Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 323 Entering the ancestral land of the Sith tribe

Chapter 323 Entering the ancestral land of the Sith tribe

With the blessing of Wei Wen's strong will, the power of the heart world was so powerful that this ordinary four-step master instantly fell into an illusion.

"After planning and deducing for so long, I finally attracted Master Sibu from the three major families. These three major families are indeed extraordinary!" Daojun Da Mo forced out a smile.

Through illusions, deductions and other means, the four of them quickly learned the approximate level of the three major families.

First of all, there are emperor-level puppets in every family. These emperor-level puppets are very extraordinary, and their strength is no less than that of ordinary peak Taoist kings!
Is there more than one emperor-level puppet that is comparable to the peak Tao Lord?
Even if they are all in the second level, the first level will not dare to provoke them easily.

The most powerful of the three major families are the three patriarchs, even the strongest emperor-level puppets cannot compare!

This man had once seen the patriarch of their Fu Mo family fighting six emperor-level puppets. He could suppress six puppets with one power!
As for why the three major families are so powerful, it is because of the so-called 'ancestral land'!
It's just that this person was about to tell the relevant information about his ancestral land, but he died because of the backlash of his destiny oath.

The death of this Sipaojun would probably arouse the vigilance of the Fu Mo clan, but the four of them were not afraid at all.

"We have received a lot of news now. The real secret of the three major families is the so-called 'ancestral land', which is probably the place of supreme inheritance!" Daojun Damo's eyes lit up.

They came to this star not for the Sith treasures, but mainly because Wei Wen said there was a supreme inheritance here.

Hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye, and he already had enough understanding of the formations and magic plates of the three major families.

After briefly confirming the plan, Daojun Damo plotted against another Daojun from the Nong Tie family.

In a remote town far away from the Nontie clan, Wei Wen's figure appeared.

Wei Wen had enough patience. While he was practicing within the Nongtie clan, he secretly used various means to explore the links between the Sith clan's magic plates and formations.

"I'm afraid there are many crises within the Fu Mo clan!" Ji Ning was a little worried.

"I will find a way to sneak into the Fu Mo family and explore the way to enter the ancestral land!" Wei Wen looked at the three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Time and Space, this move of yours is indeed powerful!" Ji Ning and others' eyes lit up slightly. In this way, there was no need to worry about Wei Wen's possible exposure.

"So fast?" Ji Ning and the other three looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

The three of them used various means to fight against the three major families and harvested a few ordinary emperor-level puppets that were as useless as chicken ribs, but found nothing about the ancestral land.

"As for the three of you, you are the force that restrains the three major families. Together we can maximize efficiency, both internally and externally."

"I have found a way to go to my ancestral land!" Wei Wen didn't waste any words.

"Don't worry!" Wei Wen smiled lightly.

When he suddenly realized that the 10-fold gene had already meant that he could perfectly contain his life aura.

Judging from the strength of the three major family patriarchs, their lair is definitely more dangerous than facing the three major clan leaders.

Now that they know the information about this mysterious ancestral land, they have confirmed their target, and they only need to find a way to enter the ancestral land.

If the three of them are asked to search without knowing it, they don't know how long it will take to confirm the target.

At the same time, he can easily change his own Tao aura. Coupled with the Tao method of time and space simulation, he can simulate any kind of aura!
With a thought, Wei Wen instantly transformed into a member of the family that Master Sibu was familiar with, exuding the same aura of the true spirit of life.

After Wei and Wen captured the Taoist alive, Wei Wen simulated becoming the Taoist and infiltrated Nongtie.

In fact, he knew that the Sith clan's dharma disk held by the heads of the three major families was the 'key' to enter the so-called ancestral land.

"The three major families are not very strict in protecting this ancestral land. It took me a lot of effort to find it!" Wei Wen said with a smile.

"The so-called ancestral land should be a space independent of this void. I may not know exactly where it is, but there is a time and space teleportation array in the Nontie clan that can enter the ancestral land!"

"Now that I have figured out how to activate the space-time teleportation array, I can leave for the ancestral land at any time!" "Great!" A hint of joy appeared on the faces of Ji Ning and the others.

If you can harvest top-notch emperor-level puppets just outside, there may be even stronger treasures in the so-called ancestral land.

As for the supreme inheritance they are looking for, it is very likely that it is there!
Half a day later.

Inside the Nontie family, a heavy stone door was suddenly opened, and 'Wei Wen' in black robe appeared.

"Dark Fire Lord, what are you doing here?" Two figures instantly appeared in front of Wei Wen.

These two figures looked like ordinary practitioners, but Wei Wen knew that they were actually the top emperor-level puppets guarding here.

"I was ordered by the clan leader to enter the ancestral land to look for opportunities!" Wei Wen smiled lightly.


The two puppets nodded, but soon realized that something was wrong, because no one informed them about this.

Because every time someone wants to enter the ancestral land, the clan leader informs them first and then sends someone.

But the moment they reacted, Wei Wen had already taken action.

Even the top emperor-level Emperor Merobo was no match for Wei Wen.

Compared with the real emperor, the emperor's puppet is actually much worse in all aspects.

Wei Wen suppressed the two emperor puppets with his backhand, making them lose the ability to resist, and then led the three of them into the formation.

At this time, although there were people outside who felt the fighting and rushed over quickly, it was already too late.

The four of them stepped into a huge space-time teleportation array and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


In the mysterious space on the other side, a golden-robed Taoist monk was practicing cross-legged when he suddenly noticed the appearance of Wei and Wen.

"Why are the Dark Fire Dao Lord here?" The golden-robed Dao Lord frowned, "And the three Tao Lords behind you are not Tao Lords from our family, right?"

"We are under the orders of the clan leader..." Wei Wen thought, and the world in his heart suppressed the golden-robed Taoist Lord.

This man was just an ordinary Dao Lord, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

At the same time, Xinli is also exploring this space, and most places in it can be clearly explored.

Only a mountain range in front seemed to have a powerful force blocking his exploration.

It seems impossible to detect, but it actually shows that it is the most important place.

"It seems that the secret lies in that mountain range!" Ji Ning also discovered the anomaly through his mental effort.

And just when they were about to go in and take a look, three silver streams of light suddenly flew out from it, and they were the patriarchs of the three major families.

"Aren't you An Huo?" The head of the Nontie family looked at Wei Wen coldly.

Although Wei Wen is familiar with the Dark Fire Dao Lord in appearance, true spirit and other auras, everything that happened before shows that Wei Wen is not the Dark Fire Dao Lord.

"The three silver-clothed Taoist Lords of the Sith clan, you must be the heads of the three major families!" Wei Wen didn't care about the three silver-clothed Taoist Lords in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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