Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 299 Tuntuntun’s Morosa, besieged and killed

Chapter 299 Tuntuntun’s Morosa, besieged and killed
"We can't escape in the dark land even if we want to. Morosa is the only third level. What we have to do now is to kill him!"

"But Morosa's strength is terrifying. It can make Bedi, the top second-level beast, unable to resist. He is probably even stronger than the average third-level world beast!"

"What are you afraid of? As long as a large number of our second-level realm beasts surround us...with enough realm beasts, he will definitely die even if his strength reaches the third level!"

Countless realm beasts transmit messages and communicate with each other. Most of the realm beasts have unified their goals and are preparing to gather together to surround and kill the only third-order realm beast, Morosa.

After all, Morosa is now the strongest realm beast. If he continues to devour it like this, the gap between them will be even greater.

The ferocious world beasts roared crazily and rushed from their respective positions towards the place where Bedi fell.

In particular, some realm beasts that were very close to that area rushed to it one after another.

From conception to growth, the evolution of a world beast requires constant devouring of energy. It is roughly divided into levels one to six, and the final king of world beasts.

World beasts have different abilities at each level, and they naturally become more powerful after each level of evolution.

For example, when Morosa entered the second level, he gained an additional magical power, which was the method of burning blood.

He can burn the blood in his body into blood light, causing his strength to skyrocket. This is a common fighting method used by world beasts.

Once the secret technique of 'destruction' is used, it should be easy to destroy a true god's small universe.

However, this ultimate move only contains part of the origin of destruction. Only the ultimate realm beast king contains the complete origin of destruction.

Once the secret method is used, a colorful light channel will be formed, which can be teleported away and pursued instantly.

If the realm beast can step into the fifth level, it will have initially mastered the 'origin of destruction', and the secret technique it has transformed into is called 'destruction'.

There is only one deity among thousands of clones, and this deity has the strongest combat power!

But as a second-level top player, Bedi, even with this secret method, is still no match for third-level Morosa.

Moreover, one's own strength will be strengthened, while enemies within the domain will be suppressed.

The realm of light is similar to the treasure of the realm. The realm beasts in the realm of realm have greater control over the realm.

Therefore, when a second-level realm beast faces a third-level realm beast alone, it will definitely die!
Once a realm beast reaches the fourth level, the world and origin within the body become more powerful.

The subsequent sixth-order realm beasts are only slightly stronger than the fifth-order realm beasts in terms of strength.

The so-called blood-burning method only consumes blood and does not harm the origin of the world beast. It is somewhat similar to the mysterious burning technique of divine power.

According to Jin Zhishi's introduction, if you want to destroy the True God's small universe, you need at least the ultimate combat power of the True God of the Void.

However, the world beast possesses a much larger amount of energy, so the 'Destruction' move can be used an extremely large number of times.

There is no need to burn the boundary light inside the body to escape outside the body and affect the outside world. The area where the boundary light spreads is the boundary light field!

First, because the divine power devoured by Morosa is enough to allow several second-level peaks to evolve into the third realm, Morosa is no longer an ordinary third-level beast.

But even so, it is still a big burst of killing moves, so there will be a super jump from the fourth to the fifth level of the burst.

Secondly, after he entered the third level, he also had a new method 'Boundary Light Channel'.

But what's really scary is the new talent 'Tens of Clone'. Sixth-level realm beasts can easily create tens of millions of realm beast clones.

Although the other clones are very weak...even if he kills one clone, it will not have much impact on the main body.

And those clones are not for fighting, but for extra chances to save their lives.

As long as one of the clones of the sixth-level world beast survives, both the main body and the clone will quickly absorb energy to restore their strength and return to the sixth level again. It can be said that once a realm beast becomes the sixth level realm beast first, he is almost destined to be the final king.

After all, with the ability of 'tens of millions of clones', the sixth-level world beast is absolutely invincible.

And once you become the true king of realm beasts, the world inside your body will give birth to countless powerful realm beast warriors, any one of which is more terrifying than a sixth-order realm beast!
This is the world beast, representing the existence of 'destruction', the most terrifying enemy of the cosmic sea!

However, Wei Wen plans to cultivate a world beast king. By studying the world beast king, he can help him reach 10 times of divine power and study the way to the extremes of time and space.

In the original work, the reason why Luo Feng was able to enslave the world beasts was because his genetic level reached 100,000 times, and his divine body gained the special ability 'Invisible and Formless'!
And with the formlessness, he can even use the power of the beast from the realm to finally enslave Morosa successfully.

So the key depends on divine power. At least Wei Wen has not reached 10 times the gene, and it is impossible to enslave the world beasts.

In this case, if he wants to forcefully enslave, the divine power will only cancel out the power of the world beast, and no matter how brilliant the enslavement secret technique is, it will be useless.

Because the virtual divine power has not yet entered the body of the world beast, it is offset, or even directly swallowed by the world beast.


Morosa on the other side felt a little funny in his heart when he sensed the movements of the beasts around him.

You must know that Morosa has reached the third level after devouring endless divine power last time, and it is not an ordinary third level.

"Although these realm beasts do the most stupid things, they are a good thing for me!" The corners of the realm beast Morosa's mouth raised slightly.

The figure of the realm beast Morosa instantly appeared in front of a second-level realm beast, and then a dazzling power of the realm beast suddenly appeared in the endless dark void.

Although Morosa's explosive power of world beasts is not much, it is majestic, like a beacon of endless darkness, trying to illuminate the entire dark place.

The moment the power of the realm beast lit up, the surrounding space also condensed.


The second-level realm beast was extremely horrified when he saw the terrifying scene in front of him.

A total of ninety-nine secret patterns with black edges and golden bones appeared all over his body.

Then there was an even louder sound from his body, which split into ninety-nine streams of light, trying to separate and quickly escape in all directions.

But Morosa just moved his mind, and the third-level secret technique exploded. With the help of the extraordinary secret technique, he easily caught the second-order world beast in front of him.

If he couldn't even catch the ordinary second level, how could he kill Bedi before?
"How can this be?"

Under the unbelievable expression of the second-level realm beast, many clones that could have exploded at speeds exceeding the limit of the cosmic sea were swallowed up by Morosa one by one.


"In the end what happened?"

"Morosa is there, could it be that he has already reached the fourth level?"


"Although his life strength is high, it is not much higher than that of the second-level peak. If he reaches the fourth level, he cannot be so weak."

For a time, countless world beasts communicated with each other in the dark land, and the noisy communication sounds resounded in the hearts of countless world beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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