Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 315 Killing Emperor Merobo and fighting the Taoist Lord in Silver

Chapter 315 Killing Emperor Merobo and fighting the Taoist Lord in Silver
It seems that the Taoist Lord Wan Shen did not use this method when he was chasing Emperor Merobo.

Otherwise, part of the divine body will not be wiped out by the Taoist Lord of the Ten Thousand Gods, and a drop of eternal divine blood will still be refined.

"Immortal?" Wei Wen felt slightly troubled.

It's normal if you think about it carefully. Many special peak Taoists can have immortality!
As an eternal clan created by the Supreme, Wei Wencai found it strange that Emperor Merobo was not immortal even after his combat power had been raised to the top emperor level.

The reason why the first-level peak Taoist monarch is comparable to the top eternal emperor depends on the power of Tao, and the divine body is definitely far inferior to the top emperor.

The immortal body of a top eternal emperor is definitely stronger than the immortal body of a first-level peak Taoist king of the same strength.

If he wanted to kill Emperor Merobo, he would probably have to spend about a hundred drops of blue and white power.

"We must use life-saving and explosive treasures!" Emperor Merobo waved his hand, and treasures flew out one after another.

The top eternal emperor and the first level peak Taoist seem to have the same combat power, but there are some differences.

The first is the transformation of the Eternal Emperor's divine body and Taoist heart, and the second is that the Eternal Emperor can live a long time and accumulate many treasures.

I saw a space-time channel appearing around Emperor Merobo. Emperor Merobo jumped up and instantly entered the space-time dimension.

But facing Wei Wen, he couldn't escape if he couldn't defeat him!
Once again, pieces of life-saving objects appeared in the hands of Emperor Merobo, all of which were nearly as powerful as the Lord of the Holy City, either for defense or attack...

He escaped tens of thousands of light years, and Wei Wen could completely sense him with his mental abilities.

After a great battle, Emperor Merobo was finally killed by Wei Wen. From then on, the cause and effect of the gift from Wei Wen, Damo Daojun, and Wan Shen Dao Lord Wan Shen Mansion was thus concluded.

When he first sensed Wei Wen's powerful mental power, he understood that with Wei Wen's mental power, a single thought could cover at least a territory comparable to the Great Mo Territory.

"Ang~" The shadow made a high-pitched voice and spit out a stream of purple energy.

Within the scope of a territory, at a flying speed above the speed of light in the World Realm, it would be impossible to fly out of an era of chaos. It can be seen that a territory like the Great Mo Territory is at least 10 trillion light-years or more!

"With his mental strength, time and space methods, if I can't defeat him, there is no possibility of escaping at all." Emperor Merobo felt that his hands and feet were cold.

Sure enough, as he expected, Wei Wen just took one step and appeared in front of Emperor Merobo again.

Emperor Merobo, who was fleeing for tens of thousands of light years, was trembling with fear when he saw this scene. Even with the body of an eternal emperor, he felt like he was breaking out in cold sweat.

Emperor Merobo relied on these treasures to be sure of escaping in the hands of the Lord of the Holy City.

If it were not for the Lord of the Holy City series such as the Time and Space type, which is good at speed, Emperor Merobo might have had a good chance of escaping with the help of various treasures.

On the spot, a special purple shadow of life emerged. The shadow was not large, only a few dozen feet long, but its power should not be underestimated.

With Wei Wen's time and space methods, he can easily be hunted down and killed.

The energy froze and shattered all things, and even Wei Wen's time and space seemed to be frozen!
"It's very powerful, close to the level of Lord of the Holy City. It can stop me for three breaths at most!" Wei Wen smiled lightly.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of Wei Wen's blue and white power, in three breaths, the shadow instantly shattered.

The peak Dao Lord may not necessarily have many life-saving treasures accumulated in his hands, but the Eternal Clan has inherited many treasures from the Supreme.

However, the noise in their battle just now was not small, and it attracted the attention of the powerful masters of the Holy City of the Eternal Clan.

Of course, with Wei Wen's ever-changing methods, the Lord of the Holy City could not discover Wei Wen's true situation.

The perfect life structure diagram can be changed at will, and the breath can also be simulated! For example, Luo Feng could transform into any powerful person, and even the realm beasts could change, and no other realm beasts could discover Luo Feng's true situation.

Wei Wen immediately planned to test the Sith tribe's Taoist Lord in silver and Emperor in black.

But when Wei Wen flew closer to the tower-shaped flying object, an accident seemed to happen!

"Go and kill the enemy." One of the black-clothed emperors on the top of the tower-like flying object looked down at Wei Wen below.

"Yes, Emperor." A silver-robed Taoist at the bottom of the sacrificial tower immediately responded.

The aura of the silver-robed Daojun immediately condensed and became powerful, flying directly towards Wei Wen.

Wei Wen is not too worried. Although the silver-robed Taoist Lord is strong, his life-saving ability is not bad, otherwise he would not dare to come here to kill Emperor Merobo.

"I want to see how strong the real silver-robed Dao Lord of the Sith tribe is." Wei Wen was full of fighting spirit. When he held his natal weapon, cracks in the space and time dimensions appeared.


The attack collided, and Wei Wen immediately felt that the long stick in his hand was shaking uncontrollably.

And the silver-robed Daojun's spear thrust straight down, directly piercing Wei Wen's body!
"What?!" Wei Wen's eyes widened in disbelief, and at the same time, with a crash, he turned into the endless source of time and space, and quickly retreated back.

"Want to escape?" The silver-robed Taoist Lord's speed exceeded the limit of heaven's law by a hundred times, and he quickly chased Wei Wen, but he couldn't catch up at all.

As Wei Wen fled further and further, the silver-clad Taoist had no choice but to stop, glanced at Wei Wen coldly, and finally flew back.

He flew to the flying object of the sacrificial tower and still stayed at the bottom. The original powerful aura also disappeared and became ordinary.

Based on the previous battles, Wei Wen also discovered some clues.

Silver-clothed Daojun is extremely skilled in spear art, probably at the level of the strongest four-step fusion, and his Tao is already comparable to Wei Wen's.

As for the body of the silver-robed Taoist Lord, it is a perfect three-power body, which is even better than Wei Wen's ninth layer of Chaos Restriction with the power of blue and white.

In this case, Wei Wen naturally had no chance of winning.

"My time and space immortal body just felt severe pain. This must be the Lord of the Top Holy City level." Wei Wen took a breath of cold air.

When Ning faced the master of the top holy city, Feixue City Master, he was no match at all. Even his immortal body was a bit unable to withstand it.

Obviously, the silver-clothed Taoist Lord of the top Holy City Lord level is the real silver-clothed Taoist Lord, and he is stronger than the three chiefs who accidentally transformed into the Sith clan through the sacrifice ceremony.

And three black humanoid creatures, black-clothed emperors, plus a full three hundred silver-clothed Taoists, could not defeat the three masters even if they came.

After all, the black-clothed emperor is comparable to the master, and the three hundred silver-clothed Taoist monarchs are also formidable in combat power.

Wei Wen couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat him at all, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight. After all, the Lord of the Holy City of the Eternal Clan would probably arrive here soon.

With a thought, Wei Wen moved toward the surrounding stars, the masters and masters of different universes.

There is not much time left for him. It will take time to inherit first and then grab the blood of the Supreme.

(End of this chapter)

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