Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 298 Fattening Morosa Level 3

Chapter 298 Fattening Morosa Level

The height of the true god of the normal law route is only one thousandth of the current Venerable Wei Wen, and the amount of divine power is only one billionth!

With so much divine power, the power of world beasts that can be transformed into it is pitifully small. It is better to raise it, which will be more conducive to his progress in the ultimate way of time and space.

Then Wei Wen moved his mind and controlled a clone of Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons to continuously input divine power in vain.

The world beast Morosa in front of him is only the second level, and the source of destruction in it is still a bit too weak, far from being the strongest level of the fourth level.

Wei Wen planned to fatten Morosa and let him devour other realm beasts and eventually become the king of realm beasts.

By then, the source of destruction in him will surely soar to the God King level. Even if it cannot reach it, it will probably be at least the strongest level of the fourth step.

This level of destruction source will definitely be of great help to Wei Wen in understanding the extremes of time and space.

"Such a quality of divine power is extremely close to the power of a world beast. It's so, so, so delicious." The blood-colored eyes of Morosa, a world beast, were full of blazing madness at this moment.

He stared at Wei Wen's Tao Wu Eighteen Gods and Demons clone in the distance, his tail swung wildly, obviously in a state of extreme excitement.

"Hua Hua Hua~~"

"I can completely feel how delicious this level of divine power is. Just the feeling makes me excited..." Morosa's eyes were blazing.

"With so much divine power in front of me, if I can devour it, I will definitely be able to enter the third-level world beast realm earlier than Bedi."

But at this moment, just sensing the aura of divine power emanating from Wei Wen in front of him also made it difficult for Morosa to control himself. This was definitely a wonderful enjoyment that was no less than devouring other world beasts.

"The resources nurtured within the nest are not as abundant as they are right now!"

The world beast Morosa thought for a moment and felt that the divine power in front of him was not in vain. Even if there was some conspiracy, it would be easier to deal with it after he broke through to the third level.

"No matter, as long as the divine power is swallowed, it can be directly transformed into the power of the world beast. It will be more difficult for him to plot against me at the third level." Morosa decided... to open the banquet.

Although the world beast Morosa felt something was wrong, he still opened his mouth and fiercely sucked in the divine power.

As long as he completely transforms his divine power through the destruction of the realm beast's origin, he feels that he can become a third-level realm beast instantly!

The world beast Morosa howled crazily in his heart, but his wisdom temporarily held back everything.

The world beast Morosa thought for a while and felt that the small space master in front of him should be a soft persimmon, so he decided... to start devouring it.

The world beast Morosa was extremely excited. He had swallowed other world beasts before, and it could be said that it was an absolute pleasure.

Suddenly a large amount of divine power poured into his mouth crazily, and for a moment the surrounding area seemed to turn into a huge black hole.

Realm Beast Morosa was very satisfied with the situation in front of him. After all, it might be more difficult to swallow dozens of second-level realm beasts than it would be for him to directly break through to the third level.

"call out!"

But now that he has devoured Wei Wen's vast amount of divine power, he feels that his power as a world beast is very sufficient.

"Is the Lord of the Universe in front of me stupid? Why did he do this?" Morosa, the world beast, looked confused. "Is there any conspiracy?"

The vast amount of divine power from the eighteen gods and demons of Wei Wen and Tao Wu continued to pour in, and Morosa had to swallow it for about a day before finally swallowing it all.


"It's so comfortable. Although the feeling of swallowing divine power is not as good as swallowing other realm beasts, at least the power I swallowed is a lot. It is estimated to be comparable to the power of hundreds of second-level realm beasts."


At the edge of the endless darkness, there were streaks of black mist.

A long time ago, there had never been such an exaggerated black mist in the dark land.

But as time goes by, the aura of the power of the world beasts emanating from the dark place becomes more terrifying and intense. "Hua Hua Hua~~"

The previously black skin of the realm beast Morosa had black blood flowing out, and at a glance there were dozens of wounds.

The head in front of Morosa suddenly opened its mouth, and its tongue instantly stretched out, turning into a huge stream of light that swept across his body.

Relying on the power of swallowing the transformed world beast, Morosa quickly licked every wound, sucking up all the blood flowing out of the wound.

With Wei Wen's 'assistance', the wounds on the world beast Morosa quickly recovered.

"Bedi..." The corners of Morosa's lips raised slightly.

"Although I was defeated by you before, you just took advantage of being pregnant earlier than me, and you are now stronger than me!"

"But now I unexpectedly got the opportunity. I will evolve to the third level faster than you!"

"When I break through to the third level, the other realm beasts are only at the second level and are no match for me at all. I can continue to eat other realm beasts."

"One step at a time, one step at a time, I will become stronger."

"When I succeed in breaking through, I will be the first to eat you, and then all the other realm beasts. Then I will be the last king."

Time flies, the world beast Morosa swallows the divine power of Wei Wen's clone, and the transformation is quickly completed. He has also evolved to the third-level world beast realm!
Suddenly - a message was transmitted to all the realm beasts in the entire realm beast lair.

Realm beasts are naturally able to sense each other, and they can send messages no matter how far apart they are, and this message is also received by all the realm beasts.

"Morosa submitted and broke through to the third level, and his strength has been amazingly improved!"

You know, even the most powerful realm beast in the current dark land has only reached the second level of top level.

If Morosa really reaches the third level, it will be a nightmare for other realm beasts.

Morosa took one step forward and started teleporting over a long distance, wandering around here.

"Except for my breakthrough to the third level, the strongest realm beast is now Bedi. Mo He and dozens of other realm beasts are all top level two beasts. Currently, there is not even a third level beast..."

Morosa, the world beast, glanced at his paws. In his paws, he was holding Bedi, who had severely injured him before.

The densely packed tens of millions of world beasts soon became unprecedentedly quiet.

Immediately afterwards, they all discovered that Bedi, who could be clearly sensed in their minds before, now suddenly disappeared.

In fact, over the endless years, many realm beasts have disappeared in the dark land. In most cases, no other realm beasts will care at all.

Although there is destined to be only one king left among the billions of realm beasts, most of the realm beasts are currently at the same level, and there is no huge gap at all.

But this time is different. Bedi is a second-level top realm beast, and all the realm beasts know it.

Now Bedi was killed and devoured by Morosa, and the news Bedi delivered before his death shocked all the world beasts!




For a time, in the entire dark land, tens of millions of world beasts roared crazily, and the roars carried endless rage and madness.

The realm beast Morosa inexplicably broke through to the third level, and then killed Bedi. Countless realm beasts in the entire dark land were shocked and frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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