Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 316: The inheritance of the master of numbers, the foundation has greatly increased

Chapter 316: Hundreds of masters inherit the inheritance, and the foundation increases greatly

The nearest star is not that big, only thousands of miles in diameter.

When Wei Wen landed on the stars, he instantly felt a wave of waves pass through his mind.

"I am the Qianxi Lord, one of the followers of Supreme Bolin!" Wei Wen faintly felt the appearance of a majestic four-hoofed beast.

As the figure appeared, a large amount of information poured into Wei Wen's mind, which was the inheritance of Qianxi Master.

Generally speaking, if you want to get inheritance, you must make a life oath.

For example, Ji Ning obtained the Beixiu World God, the Master of Swordsmanship, Master Dan, some Dharma Schools in Mangya, etc... all of which required an oath not to be leaked.

However, this time the inheritance was left so that the cultivators could be civilized at all costs. Naturally, the inheritance did not allow Wei Wen to make the oath of his destiny.

"Not bad inheritance, next one!" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen practices the ultimate way of time and space, and has been inherited by the Lord of Mangya, so his vision is naturally much higher.

As for the final black hole of space and time... Wei Wen placed his hope in the supreme inheritance, or the extremely dangerous Yin and Yang Wheel of Life and Death!
The supreme Tao gives birth to ten thousand Tao, among which naturally there is the relevant Tao of time and space black hole.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of information poured into his mind, which was all the inheritance of the God Emperor Helong.

"Huh!" After accepting all the inheritance, Wei Wen's eyes narrowed, "With these inheritances, I am more confident in understanding the four-step method of time and space fusion."

The yin and yang wheel of life and death devours all things, and the principle is similar to that of a black hole.

"I, the God Emperor 'Helong', one of the followers of Supreme Bolin, control the alien universe..." Wei Wen seemed to see a strong man emitting white light.

The long river of time and space and the extreme point of time and space have achieved the four most powerful levels.

However, Wei Wen felt the endless wisdom and hard work contained in this sect's inheritance, and felt that he had benefited deeply.

Wei Wen flew past the stars one by one, constantly accepting the inheritance.

According to Wei Wen's expectation, the Lord can rival the God King, and these inheritances are richer than Wu's inheritance!

Of course, these inheritances are mainly master secrets, and there is not much mention of low-level secrets and methods.

"Similar to the inheritance of the Heart Sword Technique?" Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

Wei Wen remembered that there was a supreme inheritance in it, which was also the main reason why he asked Dao Lord Da Mo to deduce it before.

The time and space simulation will transform genes 10 times due to the divine power route, and it will soon reach the level of the four-step strongest path.

Now that he has the opportunity here, as long as he understands these inheritances thoroughly, it must not be difficult to integrate time and space to reach the level of the four most powerful ways.

"Now that I have killed Emperor Merobo, I believe that after Dao Lord Da Mo breaks through four steps, he can deduce for me the place where the Demonic Elephant Stone Wall is located." Wei Wen's eyes narrowed.

However, the inheritance of the same domination level, even if it is not the way of time and space, is of great reference for him.

This is a method that perfectly combines mental power and Tao. The God Emperor himself is the master, but with this method, the strength has surpassed that of the normal master!
With such a powerful strength, he can naturally capture a different universe easily. The power he has established spreads across three realms, with a total of eight masters under his command.

There are hundreds of millions of stars in this vast river of stars, but only the 318 stars closest to the flying boat have the series inheritance of the Lord and the Lord of Different Universes.

Wei Wen's figure appeared again on the nearest star.

Then Wei Wen entered the river of stars and began to move forward rapidly, setting foot on each star.

"These countless stars are a bit ordinary, and the strongest ones are only the inheritance of the Lord of the Holy City." Wei Wen looked at them all the way, and soon became a little disappointed.

"If I have enough time, I can harvest it slowly, but unfortunately I don't have much time now." Wei Wen thought and began to sense the endless galaxy.

He vaguely sensed a huge star in the distance. This star was different from other stars. It was larger and slowly rotating and rolling in the Lord of the Galaxy.

A wave of coercion spread faintly, which made Wei Wendu's pupils shrink.

The countless stars before were generally only ten thousand miles in size, but the huge star that could be vaguely seen in front was estimated to be tens of billions of miles in diameter.

"This should be the place where the Supreme Blood is." Wei Wen immediately flew towards the huge star in the distance.

As he got closer to the star, he gradually felt that this star was special.

One side of the star is an endless blazing fiery red ocean, with rolling heat waves and even unique Tao fluctuations.

The power of each wave of heat and Tao fluctuations was probably no less than a full-strength strike from Lord Sipiao, which frightened Wei Wen.

On the other side of the star, there is endless blue water, filled with endless fluctuations of cold air. The cold air also carries the fluctuations of Tao, and its power is very terrifying.

At the junction of the hot and cold breaths, the cold and hot collision formed an endless thick fog.

Wei Wen found the crown of a giant tree emerging from the thick fog. There were many slender, fiery red fruits on the crown.

"This should be the 'Holy Blood Fruit of Ten Thousand Tribulations' among the eight holy blood fruits, but these fruits have absorbed the blood of the Supreme, so their appearance and effect are different." Wei Wen couldn't help but secretly thought.

A normal Myriad Tribulations Sacred Blood Fruit Tree can only bear three fruits at most.

But at a glance, Wei Wen could see that this fruit tree had at least six fruits, and the Myriad Tribulations Holy Blood Fruit Tree itself seemed a bit too big.

Wei Wen did not hesitate and flew directly towards the thick fog carefully.

"Another little guy is here." A hoarse voice rang in Wei Wen's ears.

Wei Wen looked in the direction of the sound and saw that the thick fog in the distance dissipated, and a dark blue dragon-like strange beast appeared, which was formed by the condensed endless cold air.

"With an extra companion, we finally have some fun." A majestic laughter came from the other side.

The blazing flames condensed, and a fiery red majestic beast with four hooves appeared.

The dark blue dragon and the fiery red four-hoofed beast all looked at Wei Wen with interest, but Wei Wen was not afraid at all.

After all, if Ji Ning can pass the test, so can Wei Wen, because he not only has the way of time and space, but also has Ji Ning's swordsmanship.

"After so many chaotic eras, the Eternal Clan finally sent Dao Lord here again, but it's not the Eternal Clan!" The dark blue dragon looked down at Wei Wen.

"This Eternal Clan is really becoming more and more useless. They were created by the Supreme Being and own this world, but they can't even cultivate a true master."

"But this has nothing to do with us. According to the old rules, as long as you pass the test, we will not stop you."

"Of course, with your strength, you should be able to pass the Dao Lord-level test."

The Flame Dragon Realm branch of the Eternal Clan usually comes in to pick the fruits of the Sacred Blood Fruit Tree once every one million years of chaos.

Because usually during the Million Chaos Era, the fruits of the Sacred Blood Fruit Tree of Ten Thousand Tribulations are almost full.

They either sent the peak Tao Lord of their own ethnic group, or asked some Tao Lords from other ethnic groups to help.

After some tests, Wei Wen successfully passed the so-called test.

(End of this chapter)

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