Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 297 Touching the Extremes of Time and Space

Chapter 297 Touching the Extremes of Time and Space

In the endless waters, a figure with a body of 1 million kilometers appeared, riding the wind and waves easily in the waters of thousands of waves.

"This is the Lord of the Universe?!"

"Why is his divine body so big?"

"Why is he flying so fast in the waters of Ten Thousand Waves?" Star Lord Haolei, Ancestral God Qiuyan, and King Zhenjia looked surprised and confused.

"We're almost there." Wei Wen was very close to the edge of the dark land, but he discovered some unexpected things, "I didn't expect to meet these three traitors."

Although Wei Wen had never met these three people, he had checked the information of these three people in the virtual universe and recognized these three cosmic sea traitors at a glance.

"But the master of the universe of the human race in the original universe?"

Although King Zhenjia and other powerful men were a little shocked and confused, they still flew out of the Peak Treasure Palace ship and sent vibration messages towards Wei Wen in the distance.

"I am King Zhenjia, they are the Ancestral God of Qiuyan and the Lord of Haolei Star. We are here to make a living."


"With the strength of my will, perhaps the soul of the world beast can be wiped out by the impact of will alone." Wei Wen briefly analyzed.

Ancestral God Qiuyan and Star Master Haolei just roared in pain, and their divine bodies crashed onto the most powerful flying palace treasure.

However, Wei Wen felt that if there was a being with a stronger will that used the technique of enslavement control on him again, the stigma of slavery might theoretically be removed.

But Wei Wen just wanted to try to see if he could trace Morosa through the enslavement mark and cause and effect.

Of course, that's just a theory. In fact, it seems impossible to do it. At least there is no relevant record in the inheritance of the God King of Wu.

Wei Wen was acting very strangely. He might have some secret. If they could kill Wei Wen, they might have a good chance.

And when the ultimate way reaches the third step, it can already kill the enemy through cause and effect. This is the ability of the strong after reaching a certain level.


A ray of Universe Lord-level divine power emitted from Wei Wen's fingers and quickly condensed a secret pattern in front of him.

For example, after the Lord of the Universe breaks through to the True God, he can "follow his words" to a certain extent.

The impact of the will, which was so terrifying that it was almost at the level of a god-king, was like a majestic mountain of gods, fiercely bombarding the souls and divine bodies of their three true gods.

The Ancestral God Qiuyan and the Star Master Haolei disappeared inexplicably. This made King Zhenjia look confused and had no idea what happened.

King Zhenjia was transmitting messages to Wei Wen, and at the same time they were secretly transmitting messages to each other.

After all, Wei Wen is just the Lord of the Universe no matter what. As true gods, they think they can destroy the Lord of the Universe with just a wave of their hands, so there is no need to use their brains to make calculations.

"I can try to see if I can explore the existence of the world beast through King Zhenjia."


A majestic impact of will came instantly around Wei Wen, covering the three powerful true gods.

Soon the three true gods had agreed to trick Wei Wen first, and then swarm forward and chop Wei Wen to death.

Wei Wen also somewhat understood the theory of cause and effect.

Once a strong person becomes the soul slave of another strong person, it is almost impossible to be enslaved by another strong person again.

The middle of the secret pattern diagram is composed of countless complex secret patterns. After it was completely formed, Wei Wen moved his mind, and the secret pattern diagram turned into a stream of light and flew into King Zhenjia's body.

Although King Zhenjia wanted to give feedback, his will was completely vulnerable to Wei Wen's.

His feedback was meaningless, and he had no choice but to let the secret pattern of enslavement invade his soul in the heart of the True God. "The secret method of soul enslavement of the Wu lineage is considered to be at the top level in the Origin Continent." Wei Wen smiled lightly and said, "I wonder if it can be successful?"

Wei Wen didn't care whether he succeeded or not. If it didn't work, he could just break into the beast's lair and catch the beast.

Wei Wen's divine power uses the will contained in the secret method of enslavement and relies on the induction in the dark to sense the world beasts in the soul slavery brand.

But when Wei Wen's secret method of slavery arrived, something happened to the mark of slavery.


A roar resounded deep in the soul of King Zhenjia, and sounded out of thin air around the Heart of the True God.

After this silent roar sounded, streams of black air began to emerge from the slave mark.

One after another, invisible soul shocks erupted instantly, passing along the connection between Wei Wen's secret method of enslavement and Wei Wen's soul.


In the end, those black airflows quickly condensed into a black two-headed monster.

This weird monster has two heads, but only one pair of hands, one pair of feet, one pair of eyes, but it also has a human-like nose, mouth, etc.

"World beast?!" Wei Wen smiled disdainfully, "I haven't found you yet, but I didn't expect you to want to find me."

"These three wastes are really useless, and they actually need me, Morosa, to take action personally." The world beast Morosa said angrily.

"And these are my slaves. You want to enslave them. You are provoking me... Just go to hell!"

The power of the world beast transformed from devouring the true god heart of King Zhenjia instantly became violent, directly overwhelming Wei Wen's divine power in an instant.

At the same time, the power of those world beasts also followed Wei Wen's secret pattern and wanted to directly attack Wei Wen's body through divine power.

"Chi chi chi~~~"

Part of Wei Wen's divine power instantly felt an extremely evil force passing by.

It contains the destructive power of terrifying world beasts, which surprised Wei Wendu.

Perhaps the power of this world beast is far inferior to Wei Wen's current level, but in terms of quality, it is far stronger than the Lord of the Universe divine power.

Moreover, the artistic conception of destruction contained in it was so profound that even Wei Wen felt inspired.

"This world beast may be far from my opponent, but if the world beast destroys its original quality, it can still be close to the strongest level." Wei Wen felt a little incredible.

You must know that world beasts can hardly practice, nor can they understand any secret techniques. They can grow to the god king level with just Tuntuntun.

He thought that special beings like world beasts could break through directly without comprehending the divine king-level Tao. Now it seems that the reason is that the source of destruction of world beasts is very powerful.

As long as it reaches a certain level, it is no less than the first level of enlightenment of the God of the Universe and the God King.

Facing the destructive power of the realm beast in front of him, Wei Wen also made progress towards the extremes of time and space.

The so-called extreme point of time and space, to put it bluntly, is the origin of time and space, and it can also be regarded as the annihilation of all ways except time and space.

And the essence of the power of the world beast can be regarded as annihilating everything, so it is normal for Wei Wen to be touched by the way of the extreme of time and space.

Wei Wen did not annihilate the power of the world beasts, but instead began to protect the poor power of the world beasts.

After all, this little bit of power from the world beast had a big impact on his understanding of the extremes of time and space, and it was too late for him to protect him.

"The will of the world beast in front of me is just a true god that has swallowed a law path. The power of the world beast transformed is too little. Do you want to fatten it up?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

(End of this chapter)

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