Chapter 286 The Ultimate Third Step

High in the sky of this vast golden space corridor, a huge golden ball of light suddenly appeared.

The light ball shot down streaks of golden light and flowed into the bodies of each strong man. The eyes of those strong men who were like puppets lit up with light.



Each of these strong men held weapons in their hands and turned into streams of light and rushed towards Wei Wen.



Wei Wen just moved his mind, and time and space fluctuations appeared.

A mighty wave of time and space swept directly over the surrounding strong men, sweeping and throwing them away.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

In the original work, Ji Ning has been honing his skills in the space corridor for thousands of years, and has almost reached the second-step ultimate level.

When Wei Wen finally defeated these strong men, the surrounding corridors would emit golden light again, activating the appearance of stronger strong men.

"That ball of light is the core of the entire space corridor." Wei Wen raised his head and glanced at the huge ball of light high in the sky.

After Ji Ning defeated nearly 2 strong men, his speed began to slow down, while Wei Wen continued to move forward.

Wei Wen has various inheritances, opportunities, and time flow blessings, and his progress will be faster.

The third step of the ultimate way to time and space is finally completed!

Wei Wen and Ji Ning destroyed everything along the way, defeating a large number of strong men at will, and continued to advance and fight along the corridor.

These strong men use different weapons, some are strong, some are soft, some are insidious, or some are just and fair... The fighting style of each strong man is very extreme!
However, through some strange combat coordination, Wei Wen felt as if they had transformed into a strong man who was proficient in various combat styles, which made Wei Wen feel a little difficult to deal with them.

"I'm finally feeling a little stressed, but the way these strong men fight is so strange." Wei Wen was besieged by dozens of strong men.


This chaotic power formed a huge vortex of chaotic power, and quickly transformed into a figure flying into it.

Among the strong men in the space corridor, the weakest is about two steps, and Wei Wen's limit is the peak four steps. Naturally, they are not Wei Wen's enemies.

At first, all strong men were dead objects, but once activated by golden light, they directly possessed extremely strong strength.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was already ten thousand years.

In the huge space corridor, a terrifying wave suddenly appeared.

With the swallowing of the power of chaos, the 84,000-foot-long Dao tree began to grow rapidly in Wei Wen's body of chaos space.

Wei Wen, who was fighting, finally showed a smile on his face.

"They are only in the top four steps. With my strength, I can crush them at will and rely on our cooperation, but they can fight me back and forth."

Eighty-five thousand feet!
Ninety thousand feet!
Ninety-five thousand feet!
Ninety-nine thousand feet!
As the Tao tree absorbed the transformation of the third step of the ultimate way of time and space, Wei Wen's Tao tree once again grew to the limit of the third step of the ultimate way.

As for his divine body and the world of his heart, he also began to transform as he reached the third step of the ultimate way of time and space.

"The Tao tree, the divine body, and the world of the heart, transform!" In Wei Wen's divine body, the divine crystals suddenly shrank and collapsed into one, and then exploded again.

The divine crystal was like the creation of heaven and earth, and eventually a total of ninety-nine thousand crystals were derived.

"The world of the heart has begun to expand again!" Wei Wen showed a smile, and the world of the heart expanded again.

The way of time and space is inherently stable, let alone the ultimate way of time and space.

When Wei Wen was only the second-step ultimate Dao Lord, his inner world was already comparable to the second-level peak Dao Lord's combat power and the power of the mind flow.

Just because the Tao Lords of the second level of spiritual flow do not mean that their Tao is also the second level of universal level.

Therefore, the mental strength of some heaven-defying mental flow masters can far exceed the second level.

Now Wei Wen has stepped into the three-step path of ultimate time and space. As he absorbs a large amount of chaos power, his inner world expands again.

ten times!
hundred times!
A thousand times!
Ten thousand times!
Nowadays, Wei Wenxin's world is vast, comparable to those of the most heaven-defying Xinliu Dao Lords in the history of Endless Territory.

The scope of his current heart world is nearly as large as half of the entire Endless Territory. It is definitely the largest Dao Lord-level heart world in the history of Endless Territory.

In the entire Endless Territory, Wei Wen's mind flow method is now enough to be ranked second at the emperor level!
The strongest person in the heart force flow is naturally the Heart Sword Emperor. His heart world in the emperor realm is probably about the same as Wei Wen.

Of course, this does not mean that Wei Wen's mental flow method has directly reached the top of the Holy City Lord level.

The reason why the Heart Sword Emperor is so strong, almost reaching the level of domination, is because his mind flow and swordsmanship are perfectly integrated.

If we look at the combat power of the Heart Force style alone, the Emperor of the Heart Sword is estimated to be at the level of an ordinary Lord of the Holy City.

Of course, even if Wei Wen's time and space method and mental power were perfectly integrated, it would actually be difficult to reach the ultimate level of Lord of the Holy City.

After all, the ultimate three-step path, in terms of level, is the strongest among the four steps. Of course, it is the strongest through the fusion of the four steps, which is stronger than the four steps of one path.

But no matter how strong he is, he still hasn't reached the Lord of the Holy City level. After all, the combat power of the Lord of the Holy City is generally comparable to a strong man who has successfully combined the strongest ways.

However, Wei Wen also has other means, such as the Yuan Power condensed by Chaos Restriction. Unfortunately, Yuan Power still has the biggest drawback at present, that is, it can only be used in close combat.

If it comes to close combat, Wei Wen feels that he should be able to compete with the ordinary Lord of the Holy City.

But if he is the Lord of the Holy City who is good at long-distance warfare, Wei Wen will definitely go as far as he can.

After all, no matter how monstrous the Ultimate Way is, he is only at the third level and has not yet reached the fourth level. He has not yet succeeded in combining the Way, so he cannot be considered a true eternal emperor!
"Speaking of Yuan Li's combat power amplitude, we have to say that Yuan Li really consumes resources." Wei Wen shook his head helplessly.

"Although the Lord of Mangya gave me a lot of Chaos Spiritual Liquid before, it consumes too much energy to condense the energy. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to raise it all!"

Wei Wen previously bought 24 pieces of natal magic weapons. Once delivered, it would cost 7.2 million cubic meters of Chaos Spiritual Liquid.

The Lord of Mangya only gave him 10 billion cubic meters of Chaos Spiritual Liquid. These natal magic weapons alone were spent until there was not much Chaos Spiritual Liquid left.

"Fortunately, after I broke through the final three steps, my strength became stronger. I must have obtained many opportunities." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

If we talk about the quality of Yuanli, one drop of Yuanli is 18 times as much as the normal Sanpaojun. There are more than 1000 drops of Yuanli, which is equivalent to the combined divine power, magic power, and mental power of tens of thousands of Sanpaipaojun.

Even Wei Wen cannot fully gather resources of this level in the short term.

Fortunately, the Yuan Power does not have to be condensed to the limit, and Wei Wen still has a few hundred million Chaos Spirit Liquid left, so he can temporarily gather some Yuan Power for emergencies.

It is a hundred times that of Sipiaojun. The expansion of the world of the heart requires more than magic and divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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