Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 312 Surprised Ji Ning, Dao Lord Da Mo

Chapter 312 Surprised Ji Ning, Dao Lord Da Mo
"I don't count the power of blue and white and the methods of mental practitioners. I only rely on Tao Wu's Eighteen Gods and Demons to be stronger than the first level." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen also roughly analyzed his regular burst through the burst of just one blow.

Looking at the two peak Dao Lords escaping, Wei Wen thought, and the overwhelming projection of the world of the heart rushed straight away.

This time the outbreak was different from the previous ones. Wei Wen relied on his mental flow to suppress the two peak Taoist masters, and then used the power of blue and white to explode and crush them to death.

"The second level of Hedao is the Lord of the Holy City level. I rely on Tao Wu's eighteen gods and demons, the power of blue and white flowers, and the blessing of my mind to reach the threshold of the Lord of the Holy City level." Wei Wen shook his head secretly.

The strongest four steps are already comparable to the final three steps, and the success of Hedao is a qualitative change. Coupled with the transformation of the divine body, there is a huge gap between it and the final three steps.

Wei Wen relied on many means to barely fight the Lord of the Holy City.

For example, Ji Ning, who was in the final three steps, was beaten to death by the master of the top holy city.


Yu Xinghai.

"The third step of the ultimate path is really terrifying. I don't know when I can reach the third step?" Ji Ning felt a little hopeful.

"It's too outrageous. The possibility of such a low-probability event is too small. I didn't expect it to happen to me!"

"Haha, your hands are itchy?" Jiuchen Cult Leader smiled, "It was the person next to you who did it."

As an eternal clan, once the eternal blood is burned, it is the first level of strength. Who can kill three of them at the same time, so that they can't even run away?
Could it be that the Eternal Emperor took action?

Ji Ning had a vague suspicion about Wei Wen's strange behavior.

"This is the information that our ancient cultivator family passed down to me, Dharmakaya. I learned about this through my connection with Dharmakaya. Come and take a look, too!"

The leader of Jiuchen didn't say much and directly threw a piece of information to Ji Ning.

Generally speaking, within the same era, it is difficult for 10 Dao Lords to be born in the entire territory, let alone the same chaotic world.

"Ah?" Ning was stunned for a moment, "Is my brother so strong?"

His ultimate swordsmanship has been broken through in various directions, and now the only thing left is to complete the final combination of the five strongest swordsmanship.

"Beiming, have you got the information?" Jiuchen Cult Leader smiled, "Three second-level peak Taoist masters of the Eternal Clan are dead."

"I really envy you normal practitioners who have the opportunity to condense the second soul. This is equivalent to a second life!"

"It's really unimaginable that two heaven-defying Dao Lords appeared in your hometown." The leader of Jiuchen looked at Wei Wen and Ji Ning speechlessly.

But this final combination is also the most difficult step, so Ji Ning can't predict when he will be able to break through.

"For example, his true self is taking risks with us now, but the second soul has taken action to kill the second-level peak Taoist master."

"Dead?" Ning was stunned for a moment, "Who killed him?"

He felt that he might not be as good as the first-level Dao Lord, but he should be able to escape with confidence.

If the speed is fast, it may be able to break through immediately. If the speed is slow, it may be stuck for tens of billions of years, or even an era of chaos. It is not surprising.

Now Ji Ning is only the second step of the ultimate, relying on many means to reach the second level of strength.

It would be very rare for more than two Dao Lords to be born in the same chaotic world. It would be outrageous if these two Dao Lords were both peak Dao Lords!
"Maybe the Three Realms are special." Wei Wen said with a smile.

Ji Ning was silent for a moment and didn't say anything.

Maybe Jiuchen thought it was a coincidence, but in fact Ji Ning also knew very well that the situation in the Three Realms was very wrong!

Even with the many inheritances he brought back, more than ten world-level people should not be born in just a million years, let alone a strong man like Wei Wen!
After all, in a normal chaotic world, there may not be a world-level strong person in 100 chaotic eras. Even if there is inheritance, it would be great to finally have a World Realm person born.

And the three realms?
In these years, the Ancestral Gods and Dao Ancestors that had accumulated before had made breakthroughs one after another, and the speed of breakthroughs and growth astonished even Ji Ning.

Therefore, the talents of practitioners in the Three Realms are very abnormal.

Of course, Ji Ning was just thinking about this in his mind at the moment, and he was unwilling to reveal anything more even to the leader of Jiuchen, who was close to him in life and death.

"When we go back, if we work together, we will be more confident in fighting for the Dongming Jade Talisman!" Jiuchen showed a hint of excitement.

The Dongming Jade Talisman is extremely attractive to any Dao Lord, and Jiuchen Cult Master is no exception.


Deep in the world of Yibo.

"Fellow Daoist Tian, ​​this Taoist of Time and Space has a good relationship with you and Ji Ning?" Daojun Damo asked in surprise.

About a million years ago, the dharma body of Damo Daojun followed Tiandaojun into the Yibo Realm.

It was also because of him that the Dongming Jade Talisman was born, and Daojun Damo escaped from Damo Territory.

In fact, in terms of realm, Dao Lord Damo is on the same level as the strongest Dao Lord.

It's a pity that what he is best at is deducing Yiyi Daojun. He is in the realm of the strongest Taojun in the third step, but his combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of the top Taoist Tianyi in the fourth step.

Now he was shocked to hear the information that Wei Wen, who was suspected to be the strongest in the four steps, casually killed three Taoist masters at the peak of the Eternal Clan.

At that time, when Wei Wen killed Holy Lord Qingfeng, it seemed that he was only the 'Three Steps King', and his strength was probably at the second level.

Wei Wen already has such a strong strength in the realm of the Three Steps Lord, and definitely shows enough potential.

If he had not died young, his future would definitely not be lower than that of Damo Daojun, and even Hedao Eternal Life would have greater hope.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what he expected. Only a short time had passed before Wei Wen seemed to have broken through to the 'Four Steps Lord' and became even more powerful.

Of course, the reason why he paid attention to Wei Wen was not just because of Wei Wen's strength, but also for other reasons.

It's a long story... The Ten Thousand Gods Mansion is located in the Da Mo Territory, and is even very close to the Da Mo Academy established by Dao Lord Da Mo.

Many powerful men from the Great Moyuan often go there to take risks. For example, the reason why Ji Ning goes there in the original book is because he follows the powerful men from the Great Moyuan.

Daojun Damo is good at deductions, and naturally he often takes risks. He has also been to the Ten Thousand Gods Mansion.

As the strongest Dao Lord, he naturally got a lot of treasures from the Mansion of the Gods, and therefore had some karma with the Dao Lord of the Ten Thousand Gods.

In this case, he also wanted to kill Emperor Merobo to settle the cause and effect.

Now that he heard that Wei Wen had killed a powerful man from the Eternal Clan, he saw hope of killing Emperor Merobo.

After all, Emperor Merobo is not very powerful. This can be seen from the fact that he was hunted down by the Taoist Lord of the Gods and even cut off half of his life to condense a drop of eternal blood.

If the two of them join forces, they will be quite confident in killing Emperor Merobo. Of course, the premise is that he can ask Wei Wen to take action.

"Yes, he and Ji Ning came from the same chaotic world, and it is said that they are almost the same age." Tian Daojun was filled with emotion.

"It's incredible that two people who are only a few years apart in age can reach this level."

(End of this chapter)

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