Chapter 294 Preaching
"Hundreds of true gods?" Chaos City Lord and others' eyes widened and they took a breath of cold air.

"Not to mention true gods, there are only about a dozen masters of the universe today."

"Doesn't this mean that in the future, the master of the universe of my human race will be able to break through and become a true god?"

"Almost, but not quite." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

"Although with Wu's inheritance, it is still a big threshold for the Lord of the Universe to break through to the True God. To break through, you still need enough potential."

"But when the human race can form a training system from immortality to true god in the future, it will definitely make more powerful masters of the universe and true gods."

"For example, there are thousands of cosmic sages in the human race now. Indeed, many of these cosmic sages can break through the Lord of the Universe."

"Under a complete training system, the human race can probably give birth to hundreds of thousands of universe sages and thousands of universe masters!"

"But this kind of training method only makes some strong people who have reached the bottleneck go further. After the potential is exhausted, it is difficult to make much improvement."

"So these thousands of universe masters and hundreds of true gods, in terms of average talent, are far less than the current masters of the universe and true gods of our human race."

"For example, the old beast god of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, he created it by combining the laws of the eight beast gods."

"Although everyone must take a different path from the Lord of the Universe to the True God, they can be roughly divided into two categories!"

"Wei Wen, why don't you give me some advice first."

In fact, when the masters of the universe learned that Wei Wen had been inherited by the 'ancient civilization', they had long been looking forward to it.

"And now that you have the guidance of ancient civilizations, you naturally have the best chance of becoming a true god."

"But after everyone listened to my advice and obtained the inheritance information below the Void True God level, everyone probably knows it well."

"To put it simply, one is the divine power route, which is extremely difficult, and the other is the law route, which is based on the law!"

Now I heard that Wei Wen is very likely to let them break through from the Lord of the Universe to the True God... This is already related to their future.

The Lord of Chaos City had an idea and sent a message to everyone, the Lord of the Universe.

"How sure am I of breaking through to the True God?" The figures of the Lords of the Universe appeared one after another, and everyone couldn't wait.

"But I can't guarantee who will break through in the end and when."

"It's already unbelievable." The founder of Giant Ax said with emotion, "The number of strong men at this level was unimaginable before."

"Then I'll notify the other strong men to come and see if you can give them some pointers. Not to mention breaking through to the True God, you can make them improve."

It should be noted that among the powerful people accumulated in the three reincarnation eras, how many lords of the universe and true gods are there in total?
For example, after the first reincarnation era and the second reincarnation era, there are only more than 50 true gods in total, which may not be as many as the powerful true gods of the human race in the future.

"You can be said to be the most talented people in the human race. Without the guidance of inheritance, you can reach this step. Your potential is already very high." Wei Wen nodded.

"At least today's cosmic sea and the true gods of the original universe have all made breakthroughs in terms of laws."

After hearing Wei Wen's narrative, the Lord of Chaos City and the founder of Giant Ax were all shocked.

"Almost other true gods also focus on time and space... For example, my senior brother Chaos City Master made a breakthrough in the fusion of time and space, but the direction is different."

"As for the breakthrough in laws, its essence is that the realm of law perception surpasses the 10 original laws of the original universe."

"As for the realm above, the ultimate goal is to assemble and integrate the ten more advanced laws of origin into the 'origin of chaos'." Wei Wen's words made all the powerful people present look shocked, even The original ancestors were all shocked.

"The law of the origin of chaos?!" The original ancestor's eyes shined with unprecedented light.

In fact, the original ancestor is not ignorant about the laws of the origin of chaos, because he created his own secret method of the virtual universe, and his understanding of the 10 origins is far better than other powerful people.

"Because the ten original laws are all evolved from the origin of chaos, the ultimate goal is naturally to understand the origin of chaos." Wei Wen continued.

"It's just that it's difficult to understand the ultimate source of chaos. That level of strength far exceeds several realms of true gods."

"So the final reverse evolution of the 10 origins to the origin of chaos is extremely difficult, and the mysteries, experiences, and skills involved are unfathomable to the Lord of the Universe."

"However, it can be seen from this point that the future state of the Lord of the Universe is actually to break the shackles of the 10 origins and realize the origin of chaos."

"As for how to break through..."

Through inheritance, Wei Wen already knows the limit from immortality to the realm of true god.

In addition, his current state of mind is no less than that of the Lord of Chaos. In the following time, he will analyze the law from a high position...

The many universe lords present, even the true god-level Chaos City Lords and Giant Axe, all listened very carefully.

The original ancestor looked at Wei Wen with a look of relief. Wei Wen was indeed the hope for the rise of the human race.

"Haha..." The original ancestor looked happy, "I also preached to the human race a long time ago, and it was the same scene at that time."

"I once made the human race reach its peak, and brought about the first major turning point in the fate of the race."

"And Wei Wen carries with him the wisdom and experience inherited from ancient civilizations, which is enough to bring about another major turning point for the human race!"

"And this transformation is likely to be more exaggerated than the last transformation."

"If we don't talk about anything else, just talking about Wei Wen's realm, it feels like it is no less than a being who has mastered the origin of chaos."

Not to mention anything else, after Wei Wen transcended reincarnation, the holy universe he created was enough to make the human race immortal.

In addition to him, teaching the rules and routes to the strong ones of the human race will gradually change internally.

First of all, the number of sages of the universe will skyrocket, and the number of masters of the universe and true gods will also increase. Eventually, the quantitative change may lead to a qualitative change.

When the era of reincarnation in the original universe comes to an end, the human race will definitely become the undisputed number one force in the entire universe, stronger than those two holy places!
The original ancestor looked at all this with surprise. Although he did not know whether he could really escape the suppression, he could already see the future of the human race.

Time flew by, and Wei Wen continued to explain the rules and routes. He first gave a brief summary from a high-level perspective, and then began to explain in detail the guiding theory of the general direction.

After that, he also took out those inheritance memory stones and made public all the inheritance of the true god realm.

Finally, he explains in detail the theory and many difficulties of each realm, as well as how to break through and other difficulties...

They are all the masters of the universe, and their ability to accept is naturally extraordinary. Wei Wen's story was over in about three months.

All that remains is for them to absorb the inheritance of the Memory Stone and choose the breakthrough method that suits them best.

(End of this chapter)

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