Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 300 Morosa’s Ambition

Chapter 300 Morosa’s Ambition
At this time, every realm beast knew very well that this Morosa was now extremely powerful, and he was probably no longer an ordinary third-level realm beast.

Maybe it's not the top level three, but no level two world beast can beat Morosa, and it seems like it can't escape.

If Morosa is allowed to hunt in the dark land, he will definitely reach the fourth level faster than other realm beasts. After all, one step is faster and the other is faster.

Therefore, even though many second-level realm beasts knew that they were no match for Morosa, they came without hesitation.

Morosa noticed that black lights began to flash around him, and black and extremely ugly world beasts appeared one after another in the void around him, surrounding him.

Dozens of second-level realm beasts stared at Morosa closely, and although their eyes were full of madness, none of the realm beasts took the lead in taking action against him.

"Is he Morosa?"

"Although the aura seems to be very vast, it doesn't look like it's level four."

"We have gathered dozens of second-level realm beasts, and other realm beasts will arrive after a while."

"No matter how powerful Morosa is, he probably won't have any chance to escape!"

Although there are dozens of realm beasts in front of them, the weakest of which are second-level realm beasts, and many are even top-notch second-level beasts, they will not act rashly.

If before Morosa entered the third level, he would naturally not dare to face these dozens of world beasts alone.

Now hundreds of world beasts join forces to attack, and the power of the explosion is naturally very powerful.

Morosa was very confident, so he slowly waited for the beasts to gather.

I saw all the world beasts suddenly opening their mouths. Although they did not make any sound, invisible attacks appeared in Morosa's mind.

"After devouring that strange divine power, not only did I fully recover, but I also grew to the third level!" Morosa thought to himself.

But now that he has successfully entered the third level, his strength has increased more than ten times?
Now, whether it is his explosive ability or his life-saving ability, he has made a huge leap forward.

For example, although the founder of the giant ax in the original work is strong, he is killed by a world beast with one move because he does not have the most powerful soul-like treasure.

Soon the number of second-level realm beasts reached hundreds, and at this moment, each of them was already a little eager to try.

But Morosa, standing in the void, looked at the many world beasts around him without the slightest worry.

So Morosa can take the lead in breaking through the third level, which is obviously unusual.

"Now it seems that these world beasts are panicking, but this is good, and it will save me the trouble of searching for them one by one in the future!"

Although their purposes are different, the processes are not completely different.

However, when the world beasts were first born, their strength was almost the same. It was not easy to continue to fight and devour them until they reached the second level.

Generally speaking, after the birth of a realm beast, it takes about thirty-three first-order realm beasts to have the energy to give birth to a second-order realm beast.

These dozens of world beasts exude powerful coercion, and at the same time, they are also communicating in a unique way between world beasts.

Realm beasts are naturally good at soul attacks, which is why if you want to fight against realm beasts, you must have the most powerful soul-type treasure.

Dozens of realm beasts around him did not dare to fight easily with Morosa, and were also silently waiting for the realm beasts to gather.

"It's ridiculous for a bunch of people to think that they can kill me if they join forces!"

Facing the soul attacks of many world beasts, Morosa just felt like a breeze blowing on his face.

"Although there are many soul attacks, they cannot be combined, so there is nothing we can do to him!" For a while, many world beasts around gave up the idea of ​​soul attacks. Then the dozens of realm beasts around them did not hesitate, and they all unleashed their power of realm beasts extremely crazily, displaying their strongest natural attacks.

The body surface of each realm beast was all burning with the power of realm beasts. It was obvious that most of them had used the 'Blood Burning Technique', and all of them turned into streams of light and bombarded in the direction of Morosa.

"One attack from hundreds of realm beasts could be as powerful as a fourth-level realm beast's attack!"

For a moment, endless dazzling black light shrouded Morosa, covering the sky and the earth, but Morosa was not afraid at all.

Although it generally takes the combined power of thirty-three realm beasts to give birth to a higher level realm beast.

But the strength of the realm beasts of the same level is not exactly the same. Although there is no specific division, it can be roughly divided into two levels, the second level is ordinary and the top level.

If they really join forces to fight, six second-level top realm beasts can probably rival third-level beasts.

Even if the realm beasts in front of them are ordinary realm beasts, there are hundreds of them, which is enough to rival ordinary fourth-level beasts.

Of course, the power of the realm beasts cannot be perfectly combined. After all, the realm beasts themselves cannot be completely united. This is why Morosa is not afraid.

With every thought, Morosa's figure stepped out.

Morosa's body suddenly lit up with an extremely complicated light, and a more perfect secret pattern was outlined in the void.

"Let's all die!"

Morosa looked into the void ahead from a distance. Through the mutual perception between the realm beasts, he easily sensed the position of each realm beast.

Then, relying on the innate abilities of the third-level realm beasts and his own talent, he turned into the power of the realm beasts that filled the sky and instantly bombarded the realm beasts.

"Ah!" The power of the realm beast was like a steel needle being inserted into tofu, and dozens of ordinary second-level realm beasts around them instantly roared in pain.

If it is said that it was not easy for Morosa to kill the top second-level Bedi before, it required a lot of effort.

But there is a huge gap between the second-order realm beasts and the third-order realm beasts, and Morosa can ravage the second-order realm beasts at will.

Although there is no clear correspondence between world beasts and practitioners, there are certain rules in the comparison of strength.

If the second-order realm beast is the first-order True God of the Void, then the second-order top realm beast is similar to the second-order True God of the Void, and the third-order realm beast is the third-order True God of the Void.

If a practitioner has a three-level gap, then he has no resistance and can kill instantly with one blow.

The gap between the two levels, although it is not an instant kill, can be easily ravaged.

Feeling the power of Morosa, the hearts of ordinary second-level beasts were filled with endless fear.

Especially the realm beast in front of Morosa was crushed to pieces by Morosa in an instant, and even the most important 'realm' in his body was directly destroyed.

With a thought, Morosa directly swallowed the ordinary second-level world beast in front of him into the world inside his body, waiting for it to be slowly devoured and transformed.

Peng! ! !
At this moment, the bombardment of hundreds of realm beasts caused Morosa to be thrown back in shock.

"Hundreds of world beasts work together. Although many of them fail to hit me, they are still enough to crush me, but they cannot kill me." Morosa's eyes narrowed.

Although the reasonable sum of the power of hundreds of world beasts is higher than that of Morosa, the level they can attack is only the second level after all, and they have a natural disadvantage when facing the third level.

But after all, there are hundreds of realm beasts, which are still enough to crush Morosa.

(End of this chapter)

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