Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 324 The difficult Taoist Lord in Silver Escapes

Chapter 324 The difficult Taoist Lord in Silver Escapes
Maybe Wei Wen couldn't beat the silver-clad Taoist kings of the Eternal Kingdom, but these three Taoist kings were average.

It seems that their strength is about the same as that of Wei Wen, but he can fight three. After all, the gap in perception is too big.

The later you get, the more important it is to understand.

Just like the ordinary eternal ultimate emperor, he is still comparable to the ordinary supreme emperor.

And the eternal ultimate emperor like Ji Ning who masters Yuan Power is generally only 30% stronger than ordinary emperors.

"Do you know the Sith tribe? Silver-clothed Taoist Lord?" The three silver-clothed Taoist Lords looked at Wei Wen in surprise.

Ji Ning, Jiuchen Cult Leader, and Daojun Damo were a little confused. They really didn't know what Daojun Silver Clothes was.

"I know a lot more than you!" Wei Wen naturally didn't want to explain much. In an instant, six space-time origin natal weapons appeared in his hand.

"And we should also explore the secrets of the Sith clan's ancestral land!"

As soon as Wei Wen finished speaking, the expressions of the three silver-clad Taoists changed drastically.

"Hmph, no matter how strong you are, you are still just a Dao Lord!"

Although these three silver-robed Dao Lords were beyond ordinary peak Dao Lords, the speed of the three of them suddenly slowed down a lot the moment they entered the realm.

The three silver men instantly burst out at a speed that exceeded a hundred times the limit of heaven, and rushed towards Wei Wen in a flash.

"Deal with them quickly!" The three silver men completed the exchange in an instant.

Suddenly, the pupils of the three silver-robed Taoists all shrank.

Wei Wen knew more than they thought, and this ancestral land was the biggest secret of their three major families. How could outsiders be allowed to pry into it?

According to the information deduced by Damo Daojun, these three clan leaders are indeed very extraordinary.

"These three silver-robed Taoists are not weak. They are approaching the threshold of the Lord of the Holy City. You must be careful!"

Moreover, the realm of the silver-robed Taoist Lords is average, and their greatest characteristic is that they are powerful, and their strength is purely based on the accumulation of strength.

Under the suppression of the Heart World, their speed instantly slowed down a lot.

Wei Wen thought, and the world projection concentrated its power to suppress the three silver-clothed Taoist kings.

Originally, they came straight to Wei Wen without any concealment, and were not far from Wei Wen.

But in the next moment, Wei Wen's figure suddenly disappeared!
No, it didn't disappear, but appeared behind them in an incredible way.

The three silver-robed Taoists looked at each other, and the idea of ​​​​killing and silencing arose in their hearts.

"The world of hearts is so strong, no wonder these three peak Taoists have the courage to come to our ancestral land to run wild!"

Wei Wen quickly transmitted the message, and Ji Ning and others nodded.

At this time, although Ji Ning and the others did not enter the battlefield, they were still on the periphery to contain them.

In this case, they have no intention of confronting him head-on, after all, it is likely to be a hindrance.


"you wanna die!"

Even Ji Ning, who has not yet been able to break through the final three steps, is still far away from being crushed, and may even die.

"not good!"

The three silver-robed Taoists had no time to think about why Wei Wen was acting strangely like this, and the Yuan Power of the three forces around them suddenly exploded.

Wei Wen's figure also kept flashing, attacking the three silver-clothed Taoist Lords from all directions.

As he gained more insights into the ways of time and space, his strength had truly reached the level of a normal Lord of the Holy City. The moves of the three silver-clothed Taoist masters are really ugly, so the strength of these three silver-clothed Taoist masters can only reach the threshold of the Lord of the Holy City at most.

Therefore, even if Wei Wen fought one against three, he still had the upper hand, and the three silver-clad Taoists felt extremely uncomfortable within a short time of fighting.

"Can't beat!!!"

"What kind of peak Taoist master can be so outrageous?"

"We had a wrong understanding of the strength of the peak Taoist Lord?" The three silver-robed Taoist Lords were filled with disbelief.

Even the first-level peak Tao Lord is only a little more powerful than the second-level Tao Lord. There is a big gap between the second-level peak Tao Lord and the Lord of the Holy City.

However, the three of Wei and Wen fought for only a moment, and their faces were speechless, because the silver-robed Daojun's whole body was like an eternal and supreme magic weapon.

Even if they were able to hit each other with the subtlety of their moves, they would only be blown away at most.

Judging from the changes in the aura after hitting the silver-clad Taoist, the silver man was not injured at all!

"Fellow Daoist Time and Space, these silver-robed Dao Lords are difficult to deal with!" Dao Lord Damo sent a message to Wei Wen.

"Even if I want to kill them, it's not easy!" Wei Wen shook his head helplessly.

He has also discovered this problem. Although his attack has crushed the silver-clothed Taoist Lord, it still only blows them away when he attacks them.

The immortal body at the perfect spiritual level is terrifying. Even if all the divine bodies and souls are annihilated, it can even be resurrected. This shows how exaggerated it is.

Wei Wen's ninth layer of Chaos Restriction Yuan Power is not perfect, and it is difficult to deal with them.

And in Wei Wen's impression, the best way to deal with such special beings as the Taoist Lord in Silver, the Emperor in Black, and the Lord in Gold is to consume their Yuan Power unless they are crushed with stronger strength!

But according to the description of Perfect Power in the original work, even if the silver-robed Daojun fights with all his strength, it may last for an era of chaos.

Even if Wei Wen's attack can speed up their energy consumption, the battle will take at least hundreds of millions of years.

"Wasting hundreds of millions of years, or even more, for the three silver-clad Taoists?" Wei Wen secretly shook his head.

"If I had such a long time to cultivate quietly, I would probably be able to reach the final four steps!"

"You go first, rush in, and I will follow you!" Wei Wen said in silence for a moment.

"Okay!" Ji Ning and others nodded. In fact, they thought so too. After all, these three Taoist Lords in silver were too fleshy.

Soon the three silver-clad Taoists could only watch as Wei Wen's figure disappeared, and he must have gone straight to the core area of ​​their ancestral land.

"How to do?"

"Shall we pursue him?"

"It's dangerous for us in there!"

The three silver-clad Taoists briefly discussed for a moment and quickly made a decision.

First of all, it was useless for them to catch up, they couldn't defeat Wei Wen at all.

They planned to return to the clan and first bring in all the emperor-level puppets in the clan.

They also focused their calculations on the core area, because there are four black-clothed emperors with master level strength who are stronger than them!

If the power of the black-clothed emperor can be used, it will be enough to deal with Wei Wen and others.

Moreover, they also judged that Wei Wen and others must have come from outside, and they were also curious about how the four people got in!
After all, the gap between Wei Wen and them is not very big. If Wei Wen can come in, doesn't it mean that they can also go out?
"The outside world... According to what those puppets said, the real Sith army was massacred by the Supreme." There were countless thoughts flickering in their hearts.

"Even if we have to go out, we have to be extremely cautious. Now is not the time to think about that!"

The top priority now is to solve the problem of the ancestral land, and after solving Wei Wen and others, they can also know more about the outside world!
(End of this chapter)

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