Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 293 The Surprised Original Ancestor

Chapter 293 The Surprised Original Ancestor

"These secret pattern maps are, at the very least, the most detailed analytical map of a life that has achieved perfect genes." Wei Wen explained simply.

"It's unbelievable that perfect genes can be explained in such detail." The Lord of Chaos City looked amazed.

"And before you, no one could have imagined that there is really a life that can break the perfect gene and transcend the level of perfect genes."

"It's a pity that it obviously feels very difficult. Based on my understanding, I feel like there is no hope of embarking on this path."

"The greater the benefits, the higher the difficulty will naturally be." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"For example, if you complete the cultivation of these life gene levels, the height of the divine body can increase by 10 times, and the total amount of divine power will be a thousand times!"

"It's amazing. If your divine body directly reaches an altitude of 1 million kilometers, wouldn't it be higher than this picture? It's a pity that this kind of route is not suitable for ordinary people!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled helplessly.

"I think the strong ones in the human race can only follow the so-called path of law. At least no one in the entire universe sea and the original universe can take the path of divine power."

"What does the inheritance you received say about the path of law?"

It's a pity that due to the supreme rules of the Origin Continent and the original will, he is still unable to sense when swallowing the stars, let alone spread.

The so-called breaking through reincarnation...even the original ancestor back then still felt afraid of it.

Their practice experience and insights are too sparse, and there is no big data at all, so it is naturally impossible to carry out systematic research and analysis.

When Wei Wen first joined the Virtual Universe Company, he almost always did it without breaking out. A hit would be amazing.

Besides, at Wei Wen's current level, even if he majors in the way of time and space, he himself has the ability to teach the Lords and True Gods of the universe!
After all, the true gods in the cosmic sea can only touch the elephant blindly and cross the river blindly. Even if they can break through, the process of each breakthrough is muddled.

However, no one knows as much as Wei Wen about the realm below the True God of the Void.

Wei Wen, on the other hand, needs state and understanding, and he must have inheritance and inheritance.

"Everything is in your heart?" The voice of the founder of the giant ax sounded, "Wei Wen, do you know how to get through reincarnation?"

"Well... after a brief study, everything beyond reincarnation is clear." Wei Wen smiled lightly.

Now that Wei Wen dares to say it so confidently... it will definitely happen!

"I really don't know what level you have reached now." The Lord of Chaos City laughed dumbly.

Although Wei Wen is not good at axes, the founder of the giant ax also knows that Wei Wen's realm has already surpassed that of a true god, so it is no problem to give him guidance.

Even if the level of the Void True God should continue to progress, etc., Wei Wen relies on the advantage of Snow Eagle Lord World to see the information above the True God, and he also knows it very clearly.

After all, the number and quality of the true god powerhouses in the Origin Continent far exceed those of the Cosmic Sea and the Original Universe, and their analysis of the basic realm has reached perfection.

For the founder of the giant axe, he was completely unsure.

Wei Wen's growth rate is so fast that he surpassed most true gods tens of thousands of years ago!
Wei Wen's growth rate will continue to grow faster and faster. The Chaos City Lord cannot even imagine where he has reached now.

With the inheritance of Wu Zhi Shen Wang, he has a deep understanding of the breakthrough in the realm of immortality, universe venerable, universe master, and the strongest person in the universe.

"Breaking through reincarnation... It's easy to say it's easy, but it's difficult to say it's difficult. To put it simply, as long as you can surpass the true god, you can break through reincarnation." Wei Wen explained simply.

"If you try to enter the realm of a true god, it will be almost impossible to succeed. From the birth of the Cosmic Sea to the present, there are only two holy land universes. You can know that the chance is zero."

"It's a pity that the inheritance I received will also be affected by the will of the original universe... I can't tell you about the information after reincarnation." "If you go further, your realm must surpass the true god, or successfully pass through reincarnation. Will be affected by the will of the original universe."

"Original will..." The founder of the giant ax and the Lord of Chaos City looked at each other, and finally shook their heads helplessly.

They have had a lot of contact with the original ancestors and know very well what happened back then.

Even the original ancestors can't compete with the original will at all, let alone them.

"Original Will?!" The figure of the original ancestor appeared and listened quietly.

The original ancestor's current state has actually surpassed the true god, but precisely because he knows more, he feels that Wei Wen is unfathomable.

"The original will is indeed very powerful, but it is not worth mentioning to me now, and the original will only acts in accordance with the supreme rules." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

"Faced with the supreme rules, I have nothing to do. It may take some time before I can rescue Teacher You."

If it was the original ancestor suppressed by the original will, Wei Wen could easily rescue the original ancestor without the intervention of the supreme rules.

But if the Supreme Rules intervene, he can only make up for the damage done to the original will by the original ancestor with enough 'credit' like the original work.

However, after reaching the current state, Wei Wen felt that the issue of world beasts should be put on the agenda.

Because studying the power of world beasts must be of some help to his life gene level exceeding 9 times, or even reaching 10 times, as well as studying the chaos restriction.

"It doesn't matter. It's great to have hope of getting out. I didn't have any way to get out before." The original ancestor looked surprised.

For a strong man like the original ancestor, it would be more painful to have his path to seek the truth cut off than to die.

Now that he has hope of coming out, he is very happy.

And he was also very excited about Wei Wen's growth, with an expression that showed that the old man had indeed seen the right person.

"Of course it would be best if the original ancestor could come out. How else can he break into reincarnation." The sound of the giant ax sounded.

"As long as you surpass the True God, you can survive reincarnation. The True God is also the so-called strongest person in the universe!" Wei Wen explained simply.

"And the teacher was wrong at first. There is no conspiracy to create reincarnation, but to enter a new world!"

"A new world?" The original ancestor was puzzled.

"There are more powerful people in this so-called new world. There are countless powerful people who surpass the True God, and there are also powerful people who are several realms stronger than the True God." Wei Wen continued.

"Whether it's reincarnation or a new world, it doesn't make sense to me at the moment. Let me first talk about how the Lord of the Universe can break through to the True God?" The original ancestor shook his head slightly.

Although there is the unfathomable Wei Wen in front of him, Wei Wen will reincarnate sooner or later, and by then he will probably not be able to appear outside the Holy Land universe.

In this case, if the number of strong people in the human race increases, the status will naturally become more stable.

"The strongest person in the universe is a big threshold, but because there are so many strong people who have broken through this realm, there are naturally systematic ways to break through." Wei Wen continued.

"Under normal circumstances, after this era of reincarnation ends, our human race will probably only have a few of the strongest people in the universe."

"But if we have the guidance of inherited experience, I'm afraid it will be more than ten times higher. It is possible for hundreds of the strongest people in the universe."

(End of this chapter)

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