Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 285 Surprise, exploring the corridor

Chapter 285 Surprise, exploring the corridor

Wei Wen and Ji Ning quickly came to the main entrance of Dongqi Sect, but were stopped by a World Realm expert.

"Senior Dao Lord, please stop!" the World Realm disciple responsible for guarding the main gate of Dongqi Sect reminded.

"Hurry up and send a message. I am the Dao Lord of Time and Space, and I am here to tell you that my coming here is related to the fallen Dao Lord Dongqi." Wei Wen said in a message.

"Ancestor? Senior Taoist Lord of Time and Space, I will report it immediately!" World Realm was shocked.

The news of Dongqi Daojun's death may not have spread yet, but as a World Realm disciple, he has already learned about the death of his ancestor.

Wei Wen knew some inside information and must have a good relationship with them, otherwise he could have made the news public.


At the main entrance of Dongqi Sect, Daojun Lei Xin saw Wei Wen, Ji Ning and others at a glance.

"Huh?" Daojun Lei Xin couldn't help but frown. Wei Wen's aura was indeed stronger than his, but he was probably just a Sanpaojun.

"This matter must be mentioned to Palace Master Xinli and Dao Lord Tianaxe." Wei Wen said straight to the point.

After Wei Wen finished speaking, he threw out a storage bracelet. These were some of the treasures left by Fuyi, Tianxu, and Dongqi Daojun.

"To put it simply... Daojun Dongqi went on an adventure with them, but it was a pity that Daojun Dongqi fell." Wei Wen continued.

In the original work, Ji Ning breaks through the two-step ultimate, relying on chaos restriction and other means, but naturally cannot defeat the Jiuchen Cult Leader. After all, he is an ancient practitioner.

"Master, is it still not possible?" The yellow-robed world realms behind had ugly expressions on their faces.


"Master Fuyi?" Daojun Lei Xin, of course, had heard from his ancestor that he was Fuyi and Daojun Tianaxu. They and his ancestor were absolute life-and-death friends.

After simple refining and some investigation, Daojun Lei Xin's eyes quickly lit up, but he soon smiled helplessly.

The storage ring flew in front of Daojun Lei Xin, and Daojun Lei Xin quickly connected it excitedly.

"After all, the strength of the leader of Jiuchen is very close to that of the two seniors Fuyi and Tianaxu. Even if Fuyi and Tianaxu join forces, they will probably be able to defeat the leader of Jiuchen at most, and it is impossible to kill him."

"Even with these treasures, it is difficult for Huang Fu and I to be able to match the strength of Jiuchen Cult Master."

"Yes, yes, let's come in and talk." Daojun Lei Xin said quickly.

Wei Wen's name as Time and Space Dao Lord has not been spread yet, and Dongqi Territory is almost on the edge of the Endless Territory, so it is normal that he has not heard of it.

"Are you Daojun Lei Xin?" Wei Wen looked at the visitor and said, "There are some things that are inconvenient to say clearly. We'd better go in first and talk about it."

"Fuyi and I have some relationship, so I sent these treasures to you Dongqi Sect."

"The treasures left behind by Patriarch Dongqi are of extremely high value, but it is difficult for foreign objects to help Daojun's growth." Daojun Lei Xin said helplessly.

"The purpose of Dao Lord Time and Space's visit is related to the ancestor's death?" Dao Lord Lei Xin said.

"Hu Yi, Tian Ax and the others were lucky enough to survive, but they also brought out his last words and relics."

Dongqi sect.

Jiuchen Cult Leader is on the same level as Kong Sa and Fu Daojun, and is only slightly weaker than Tianaxe.

When Wei Wen first broke through the Second Path King, relying on Chaos Restriction, his outbreak was only at the second level.

"Jiuchen don't need to worry about this anymore. Just leave everything to me and Ji Ning. I am the peak Taoist master!" Wei Wen said calmly.

"Huh?!" Daojun Lei Xin's eyes suddenly lit up.

No wonder Wei Wen didn't care at all about Dongqi Daojun's relics. It seemed that he himself was very strong.

And the leader of Jiuchen is at most on par with Wei Wen. With Wei Wen here, Dongqi Sect can be saved!
"Don't worry, I may not be able to kill Jiu Chen, but it's still totally fine to fight Jiu Chen." Wei Wen said casually.

"To be honest, I came to Dongqi Sect this time to ask for something. I heard that your Dongqi Sect has a unique secret space-time corridor."

"This will be of great help to our practice. Can you let us go in and take a look?"

"It's all right. Fellow Taoist can selflessly bring back the relics of Patriarch Dongqi. We will naturally be satisfied with such a small thing." Daojun Lei Xin nodded.

"There's just one thing I need to remind you. The space corridor at that time is very dangerous, and even the ancestors don't dare to set foot on it easily."

Wei Wen sent back the relics before and might even save their Dongqi sect.

Now that they are just using some space-time corridors, he will naturally not refuse. After all, they will not lose anything just by entering them.

"If you have to go and break through, then come with me." Daojun Lei Xin looked at Wei Wen and others.

Wei Wen and Ji Ning had mentioned this before. After looking at each other, they immediately asked Lord Lei Xin to lead the way and they followed behind.

After stepping through multiple restrictions one after another, Daojun Lei Xin brought them to a seemingly ordinary courtyard.

"This is the space corridor." Daojun Lei Xin pointed to a rockery in the corner of the courtyard, waved his hand, and a stone door appeared on the other side of the rockery.

Daojun Lei Xin walked towards the stone gate and reached out to touch it. The stone gate immediately opened to both sides.


A faint passage is revealed inside the stone door, and there are endless spatial fluctuations in the passage.

Daojun Lei Xin glanced at Wei Wen and Ji Ning, then took a step forward and walked in.

The two of them didn't hesitate and followed him in.

As the space changed, a dazzling golden space appeared in front of their eyes.

"This is the space corridor. This golden space is surrounded by void, and there is only such a corridor suspended in the space." Daojun Lei Xin explained simply.

"The corridor is very long. As for the danger I mentioned before, you have also seen that there are strong men wearing armor standing in the corridor."

"There are a total of 30,000 strong men here. As long as you walk along this corridor, you will be blocked by these strong men."

"The deeper you go, the more terrifying the strength of the strong you encounter becomes."

"The weakest of these 30,000 strong men can be compared to Lord Erpao, and the strongest can even be compared to the ancestor."

"Your battle with these 30,000 strong men will surely make you gain something in your enlightenment and practice."

"For example, my ancestor tried for the first time back then. Although he failed to succeed, he still had an epiphany, so his strength improved greatly."

"We don't know much about the specific information of the space corridor. Are you sure you want to stay here to practice?"

"That's right." Wei Wen and Ji Ning nodded.

At their level, it is difficult to meet real opponents.

Only with enough fighting can it be easier to hone one's own practice, so this space-time corridor is of great help to them.

"The ancestor has fallen, and our Dongqi sect still has many things to do, so I won't disturb you to practice and fight here." Daojun Lei Xin said with a solemn expression.

"If you want to go out, just go back along the corridor and walk out directly."

Wei Wen and Ji Ning walked in the corridor and began to look for strong men, preparing to fight again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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