Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 303: Playing with world beasts, the hope of the whole family of world beasts

Chapter 303: Playing with world beasts, the hope of the whole family of world beasts
In the constant communication between the world beasts, they already knew the current situation.

But after actually seeing the miserable state of the second-level top realm beasts, all the realm beasts were still in disbelief.

"There are wolves in front of us and tigers in the back. What should we do?" The faces of all the world beasts were extremely ugly.

The fourth-level realm beast Morosa was chasing them behind, and Wei Wen was blocking the road in front, not intending to let them leave the realm beast's lair.

In this case, it seemed like there was only a dead end for them.

Wei Wen glanced lightly at the world beasts that quickly gathered around him, and just collected the blood of the world beasts first.

And at this moment - Wei Wen seemed to notice something and turned his head to look in the distance.

I saw a black stream of light flying at super high speed, and then suddenly stopped. It was a larger and more ferocious world beast.

Now that Morosa has broken through to the fourth level, his body has become taller, the blood-red light in his one eye is more dazzling, and his aura is more powerful.

"I recognize you." World Beast Morosa stared at Wei Wen in the distance.

The dimensions of time and space shifted, and the world beasts disappeared in front of Wei Wen one by one.

A group of world beasts who were inexplicably teleported back could not help but feel confused, followed closely by anxiety and anger.

Even if Wei Wen doesn't use any soul or will secret techniques, he can easily resist the soul attack.

"You are right, so you are still too weak." Wei Wen smiled lightly.

"You are too weak, get out!" Wei Wen thought, and powerful time and space fluctuations broke out.

"Morosa is now at the fourth level, but he has no influence at all?" All the world beasts were shocked and stunned.

What's more, Wei Wen also received the inheritance from the Wu lineage, which contains more or less secret techniques of will, and Wei Wen quickly cultivated them to an extremely advanced level.

"I have learned about you from King Zhenjia and the others. It is said that you are the most powerful person among the beings in the universe sea today, and the master of the universe of the human race."

In terms of soul will, although he has never seen the God King level, he estimates that he is already close to this level.


"In addition, the divine power I devoured before, the so-called opportunity to break through to the third level, was also from your hand, right?"

With the strength gap between them and Morosa, they are no match for Morosa. Sooner or later they will be swallowed by Morosa, which is even more uncomfortable than killing them directly.

"This kind of soul method is also used to embarrass people?"

Although Wei Wen did not kill them, he teleported them and Morosa together.

"Before, after only practicing for hundreds of years, he seemed to have become the strongest person in the universe sea. Now he must be unfathomable."

But being ravaged by Wei Wen so easily, but Wei Wen's methods could not be seen at all, made Mohe feel furious and frightened.

"I mentioned King Zhenjia and other true gods, but you didn't respond at all. Those three despicable losers must have died in your hands."

The world beast Morosa was almost furious at this moment. Now that he has broken through the fourth level, how noble is his status and how powerful is he?
If he was crushed by Bedi like before, it would be acceptable to even kill him.

"Okay, okay, okay." Morosa smiled disdainfully, his two one-eyes burning with madness, "Now that you've come to the Dark Land, don't leave!"

Morosa's invisible soul attack came, but Wei Wen felt like a breeze blowing on his face.

"Perhaps Wei Wen is right, I am still too weak now!" The world beast Mohe roared angrily, and black threads instantly appeared around him.

Threads of silk threads all enveloped the other realm beasts, instantly wrapping them up into a cocoon of black mist silk, and directly began to devour every realm beast!

As Morosa continues to devour world beasts, his strength is also increasing step by step. But it has to be said that what Wei Wen did cast a psychological shadow on Morosa.

In fact, every realm beast is extremely proud, and they all know that realm beasts are the most noble beings, and the lives in the cosmic sea are... nothing more than ants.

Although true gods such as King Zhenjia were enslaved, they were not even worthy of a second glance from Morosa.

But now Wei Wen not only single-shots King Zhenjia and other powerful men, he even breaks into the lair of the world beast. Could it be that he wants to hunt the world beast?

Especially Morosa could clearly feel that if Wei Wen really wanted to hunt him before, he would definitely die.

This made Morosa feel painful and angry. Only by becoming stronger and killing Wei Wen could he wash away this shame!

What a shame!
Blood feud!
And in the depths of endless darkness, every realm beast also sensed everything Wei Wen did at this moment.

Realm beasts are naturally able to sense each other and can send messages no matter how far apart they are.

All the world beasts remember the various messages that were just passed on. It was obviously Wei Wen's humiliation to their world beasts!
Injuring a world beast may not actually be a big deal in the dark land.

Because from the moment billions of realm beasts are born together, they are destined to fight and devour each other, and in the end only the last realm beast will exist.

But being devoured by a world beast and being humiliated by a life in the universe sea obviously have completely different mentality.

Wei Wen's behavior can be regarded as a provocation to the world beasts. This is a shame that all world beasts can feel!

Crazy roars came and went in the dark place, resounding from anywhere in the beast's lair.

At this moment, all the world beasts were filled with endless anger, hatred and hatred, and they wanted to devour Wei Wen in one bite!

But when they thought of Wei Wen's power, they felt helpless!
It has to be said that Wei Wen's actions instantly broke the previous situation in the Dark Land, and was about to set off a violent frenzy.

"Kill the Sword Immortal Wei Wen!"

"We must kill him!"

"He dared to come to the lair this time to humiliate us. Who knows what he will do next time!"

"But how do we kill him?"

"And he is the Lord of the Universe of the human race in the primitive universe era. He is extremely powerful, and he also has the ability to clone himself!"

"Even if we kill him, he can still recover. We have no good way to deal with him!"

"Wei Wen is very strong, beyond imagination. We must evolve as soon as possible!"

After a brief discussion, the world beasts finally decided to take advantage of the situation!
After all, if you act recklessly now, you don't have the strength to wash away the shame of the World Beast Clan!

But think about it carefully, with Wei Wen's methods just now, even if they give birth to a sixth-order world beast, they will definitely be Wei Wen's opponent?
"How to do?"

"How to do?"

Extreme fear enveloped the hearts of every world beast. They no longer had the courage to face Wei Wen, nor did they have the courage to face Morosa.

But as realm beasts, they were born to destroy, so naturally they would not be so vulnerable.

Therefore, under the overall crisis of the world beast clan, there will always be a world beast to stand up.

The realm beast that stood out in the original work was Bedi, the realm beast who almost killed Morosa and was the first to step into the fifth level, but was quickly killed by Luo Feng.

But this time, because of Wei Wen's training, Bedi was killed by Morosa early. Naturally, the realm beast that stood up this time was the realm beast Morosa who was enslaved by Luo Feng!

(End of this chapter)

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