Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 313 The Eternal Kingdom of the Supreme Relic

Chapter 313 The Eternal Kingdom of the Supreme Relic
And just when Damo Daojun and Tian Daojun were talking about Wei Wen, a message came into their minds.

"I just happened to say Taoist Time and Space, and he has already appeared!" Da Mo also had a lot of enthusiasm when he saw Wei Wen in front of him.

The two parties exchanged brief greetings, and soon Wei Wen got to the point.

"Master Damo, I came here today mainly because I need your help with something." Wei Wen said straight to the point.

"Fellow Daoist Time and Space, please tell me!" Daojun Damo said with a smile.

He also wanted something from Wei Wen, and now Wei Wen seemed to have the same intention. He was also a little curious about why Wei Wen came to him.

"I heard that fellow Taoist Da Mo deduced Wushuang. I wonder if you can deduce the specific location by climbing to the top of some names and places?" Wei Wen continued.

"This location is in Yu Xinghai, and it takes about thousands of years of flight from the edge of the Endless Territory."

"That's no problem." Daojun Damo nodded, but he still felt that Wei Wen's words were a bit too vague.

"Fellow Daoist Time and Space, can you explain it more clearly, so that I can be more confident about the potential and the speed of deduction will be faster."

Even if he can get even a little bit of opportunity from it, it will definitely be of great help to his harmony.

"At the beginning, I was greedy for merit and rushed forward, and I formed a karmic relationship with the gods and Taoists."

Dao Lord Da Mo can be regarded as a disciple of Emperor Yi Bo. His vision is higher than that of the peak Dao Lord. Naturally, he knows what the Sith tribe and the Supreme Practitioner are.

"Although I quickly reached the third step, this cause and effect has become a shackle for me now. It has become more difficult to reach the fourth step."

"Well, fellow Taoists should also know that Yu Xinghai was the battlefield between the Supreme and the Sith tribe, so it has some relationship with the Supreme. The specific information is..." Wei Wen continued.

"If you want to go further, you must end this cause and effect."

As for the Dongming Jade Talisman... To be honest, Damo Daojun has no confidence in taking it, otherwise he would not let me escape from Damo Territory.

But when it comes to a supreme being who is far beyond the emperor, it is obviously not simple.

For countless years, the Ten Thousand Gods Mansion has also formed karma with countless powerful people. The most dazzling ones in this era are Wei Wen and Damo Daojun.

If it is as Wei Wen said, this is definitely a place of incredible opportunity.

Wan Shen Mansion is the relic inheritance of Wan Shen Dao Lord, just like the inheritance of Falling Ink Star. Its purpose is to avenge Wan Shen Dao Lord and his Taoist companions.

"What?" Daojun Damo was suddenly shocked.

"Yes!" Lord Mo Dao nodded.

He is currently searching for the Dongming Jade Talisman with Tian Daojun, and may not be distracted at all in the short term.

If it was about Emperor Merobo, he could deduce it just by relying on the related cause and effect of the Ten Thousand Gods and Dao Lords.

"Fellow Taoist wants to go one step further... I can't do it either, but you can tell me directly what to do to make it easier for you to break through the fourth step." Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

"It's not that I can't deduce it, but it's not simple here. Unless I take a step further, there's no hope!" Dao Da Mojun shook his head helplessly.

After all, Dao Lord Da Mo is a Dao Lord who relies on deducing cause and effect. With a little effort, he can definitely deduce the position of Emperor Merobo.

"With your deductive ability, Brother Dao Mo, you can't figure it out?" Wei Wen frowned.

"I'm the best at cause and effect. Success depends on cause and effect, and failure also causes cause and effect." Daojun Damo said with emotion.

"Emperor Merobo?" Wei Wen asked doubtfully.

Both of them also received gifts from the Taoist Lord of the Ten Thousand Gods Palace, and it was their duty to avenge him.

"No problem, you should be able to deduce the position of Emperor Merobo, right?" Wei Wen looked at Dao Lord Damo.

At that time, Wan Shen Dao Lord was one of the top three powerful Dao Lords in his era. He spent countless years hunting down Emperor Merobo and was able to kill half of his life. And Wei Wen immediately killed the peak Taoist Lord of the Eternal Clan, which had fully proved his own strength.

"As long as fellow Taoist has the strength to kill Emperor Merobo, I can use the drop of Emperor Merobo's blood that Ji Ning sold to me to deduce his position." Daojun Damo said with a solemn expression.

"But once I use the blood of Emperor Merobo to deduce his location, I will definitely be able to alert him."

"Perhaps Emperor Merobo before he was hunted down by the Taoist Lord Ten Thousand Gods still had some pride as an eternal emperor."

"But he was being hunted very miserably at that time. Once he sensed something was wrong, he wouldn't care to escape again. He would probably escape into the endless darkness!"

"Don't worry, he can't run away!" Wei Wen said confidently.

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, my true self is now using the blood of Emperor Merobo to deduce his position." Daojun Damo closed his eyes.

Emperor Merobo involves the Taoist Lord of the Ten Thousand Gods, and there is also a trace of causality in Wei Wen and Daojun Damo, plus the blood of Emperor Merobo.

With Daojun Damo's ability, he can easily deduce its location.

"Emperor Merobo is actually hiding in the land of the Eternal Clan. Are you sure, fellow Taoist?" Daojun Damo frowned.

Although the results of the deduction were obtained, Emperor Merobo was really too cowardly, and it was a bit too difficult to kill him.

"Eternal clan, this is a bit troublesome, but you can try." Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

The Eternal Clan relies on devouring Tao Lords to continuously awaken the eternal blood in their bodies. The more powerful people they devoured, the stronger they become!
Without the protection of the Eternal Kingdom, the Eternal clan would have been wiped out by the Taoist Alliance or other forces long ago!

The reason why the masters dare not break into the Eternal Kingdom, the home base of the Eternal Clan, is not because the Eternal Clan is very strong, but because this is a supreme relic.

After all, it is impossible for the Eternal Clan with only a few Eternal Emperors to build a treasure that surpasses the Treasure of the Universe.

Of course, it is impossible for the Eternal Clan to completely drive the Supreme Relic, otherwise they would definitely be able to kill the Overlord easily.

For example, Lord Dafeng, who obtained the Qingyang Star, a relic of the Sith Lord, was able to kill the Lord of the Different Universe after stimulating his power.

Therefore, the supreme relic cannot drive power, and it is not invincible at all, but Wei Wen does not dare to break into it openly.

However, if he can steal the blood of the Supreme, it can weaken the power of the eternal kingdom.


"Eternal kingdom."

Wei Wen stood on a chaotic star, looking into the void in the distance.

In the distance, at the end of the void, there is a vast rolling sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood is a beautiful and huge city that glows with golden light.

The city is trillions of miles in size, and its power is so great that it spreads in all directions.

Even with Wei Wen's level of strength, he felt a great sense of oppression.

This is the Eternal Kingdom of the Supreme Relic, and it is also the basis for the Eternal Clan to survive to this day!

With a thought, Wei Wen tore apart time and space and disappeared instantly.

As he approached the eternal kingdom, the way of time and space simulation broke out.

After reaching 10 times the gene, it can change the breath and transform everything.

Wei Wen's time and space simulation has also improved a lot, and he can easily transform his own breath into the eternal clan.

(End of this chapter)

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