Chapter 284 Space Corridor
"Sijia Daojun?" Wei Wen raised his eyebrows.

Taojun Sijia is a famous Taoist among the special life clan. He is most famous for his speed. It is said that he can break the speed of light a hundred times!

You must know that when Ji Ning was performing the four-step ultimate swordsmanship, his flying speed was only a hundred times the speed of light. This was a level that many Eternal Emperors could not reach.

Wei Wen is also good at speed in the way of time and space, but the speed of the two-step ultimate time-space way is estimated to be comparable to the speed of the three-step ultimate sword way.

So with Daojun Sijia's speed, Wei Wen seemed to be unable to do anything to him.

Even if he uses the world of heart to suppress it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do anything to the other party.

After all, the means of his Heart World are only at the second level, and it is difficult to suppress the second level Dao Lord.

"Huh?" Wei Wen, Kong Sa Daojun, and Sijia Daojun suddenly looked around.

In fact, the combat power of Wei Wen and others was higher than that of ordinary emperors, so the noise from their battles was naturally considerable.

Two Taoist figures appeared around him, one of them was a thin middle-aged man with white hair, and the other was a burly man carrying a giant ax on his back.

"As for the grudge between Ji Ning and Taoist Lord Sijia... he fought back because he was attacked by the disciples of Lord Kongsa outside Feiyu Tower."

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that a little Sanpaijun could cause such a big thing."

"The strength of the three-step master can reach the first level. In my opinion, Taoist Taoist Master of Time and Space, you will be no less than the four-step master in the future." The master of the Xinli Palace was extremely surprised.

"It's right if you think about it carefully. After all, the Lord of Mangya is the Lord of time and space. It's normal that he didn't choose our Dao Alliance."

"Such a strong strength, he can actually suppress Daojun Sijia. His melee strength is close to the first level." Emperor Tianmu said with emotion.

"According to previous information from the Dao Alliance, his strength is only at the second level. How could he improve so quickly?"

He realized several of the strongest ways and combined them perfectly. His strength ranked fifth among the Tao Lords of Endless Territory.

"His strength is indeed very strong, and it is very possible that he will be stronger than me in the future." Daojun Tianaxe also looked surprised and puzzled.

As for the Taoist Lord Tianaxe, he was not one of the Mangya Kingdom. This time he just stopped by with his husband to see if he could help Ji Ning.

"After that, he was chased by Lord Kong Sa Dao... Unfortunately, Lord Kong Sa Dao failed to pursue him, and was beaten by Wei Wen."

"And this guy suddenly wanted to buy 12 natal weapons. It seems that he accepted the invitation from the Lord of Mangya and joined the Time and Space Palace."

"I also asked Daojun Sijia for help, and I escaped from Wei Wen's hands."

The lord of Huyi Palace is the deputy palace lord of the Heart Power Palace. Any of the four steps of the Heart Power Style are very strong, and his Mind Power means have a second level.


Of course, Wei Wen didn't pay much attention to their strength. What he paid most attention to was their related plots.


As for the strength of Dao Lord Tianaxe, he is one of the most heaven-defying Dao Lords.

Daojun Sijia and Daojun Kongsa are both strong Taoist men with unusual backgrounds, and ordinary people would not mess with them at will.

After the two of them saw Wei Wensheng's fierce one-two punch and discovered that nothing would happen to Ji Ning, they did not take action, but quietly watched the battle.

"I just rely on the strength of my spiritual body. In terms of perception, I am not as good as fellow Taoist Tianaxe." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Sky Axe, you are ranked in the top five in the Endless Territory. I am at the first level at most."

"What's the top five? Don't praise me, just say fifth." Tianaxu laughed. Wei Wen and others began to chat, and Wei Wen also began to guide the topic, and soon they came to the topic that Wei Wen was most interested in.

"As a Dao Lord, in order to be in harmony with the Dao, the more I experience, the more I understand." Dao Lord Tianaxe said with emotion.

"Although taking risks is a good thing, you can also lose your life. Like this time, we were three of us going in to take the risk, but Dong Qi lost his life. Alas." My husband, Daojun, drank a bottle of wine.

"Death actually doesn't matter. Even if we don't risk death, these Dao Lords will almost all fail to join the Dao and die!" Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

"And we can only take risks outside and look for opportunities so that we can realize a more perfect Tao. In this way, the hope of succeeding in combining the Tao will be even greater."

"Fellow Taoist has seen clearly. After we finished our adventure, we are preparing to find a day to deal with some of the treasures we obtained this time." My husband, Daojun, looked at Wei Wen.

"After the treasure is processed, we plan to go to Dongqi's hometown to help settle his hometown and sect inheritance."

"You are going to Dongqi Daojun's hometown?" Wei Wen's eyes lit up.

"Ji Ning and I are currently wandering around, and there is no special place for adventure for the time being."

"This trip to Dongqi Daojun's hometown will be left to us first."

"Are you going?" Fu Daojun and Tianaxu Daojun looked at each other.

"If it were an ordinary Tao Lord, we would indeed be too worried, but Taoist Time and Space, you are indeed very strong."

"We also got some treasures from this adventure, some of which we are going to give to his hometown and sect."

"And I also heard that I received a huge gift of resources from the master before. I'm afraid you won't be greedy if you give it to the three melons and two dates in Dongqi's hometown."

"Fellow Taoist, if you say so, we won't refuse. After all, we deal with treasures and it does take some time to purchase the divine weapons."

The husband, Dao Jun, handed over a Tao God Soldier-level palace, which contained exactly the resources and treasures they planned to send away.

"Don't worry." Wei Wen nodded.

Although Wei Wen said that he still had to wait for tens of thousands of years for his natal magic weapon, he could leave his second soul to wait here, or even just the Dao Lord Dharmakaya, and he could go out and wander around at any time.


Dongqi Territory is a relatively peripheral territory of the Endless Territory. Various dark forces lurk here, making it an extremely chaotic territory.

Wei Wen relied on the time and space channel method to fly much faster than normal, and he quickly brought Ji Ning here.

The ancestor of the Dongqi sect, Dongqi Daojun, is very powerful. After all, he can take risks with Fuyi and Tianaxu, so his strength will definitely not be any worse.

In addition to the Dongqi Sect, there are also some Dao Lord-level hidden powers, such as the Jiuchen Sect, Wanqi Mountain, etc., and almost all have powerful Four-step Lords in charge.

Of course, the news of the death of Dongqi Daojun has not spread yet, and ordinary people do not dare to provoke the Dongqi sect easily.

The reason why Wei Wen came here was because of a 'space corridor' inherited from ancient cultivation within the Dongqi Sect.

Of course, the biggest benefit of the space corridor is reserved for ancient practitioners, which is why the new Jiuchen leader Chishui Daojun will attack the Dongqi sect after the death of Dongqi Daojun.

Wei Wen is not an ancient cultivator. He cannot inspire this space corridor to enter the depths of the extremely distant Yu Xinghai. Of course, he does not think it is necessary.

Because in his memory, the space corridor itself has a strong tempering effect. Whether he goes to the ancient cultivator clan is actually not that important to Wei Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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