Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 104 Monkey, give the old lady some face today

Chapter 104 Monkey, give the old lady some face today

In the Hokage's office, the third generation was currently discussing with Mito Monobu what to do after the Kumo ninja surrendered.

"Boom!" Suddenly a huge sound came over, and the entire Hokage Building shook several times.

"What's going on?" Sandai stood up suddenly and shouted outside.

"Hokage-sama! It seems to be over there at the root." An ANBU ninja came in to report.

"What?!" Sandai was shocked when he heard the noise coming from Genbe, and his eyes almost fell to the ground.

Mito Kadoyan also stood up suddenly, "Monkey, did you let Danzo take action against Yuda?"

"Damn it, why did you choose today?! Is Danzo crazy?" The third generation didn't care about reminiscing with Mito Kadoyan and directly ordered: "Inform all ANBU to assemble!"

In the root underground laboratory, he looked at Yuda with a murderous look on his face.

Danzo's left eye narrowed: "Damn it, how could he come here so quickly? How dare he?"

But at this time, he had no way out. He pretended to be calm and shouted at Yuda: "Yuda! Are you going to rebel? This is Konoha's restricted area!!!"

rebel? Yuda came back to his senses, his murderous eyes gradually returned to calm, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he asked: "Danzo! You passed! Where is my child?"

"What a bastard, don't change the subject here for me. You broke into Konoha's restricted area today, and now I declare that you have become a traitorous ninja of Konoha."

Danzo ferociously ordered to the roots that were surrounded by Yuda: "Take it down!"

"It seems that we have reached this point. Danzo, you are really disgusting."

Danzo backed away slowly and said coldly, "You are the disgusting brat. Everything you do is for Konoha! For Konoha, can I trouble you to die?"

The hatred between Yuda and Danzo is destined to leave only one person alive in the end. But seeing Yuda's strength getting stronger day by day, and now able to defeat Madara Uchiha and becoming a new generation of ninja god, Danzo knew that it wouldn't be long before Yuda seeks revenge on him.

He knew this, so he had no choice but to give it a try. He was betting on whether Yuda would dare to fall out with the entire Konoha. He wanted to turn the hatred between himself and Yuda into a conflict between Yuda and Konoha.

"How disgusting! Danzo."

Looking at the attacking root ninja, Yuda was unhurried. He had been preparing for today for a long time.

"Brush! Brush!" A white light flashed, and the few root ninjas who rushed at the front fell to the ground lifeless.

Danzo looked at Yuda with a stern expression, "You dare to kill the village's ninjas. It seems that you are determined to betray Konoha!"

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, Danzo was putting hats on Yuda's head one after another. This was also an excuse for him to explain to the third generation later.

Yuda sneered and walked straight towards the laboratory behind Danzo.

Seeing that Yuda didn't answer, Danzo raised his hand slightly, and more than twenty root ninjas walked out of the laboratory behind him.

After seeing these ninjas coming out, Danzo waved his hand: "Yuda has betrayed Konoha! Now I order you to take him down!"

At this time, all he had to do was drag Yuda here. Sarutobi must be coming soon. But Danzo never expected that the third generation also had a headache at this time when he looked at Mito who was already old, but his strength and status could not be underestimated.

"Mito-sama, now the village has been attacked by unknown people. I want to go over to support you. Please get out of the way." The third generation did not dare to identify the intruder as an enemy. What happened at this time? After seeing Mito, he already had a rough guess in his mind.

Mito looked at the third generation who had a few gray hairs on his head with a complex expression, and said with emotion: "Monkey! You are getting old too! So you are soft-hearted, right?"

Sandai was worried about the safety of his old friend at this time, and did not think carefully about the meaning of Mito's words.

He anxiously said to Mito: "Mito-sama, the roots are being attacked. I need to go over for support. Please get out of the way!" Sandai emphasized again.

Looking at the third generation in uniform, Mito shook his head in disappointment: "It seems that Yuda is right. You are indeed not suitable to continue to be in charge of Konoha now."

"What?! How can Mito-sama say that?" The ANBU brought by the third generation all knew Mito's identity and were shocked when they heard her words.

"I disappoint you! But Danzo cannot die today no matter what?" Sandai said with a stubborn look.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!" Looking at the stubborn third generation, Mito completely believed Yuda's analysis. At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already put his personal emotions above the interests of Konoha.

What did Danzo do today? Everyone knew very well that there was a person who could do evil things to the people in the village at any time, but at this time, Sandai repeatedly protected him because of his relationship with him. Mito felt there was no need to say anything.

"You can come out now!" Mito shouted behind him.

"Tap! Tread! Tread!" A burst of footsteps came from behind Mito.

The third generation looked at the figure walking out in surprise. Senju, Uchiha, Hinata, including Hatake Sakumo, pregnant Tsunade and the very nervous Matt Dai, all looked at him with disappointed expressions at this time.

"Why?" Sandai looked at the people in front of him absentmindedly, as if asking them, and also seemed to be asking himself. At this time, he still didn't know what he had done wrong.

Although he supported civilian ninjas after coming to power, he caused certain losses to the interests of these ninjas. But with Uchiha Madara's lessons learned and Mito's support, these ninjas finally compromised.

These are also for the better development of Konoha, and the third generation has a clear conscience.

Even if Danzo may have done something excessive today, the Third Generation believes that his ultimate goal is for Konoha, although things often go against his expectations and the results are not satisfactory.

Seeing that the third generation still didn't know what he had done wrong at this time, Mito was even more disappointed with him.

"Don't you understand? Monkey!"

Facing Mito's questioning, Sandai looked blankly at Mito and the crowd behind her, and asked absently: "What did I do wrong?"

"Konoha has always been a military organization. The original purpose of establishing Konoha was to ensure that everyone can survive and develop better."

Mito looked at the third generation who still didn't know where he was wrong. He couldn't bear it and could only point it out.

"At the beginning, Hashirama and Tobirama both formulated policies to implement this goal. Although sometimes it would harm everyone's interests, in the end everyone could accept it." Then she looked at the already unconscious person with disappointed eyes. three generations,
  "But you and Danzo have had their minds corrupted by power, and they regard everything in Konoha as a tool to achieve their own personal goals. What you have done has not only harmed the interests of the ninja clan, but also the overall development of Konoha. .”

Then Mito pointed at the angry-looking crowd behind him and said, "Monkey, give me some face, and at the same time give yourself some dignity, abdicate!"

 I coded a chapter while I was at work and sent it out first. There is still one available today. Because there are so many things, the author also knows that the writing is not good, so he doesn’t have the audacity to ask for votes.
  (End of this chapter)

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