wei Wen raised his eyebrows, "This time Ji Ning should have come to Dao Alliance Holy City earlier than in the original work. Unexpectedly, he still met Dao Lord Kong Sa."

"Kongsa Daojun is a second-level Daoist, and his strength is naturally not simple. If I fight him, it will definitely help me understand the way of time and space."

As the ultimate Dao Lord, Wei Wen has reached the limit of the Second Path Lord as soon as he breaks through.

Previously, relying on the inheritance of the secret method of Wu Zhi Shenwang and discussions with the Palace Master of Time and Space Palace, Xiaomeng Daojun, and Ji Ning, his time and space skills have also improved a lot.

In terms of time and space fusion, time and space simulation, and the way of space and time black holes, Wei Wen has already understood the level of the Three Steps Master.

It's just that the ultimate way requires all the strongest ways to break through before a true breakthrough can be achieved.

So in terms of realm, Wei Wen is still only the two-step ultimate Taoist.

Although he has understood the three most powerful three-step methods, even with the help of the power of the ultimate two-step, it is only slightly stronger than the ultimate two-step, not a higher level.

Of course, although it is not a big level higher, in terms of combat power, Wei Wen is now the first level Dao Lord.

After all, relying on the integrity of the ultimate way, the three most powerful three-step ways can be perfectly combined.

Although it was not enough to change Wei Wen's character, it also improved Wei Wen's combat power.

"Relying on the Yuanli method of Chaos Restriction, my strength is already above that of Kong Sa Dao Lord." Wei Wen said with a smile.

Unfortunately, in terms of mental strength, what we seek most is the stability of the Tao, not the power of the Tao.

The stability of the fusion of the three most powerful three-steps and the two most powerful two-steps may not be as good as the ultimate two-step.

Therefore, the mental flow method is still at the second level.

Although Wei Wen is more interested in the clan of ancient practitioners, Kongsadao Lord is also a good target.

Suddenly, a huge pressure suddenly came to Kongsadaojun, which was the world in Wei Wen's heart.

"This world of the heart is very powerful and has reached the second level!" Lord Kongsadao frowned.

Kongsadao Lord felt the terrifying power that seemed to crush him, and felt a little amazed in his heart, but he did not feel that he was inferior to the other party.

Most of the ordinary Xinli Dao Lords are not very strong in terms of Dao intensity.

The main means are the world of the heart and mental illusion attacks, but his Taoist heart and will are very firm and he is not afraid of mental illusion means.

The world of the heart is only suppression. As a second-level Dao Lord, he can resist the suppression of the world of the heart.

If there was a real fight, he felt that he was invincible. If there was a loser, it would definitely be the opponent.

"Hmph." The aura around Kongsadao Lord surged again, and the whole person disappeared instantly, turning into a black mist that swept towards Wei Wen in the distance.

The black mist was billowing towards Wei Wen. Just by seeing the black mist, Wei Wen could sense the power of Lord Kong Sa Dao.

When facing a spiritual practitioner, the best way is to face him.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Powerful space-time fluctuations rushed out in all directions with Wei Wen as the center, and each fluctuation possessed incredible power.

The power of blue and white cannot be separated from the body, so the fluctuations caused by Wei Wen's explosion are far from Wei Wen's strongest explosion.

"This is a good method." Lord Kongsadao smiled lightly, "But it's useless against me."

His figure instantly appeared, and he stretched out his right hand, and a huge black scimitar appeared in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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