Start by swallowing and binding Luo Feng

Chapter 325: Understanding the Supreme Heritage

Chapter 325: Understanding the Supreme Heritage
Wei Wen and others found that the three Taoist Lords in Silver Clothes were not following them, and then they went all the way deep into the mountain. Soon they saw a series of palaces.

It's just that the palace complex is now in dilapidated condition, because there seems to be a huge claw mark in the middle that cut it into pieces.

"There are also claw marks here that are suspected of being attacked by the Supreme Being?"

"It seems that the Supreme Heritage should be inside!"

But before they could go in, the four of them discovered another black humanoid creature that was broken into two parts. It was the so-called emperor in black.

There are only four black-clothed emperors who have recovered now, and this black-clothed emperor has obviously not fully recovered yet.

"There is actually the black humanoid creature we encountered before..." Ning's eyes suddenly lit up.

The first time his divine weapon evolved, it was in the body of a black humanoid creature. Unexpectedly, he saw another one this time!
You must know that the black humanoid creature that the three of them were in Yu Xinghai was strong enough to die with the two masters!

Although the pressure of the previous three silver-clad Taoists was not as strong as that of this black humanoid creature, the feeling given to Ji Ning was very similar to that of this black humanoid creature!
"The silver-robed Dao Lord was transformed from the Dao Lord on the edge of Hedao, while the black humanoid creature was transformed from the Eternal Emperor, and its strength is probably at the level of a master!" Wei Wen explained simply.

"Dominator level?!" Ji Ning and the others were shocked.

However, Wei Wen only searched for a moment before targeting the target, which was a statue of a strange beast with the appearance of a three-headed lion.

The four of them drifted along with an irresistible whirlpool for a while. Everything in front of them returned to normal again, and they found themselves in a colorful space.

The space seems ordinary, but it has a feeling of being high above.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look first, and then we'll find the Supreme Heritage." Wei Wen stepped out and entered the dilapidated palace.

"My master is the 'Paulin' Supreme. When the cultivator civilization of our chaotic universe was fighting with the Sith tribe, the master and other supreme beings were the main force."

When Wei and Wen arrived at the statue, before they could do anything, the statue opened its mouth.

"This place is indeed the supreme place and has nothing to do with the silver-clothed Taoist Lord and black-clothed Emperor of the Sith tribe outside!"

"This place can make us defenseless. It must be the place of supreme inheritance!" Daojun Damo's eyes were blazing.

There are many statues of various kinds here, including those of exotic animals.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be well-informed." As the voice sounded, a figure in black robes gathered in front of everyone.

A terrifying whirlpool came, and the four people disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As the figure in black robe continued to explain, Ji Ning and the other two people also completely understood everything.

This place is left by Supreme Bolin. It has the Tao and inheritance of Supreme Bolin, and it is also an opportunity specially reserved for those who come after you.

"It should be this statue!" Wei Wen sent a message to three people and quickly flew towards the statue of the alien beast.

"When the master attacked this warship, he easily destroyed everything."

Wei Wen's purpose was still to inherit the supreme heritage, so he once again opened up the world of his heart and began to search for the 'alien beast statue' described in the original work.

"It's just that the war had not yet come to an end, and my master was also worried about the defeat of the cultivator civilization, so he left his inheritance here..."

When Ji Ning and the others heard Wei Wen's words, they naturally did not hesitate and entered the palace one after another and began to search.

Opportunities, unimaginable opportunities!

Ji Ning and the other three were filled with surprises. How incredible would the inheritance left by such a supreme being be?

I'm afraid it will not only be useful for their current practice, but it will also be of great help to him when he joins the Tao in the future, and even to the practice of the Emperor! "I know you are very excited, but don't be excited yet. If you want to get the supreme inheritance, you still need to go through a test." The black-robed figure continued.

"Of course, no matter whether you fail or succeed in the test, as destined people, you will also benefit a lot."

"This supreme stone platform has the effect of assisting concentration and enlightenment. Which of you will come first?"

"Are you coming first?" Ji Ning and the others looked at Wei Wen, because Wei Wen knew the inheritance best.

"Okay!" Wei Wen did not refuse and went directly to the center of the Supreme Dharma Altar.

An invisible artistic conception flashed through, and for a moment Wei Wen felt his divine body and true spirit tremble slightly.

At this moment, he felt that his thinking speed had rapidly increased tremendously, and at the same time, there were countless inspirations flashing in his mind.

"This Supreme Stone Platform is indeed a treasure of enlightenment created by the Supreme Being. The effect is really exaggerated." Wei Wen was pleasantly surprised.

If the Eternal Emperor is comparable to the God King and the God of the Universe, then the Supreme One has obviously surpassed the God King and reached the Hunyuan level.

A strong man of this level has surpassed the supreme rules.

Therefore, the supreme treasure of enlightenment has an even more heaven-defying effect than Wei Wen's previous practice when he entered the place where the supreme rules originated!

At this time, in Wei Wen's perception, claw marks suddenly appeared in a void of artistic conception.

But in the claw marks, the way of time and space, the way of sword and other ways emerged one by one!

"This is the 'Origin of Ten Thousand Dao Claws' of Supreme Bolin, and it is also the supreme origin that gives rise to ten thousand paths!"

Wei Wen looked at the giant claw that shreds the sky and felt the supreme way contained in it. His heart couldn't help but boil, and he also felt incredible.

The Supreme is terrifying, powerful, and unparalleled. This is the only thought in Wei Wen's mind at this time!
Although he had not yet broken through to become the God King in Swallowing Starry Sky, he had also received the inheritance of the God King, but he had never experienced such a vast and unfathomable powerhouse.

"If it's the ultimate supreme, I'm afraid it has to be the Hunyuan Lord level!" Wei Wen's heart was filled with desire.

It is precisely because of this desire that when Wei Wen's mind was immersed in the artistic conception of the Supreme Way, he had a glimmer of understanding of the Supreme in his heart.

"Only my heart, the Tao is my heart, the Tao heart is perfect, that's how it is!"

Wei Wen suddenly felt a sense of clarity in his heart, and his heart had gradually become integrated with the way of time and space.

Of course, it is just a combination, and there is still a long way to go before the heart of Tao is perfected.

However, he has already embarked on this path, and it is not difficult to reach the perfection of Taoism with his understanding.

Of course, the most important thing now is the Tao of Time and Space, so Wei Wen does not continue to comprehend the idea of ​​perfecting the Tao Heart at this moment. After all, his Tao of Time and Space has not yet been truly perfected.

In addition, his second soul is still trapped in the Eternal Kingdom, and he must reach the Fourth Path Lord as soon as possible, so that he can defeat the powerful Lord of the Holy City, the pinnacle of the Eternal Clan.

Without any hesitation, Wei Wen abandoned all distracting thoughts and began to concentrate on watching the "giant claw" in the void and the way of time and space in the origin of the ten thousand claws!

The growth of Supreme Bolin is to first reach the point of no further progress through the way of claws, and then to understand the nine ways of domination.

Different ways have something in common with each other. After the Supreme Bolin realized that one way creates ten thousand ways, he finally completed the supreme breakthrough, and the claw path reached the supreme state.

(End of this chapter)

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