Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 304 Release the Original Ancestor

Chapter 304 Release the Original Ancestor
"Comrades, I am Morosa!" The voice of the realm beast Morosa sounded in the hearts of every realm beast.

"You also know that Wei Wen is very powerful, so our world beast clan has faced the biggest crisis in its history!"

"In my opinion, the only solution now is for us to quickly fight each other to give birth to the final sixth-order world beast, and even the final king!"

"Not to mention the king level, just after I step into the sixth level, I can have the innate ability to incarnate tens of millions."

"Even if we still can't deal with Wei Wen, we can still keep him contained!"

"As for the final realm beast king, he can give birth to powerful realm beast warriors, and his own strength can also be rapidly improved!"

"Morosa? Sword Immortal Wei Wen?" All the world beasts stopped what they were doing.

Realm beasts can communicate with each other instantly, so even if a realm beast dies due to fighting, many realm beasts can still contact each other before they fall!

Because of this, many realm beasts also know a lot about this first-tier realm beast and Wei Wen.

The realm beast Morosa is already the strongest realm beast. He is at the fourth level, while the others are only at the second level at most, and there is no way they can compete with him.

"It's just that according to the information revealed by the Ancestral God Sect, if you want to deal with the beast, you need at least a true god and a suitable supreme treasure!" The Lord of Chaos City shook his head slightly.

"We, the realm beast clan, must never surrender to Wei Wen!"

But now that the world beast appears, a sense of urgency arises in the hearts of all the strong men in the human race.

"No, Wei Wen should be the one to shoulder the responsibility. We can't deal with the world beast at all."

Originally, after the rise of Wei Wen, the human race became the well-deserved number one force.

"Morosa is right!"

As for the realm beasts, they also have grudges against each other, but now it is no longer a matter of personal grudges, but a matter of erasing the shame of the realm beast clan.


"Yes, it seems that only the sixth level, or the final king of world beasts, can be able to deal with the sword immortal!"

"The two holy places cannot play a big role now, and the strong men from the first and second eras of reincarnation can no longer give birth to new true gods."

primordial universe.

"Fortunately, Sword Immortal Wei Wen has laid an extremely solid foundation for us. Next, we have to rely on our own efforts to understand the inheritance and improve ourselves!"

Now under the huge threat brought by Wei Wen, they plan to let the world beast clan give birth to a true king of world beasts.

But Wei Wen is stronger and can play tricks on Morosa at will and directly teleport all of them back to the lair in time and space.

Although these super beings are still working hard to practice, they will more or less relax after losing the pressure.

At this moment, Wei Wen's figure appeared in the temple, and the originally noisy human temple became completely quiet in an instant.

"The most important thing now is to find a way to deal with the threat of the world beast!" The founder of the giant ax focused his eyes.

For a moment, many powerful people in the human race looked at Wei Wen with extremely expectant eyes.

The Lord of Chaos City and the Founder of Giant Ax, who are already in the realm of true gods, want to continue to improve their strength, while other strong men who are still at the stage of being the masters of the universe also want to break through to the realm of true gods.

"Now in the original universe, our human race has become the dominant family, so in the end we still have to take the lead!"

For a time, many surviving world beasts responded to the suggestion of the world beast Morosa and found a suitable place to catch each other and fight.

"Wei Wen!"

"Sword Immortal!" All the powerful men greeted Wei Wen enthusiastically.

"What do you want from me?" Wei Wen asked doubtfully.

"You went to the Dark Land before, what is the situation of the world beasts now?" The Lord of Chaos City asked doubtfully.

"The growth rate of world beasts has become faster, and there are now level 5 world beasts." Wei Wen said casually. Because of him, the world beasts are now advancing by leaps and bounds!
Especially Morosa, with Wei Wen's training, he has long been far ahead. He is now at level 5, and it will not take long for him to reach level 6.


"It is said that the weakest first-order realm beast can rival the top true god. How strong must this fifth-order realm beast be?"

"I wonder if you can deal with it?"

As soon as Wei Wen finished speaking, countless powerful men around him were shocked.

"Don't worry, let alone the fifth-level world beast, even the sixth-level world beast and the king of world beasts will not be a concern!" Wei Wen smiled lightly.

"And the reason why the world beasts grow so fast is because I can guide them."

"The Realm Beast is magical. The stronger it is, the greater its benefit to me."

"Ah this?"

After hearing what Wei Wen said, all the powerful men around them widened their eyes and were stunned.

"How strong are you now?" The founder of Giant Ax looked at Wei Wen, "Is your original will powerful?"

"As for the specific strength, I am not very relaxed myself, but I should be able to be three levels stronger than the True God." Wei Wen said with a smile.

"I am stronger than the original will, but there are supreme rules behind the original will. This is not something to mess with."


"As expected of the swordsman who became the master of the universe in 200 years!"

"I didn't expect that even the original will of the original universe was no match. The world beast that made the original will feel a great threat would be solved like this?"

"No, it's not to be solved, but to be cultivated into a leek..."

"I knew there was nothing in the universe that could defeat the Sword Immortal!"

For a moment, all the strong men of the human race had smiles on their faces, and even the Lord of Chaos City was not surprised.

Only Luo Feng, who really knew a lot of information about the world beasts from the mountain guest, had a completely different expression from the others!

"That's not right. According to the teacher, the world beast is invincible. When the teacher saw Wei Wen tens of thousands of years ago, it seemed that Wei Wen was only comparable to the True God of the Void." Luo Feng looked stunned.

"It's only been so long, how come you've grown so fast?"

You must know that the longer a strong person cultivates, the more difficult it becomes. Those present are all the top strong ones among the human race.

Whether it is true gods like the Lord of Chaos City, or Luo Feng, who has just broken through to become the Lord of the Universe and has the strength of the Lord of the Universe.

Even though Luo Feng's potential is not low, he still feels that his progress is getting slower and slower.

But what about Wei Wen?

Breakthroughs in cultivation are as simple as eating and drinking. Every time you retreat, your strength can be greatly improved. How can Luo Feng not be amazed by this?


On the other side, a clone of Wei Wen and Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons set off for the Ancestral God Cult, taking this opportunity to let the original will of the original universe release the original ancestors.

"Three of you." Wei Wen said straight to the point, "I think you all already know my purpose of coming."

"I am vulnerable to the world beast catastrophe. Should the original will abide by its original promise and release my teacher, the original ancestor?"

"Sword Immortal, don't worry. Since the original will has promised, it will definitely be fulfilled." The three ancestor gods said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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