Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 283 Wei Wen fights the peak Taoist king

Chapter 283 Wei Wen fights the peak Taoist king


There was a black light on the huge scimitar blade, and the surrounding time and space fluctuations were naturally divided into two halves.

However, the power did not leak out at all, and the dimensions of time and space were neatly divided as if a scissor knife had passed through it.

It has to be said that long-range means without the blessing of the power of blue and white are indeed unable to do anything to the peak Taoist master.

After all, when it comes to the power of the Tao, the ultimate second step and the strongest three steps are not as good as the peak Tao Lord's Tao perception.

"The strength is good." Wei Wen felt as if his time and space simulation was about to be split in half with a knife, "But my time and space simulation is invisible!"

Cutting off the water and making it flow again. To put it bluntly, space-time simulation is the same as the virtual universe. It is an invisible method that can change its appearance at will.

Even though the time and space simulation method was split into two by the terrifying sword of Kong Sa Daojun, the power still did not weaken at all after being split into two halves.

Although the explosion at the extreme of time and space is powerful, it is only at the second level now.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

But then again, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"It's better to be able to withstand beatings. After all, only in this way can you enjoy the fight." Wei Wen showed a smile.

"No, this way of time and space is too weird." Kong Sa Daojun's expression changed, and the black mist around his body immediately increased in power and became extremely dense.

After discussing the Tao with the Master of Time and Space Palace and others last time, and receiving the inheritance of the Tao of Time and Space from the Master of Mangya, although he had inspired part of his knowledge, he had not inspired all of it.

Wei Wen had also condensed the immortal body of time and space before, so he naturally knew the special characteristics of the immortal body.

"As expected of the near-immortal Kongsadao Lord, without the power of the first level, there is no way to hurt him." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

Therefore, in terms of long-range means, Wei Wen still prefers time and space simulation moves.

Even if Wei Wen had the power of blue and white to support him, he would still be able to survive at the first level.

I saw two rays of light like swimming dragons, still heading straight towards Lord Kongsa.

The simulation of time and space can be ever-changing. Although Kong Sa Daojun's dark way is strong, it is also suitable for blocking the way of time and space simulation.

He needs a strong enough opponent to hone himself so that he can progress faster.

"Even if you practice the strongest way, you are still one level behind!"

"You are very good. The secrets of time and space are all-pervasive. Unfortunately, you seem to be just Lord Sanpaidao." The face of Lord Kongsadao appeared in the endless darkness.

I saw the fluctuations of time and space suddenly change at the moment when they penetrated the black mist, and each one of them was like a whip of water, swiping hard on Kongsa Daojun's divine body.

As for the peak Tao Lords of the second level and the first level, the first level seems to be stronger, but in fact it is only the same level. Three or five second levels can compete with the first level.

Relying on the inheritance of Wu's secret method, he has accumulated a lot of knowledge.

Kongsadaojun's dark body trembled, but he easily resisted the attack.

There is no injury at the same level, and at least one level higher can be used to injure the immortal body. Of course, it is only an injury.

He couldn't block it at all, at least Kong Sa Daojun's secret magic weapon of the dark way couldn't completely block it.

Kongsadaojun felt as if he was trapped in a quagmire. Wei Wen's secret technique of time and space was too powerful and was everywhere.


Kongsadaojun burst out with a deep roar.

Immediately, the endless dark light quickly condensed, and a black figure faintly appeared. At this moment, Kong Sa Daojun's momentum obviously surged. "You force me to use my unique skills, and you are satisfied with that."

Kongsadao Lord turned into a vague black figure and flew towards Wei Wen in an instant. At the same time, the huge scimitar in his hand also slashed towards Wei Wen angrily.

With this chop, time and space froze, with this chop, the will skyrocketed.

A terrifying killing intent has crossed an endless distance, directly bombarded Wei Wen's body, and directly attacked Wei Wen's soul.

"Humph!" Wei Wen's soul roared angrily. Faced with the murderous intent, Wei Wen's soul remained unmoved at all.

After all, he has an immortal body in time and space, and his mental strength has actually reached the sixth level.

Among the powerful Dao Lords, not one of the 1 Dao Lords may be a spiritual practitioner. In terms of will competition, Wei Wen has a huge advantage.

"No wonder my second-level mental flow method can't do anything to this Lord Kong Sa Dao." Wei Wen frowned.

"Sure enough, my murderous intention can't do anything to the second level of Taoist Soul Master." Kongsadao Master shook his head helplessly.

"Don't run away if you can. Try fighting me in close combat."

"You don't think I only know how to use the mind flow, do you?" Wei Wen smiled lightly.

The two relied on their imperfect immortality to engage in a frenzied melee fight, but Master Kongsadao was retreating steadily.

In just a blink of an eye, Kong Sa Daojun understood that Wei Wen was also a genuine peak Taoist master in close combat.

"I really don't know how he, a three-step master, can develop his divine body to such terrifying strength. Could it be that he is an ancient practitioner?" Master Kongsadao frowned.

Kongsadao Lord has been wary of Wei Wen until now. He is definitely not as easy to bully as the ordinary and top-notch four-step masters he killed in the past.

"Brother Si Jia." Mr. Kongsadao immediately sent a message, "I'm ashamed. I'm in trouble this time. I may have to ask Brother Si Jia to help me once."

Near the cave where Kongsa Daojun was before, there was a handsome man with long golden hair and golden armor sitting cross-legged in the courtyard.

He seems to be a normal practitioner, but in fact he is an extremely terrifying special being. He is also the fastest among the Taoists living in seclusion in Tianmu City.

The Dao League has a large number of people and a tolerance that can accommodate all rivers. Even the Mang Ya Kingdom, the special life clan and even the ancient practitioners can live calmly in the Dao League.

Even if you are a strong person, as long as you dare to join the Dao Alliance, as long as you are not a strong person from the Eternal Clan or the Dark Kingdom, the Dao Alliance will dare to accept you.

"Kongsa, that seems to be just a little guy from the Three Steps. Can't you beat him?" A trace of purple light flashed across Sijiadao's eyes. "Is it possible that he still can't run away?"

"He is a Shinri-ryu Dao Lord, and he also practices the Way of Time and Space. If not for this, I would not ask Brother Sika for help." Kong Sa Dao Lord said helplessly.

"Tell me clearly his methods first, so that it will be easier for me to find a way to deal with him." Sijiadaojun said after a moment of silence.

Kongsadaojun can't be beaten, and he may not be able to escape, so what can he do?
Fortunately, Lord Kongsadao had an imperfect immortal body and would not be beaten to death by Wei Wen.

Since his life was not in danger, he naturally would not agree easily. He had to see what Wei Wen had in store first.

"Listen to me in detail..." Mr. Kongsadao asked someone to do something. Naturally, it was not easy to hide it, so he quickly explained Wei Wen's situation one by one.

"I can try to help you with this." Sijia Daojun nodded.

"Thank you, Brother Sijia." Mr. Kongsadao's eyes suddenly lit up.


Daojun Sijia instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared into the surrounding void. When he reappeared, he was already at the place where Wei Wen and Daojun Kongsa fought.

(End of this chapter)

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