Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 305 Chapter 306 The Birth of Morosa, the King of Realm Beasts

Chapter 305 Chapter 306 The Birth of Morosa, the King of Realm Beasts
Regarding Wei Wen's strength, the original will is also very fearful. After all, with Wei Wen's will, he can easily seize the original universe.

Although there are supreme rules behind the original universe, he is also afraid, because seizing the original universe is allowed by the supreme rules!

Once Wei Wen is angered by this, not to mention whether Wei Wen has the idea of ​​seizing his body, the world beasts trained by Wei Wen can make the original will suffer.

"This time, Sword Immortal, you have solved the catastrophe of world beasts and made a great contribution to the primitive universe..." the young ancestor god added.

"Presumably the original will has begun to release the original ancestor now. The original ancestor should appear directly in the Ancestral Palace in a while."

As a disciple of the original ancestor, he was guided and taught by the original ancestor, and the original ancestor was the guide for the rise of mankind!
Suddenly, a powerful wave of divine power appeared in the hall, and a space wormhole appeared in the center of the hall. A figure instantly appeared through the space wormhole.

The figure gradually became clearer, it was the original ancestor of Baipao.

"Congratulations to the original ancestor for being free." The three ancestor gods also admired the original ancestor, a peerless figure in the early days of the entire original universe.

"I didn't expect that I could still come out." The original ancestor smiled, "And I can see the current situation of the human race under your leadership, and I am very excited."

"Teacher." Wei Wen looked at the original ancestor, then glanced at the three ancestors, "Let's go."

"At that time, I suspected that reincarnation was a conspiracy, and I was wary of the original will. I suspected that the original will was the black hand behind it!" the original ancestor said with emotion.

It has to be said that all races can only look up to the strength of the human race, and no race now dares to be hostile.

"Really?" the original ancestor said in surprise, "It's a pity. After I failed to seize the body for the first time, I have been targeted by the Supreme Rules and have no chance."

"Wei Wen may be reincarnated soon, but the original ancestor has returned. Coupled with the inheritance of ancient civilization, the human race will still be more glorious."

"A very fragile will only has endless pressure with the help of the endless source of the original universe."

He felt that the original ancestor had a lot to say, but this was the Ancestral Palace, not a place for conversation.

Milky Way.

"They are all in the human race. What's the future of the human race?"

"Our Ancestral God Sect used to be the number one force, but now even the original will dare not face Wei Wen. The human race has become unstoppable."

"I didn't want to go through reincarnation at that time, because I was worried about being bound by my original will forever."

The three ancestor gods watched Wei Wen and the original ancestor leave, looked at each other, and shook their heads secretly.

"With the teacher's potential to create the secret method of the virtual universe in the realm of true gods, he will definitely be able to control the origin of chaos."

"Seizing the original universe actually doesn't have much significance. It just allows the teacher to reach the state of controlling chaos as soon as possible." Wei Wen shook his head slightly.

"So then I thought of a destroy the original will of the original universe and let my will become the original will of the original universe."

The original ancestor created the 'virtual universe'. To put it bluntly, it was not for the present, but to seize the original universe.

"I can't explain some things clearly, but the teacher's method of seizing the body is not wrong. As long as the will is strong enough, it can actually be successful." Wei Wen explained simply.

"But now that I see your realm and your previous inheritance, I realize that reincarnation is a new starting point!"

"The original ancestor caused the original will to suppress, but Wei Wen is even more unwilling to provoke the original will. He is even more terrifying."

"Later, I faintly discovered that the wisdom of the original will itself is not very high, only the most basic rules and wisdom."

"The origin of chaos?" The original ancestor's eyes narrowed, "It seems that I still have a long way to go in the future, at least it doesn't feel like the road is dead before!"


Dark place. "Huh?" Wei Wen suddenly opened his eyes, "Is it the fluctuation of the supreme rule?"

"The supreme rule has come, and the king of world beasts is worthy of being an existence that is equal to the original universe!"

Wei Wen is also familiar with the fluctuations of the original will, but this higher-level rule must be the supreme rule.

In the Qingfeng Realm, the realm beasts that were frantically killing and devouring each other all stopped.

The moment Morosa broke through to the sixth level, all the world beasts sensed this change.

"Every time a realm beast advances to one level, its strength will undergo earth-shaking changes, especially after it grows to the fifth or sixth level." Wei Wen showed a smile.

"The fifth-level world beast will understand a killing move that contains the origin of destruction, and the sixth-level world beast can be divided into millions of people!"

"Of course, with my ability to stand in the long river of time and space, I can easily transform into tens of thousands or billions."

"As for the final Kaio King, I really haven't seen it before."


"I finally entered the sixth level!" Morosa felt his powerful power of destruction and became excited in his heart.

"From now on, I have hope of fighting against the Sword Immortal, but it is safer to kill other world beasts and become the king!"

Morosa looked in the direction of Wei Wen from a distance, with a trace of residual fear still on his face.

After all, Wei Wen's method of playing with world beasts was too unbelievable. Even if he had reached the sixth level, he still had no confidence in defeating Wei Wen.

So before fighting Wei Wen, he planned to kill other realm beasts and become the king of realm beasts!
As soon as Morosa thought, thousands of identical incarnations appeared around him, and then scattered these clones throughout the dark land!
He felt that even if Wei Wen prevented him from evolving into the King of Realm Beasts, only some of his avatars had fallen into Wei Wen's hands, and he could quickly recover with the help of these clones!
And as he devours more world beasts, he will definitely become the king in the end.

After all, no realm beast is his opponent now, and the entire realm beast lair is his back garden.

"Letting me grow to the sixth level will be the most regretful thing you have done in your life!" Morosa looked in the direction of Wei Wen.

"As a noble realm beast and the strongest realm beast, I will be the final winner."

"I've reached level six."

Morosa stood in the vast void, sending a message towards a head realm beast.

After breaking through the sixth level, Morosa has tens of thousands of clones and can kill and devour world beasts at a faster speed.

"Morosa, I leave everything to you."

A second-level realm beast chose to self-destruct.

"I believe you can defeat our greatest enemy, the Sword Immortal Wei Wen."

"The last glory of our world beast clan will be guarded by you, Morosa!"

"Kill that sword fairy!"

"Our world beast clan is the most noble life!"

The realm beasts self-destructed one after another. Originally, either Morosa had no time to hunt them, or they felt that they were incapable of becoming a king!

In the end, only the last realm beast is left - Morosa, who is about to become the king of realm beasts!
(End of this chapter)

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