Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 105 All this is for Konoha

Chapter 105 This is all for Konoha

"Abdication?" Sandai suddenly woke up after hearing Mito's words. Although he had always shown an amiable appearance to the outside world, before he was called Wenzong, he was known as a man of ninja.

The third generation straightened his back and looked coldly at Mito and the opponents who followed him.

"Mito-sama! I'm sorry to have to obey! My position as Hokage was personally passed down by my teacher, the Second Hokage, and was personally recognized by the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. You can't remove me with just a word."

"Haha! I'm just an old woman who is about to die, so of course I can't depose you. But when you completely lose the support of the villagers and the recognition of the daimyo, can you still continue to be Hokage?"

Mito saw that the third generation had regained the momentum of Shinobi, and knew that it was impossible to make him abdicate with his own words.

"That's it! Now that we've reached this point, I won't say any more! General! I made you laugh!"

I saw Mito bowing behind him, and then everyone following Mito moved out of the way.

"Step! Step!" An old man with gray hair wearing a general's uniform walked out.

"Mito-sama, you're welcome!" The general returned the favor to Mito, and then looked at the third generation with his head held high.

"Hokage-sama! Long time no see!"

Although the general's strength is negligible, his status in the Fire Country allows him to face anyone except the daimyo proudly, so there is no need for him to be polite to the third generation.

Seeing that the general of the Fire Country actually came to Konoha in person, what Mito said about the daimyo not recognizing his Hokage status may be true.

"General! It's been a long time!" Facing the general of the Kingdom of Fire, the third generation did not dare to be arrogant.

After polite greetings, Sandai asked with some worry: "What's the matter with the general?"

"Haha! Entrusted by the daimyo! Come here to investigate your dereliction of duty and announce your dismissal."

Although he was well prepared, the third generation asked in disbelief after hearing what the general said: "Did the general make a mistake? I have worked hard since I took office and have not neglected my duties. Why did the daimyo want to remove me? Is it true? What misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?! Is this a misunderstanding? You should listen to this first!" Mito saw that the third generation was still stubborn and simply did not intend to save face for him.

A ninja from the Senju clan behind her took out a small rectangular box and handed it to Mito. Mito took it under the confused look of the third generation and pressed a switch.

"Zi! Zhi! Danzo! Do you really want to do this?!"

"Sarutobi! You are still too weak! If you don't eliminate those veteran ninjas, then they will just continue to crawl on Konoha as moths and suck blood!"

Hearing the sound coming from the strange box, Sandai's face suddenly lost all color.

"How is it possible? How could the conversation between myself and Danzo in the Hokage's office appear here?"

"Only after those ninjas are completely weakened will our family have a chance to rise. They are the force we can trust. All this is for Konoha!"

"What about the teacher's Senju clan? They are the teacher's family, and you attack them again and again?"

"Hmph! What do you know? You are doing that for the sake of Mujutsu to reappear in Konoha. If you sacrifice for Konoha, the teacher will be happy even if he is alive!"

"By the way! My root will continue to strengthen the surveillance of the Uchiha clan, so I will select some good seedlings from several other ninja clans to join the root. I hope..."

"That's enough! Aren't you just dissatisfied with me weakening your strength? Yes! Those are the policies I formulated, but they are all for Konoha! What's wrong with me?"

"Everything is for Konoha! That's so good! But is it really all for Konoha?" Tsunade couldn't help it at this time and retorted to the third generation: "Don't worry! Keep listening! Listen! What on earth are you doing for Konoha!"

"Tsunade! How come you..." The third generation looked at Tsunade in disbelief.

"A! Have you caught any new experimental subjects recently?" the voice from the box continued.

"There are only two of them. The people of the Thousand Hands clan have recently stepped up their vigilance, so it's not easy to catch them."

"Waste! The Senju clan has too much potential and a high reputation. We cannot let them grow! Continue to strengthen the manpower. The Senju clan can just leave a root for the sake of the teacher. Mu Dun is very important to Konoha. Important, this is all for Konoha!"



As the voice from the box continued to come out, all the recent conspiracies and transactions of the Third Generation and Danzo were clearly heard by the ninjas present.

Including how to use the post-war daimyo's appropriations and war compensation to develop their own family. How to suppress the reputation of Hatake Sakumo and Yuda, how to deal with Uchiha, how to make others more obedient, etc. Anyway, the slogans are all for Konoha.

But is there any fool here? The contents inside are all about how to use the righteousness of the top Hokage to suppress the development of juniors and other ninja clans, how to consolidate their rule and make profits for themselves.

"Haha! Is this for Konoha? Is this how you do it for Konoha?" Mito, who has always been good-tempered, was a little angry.

"How could it be?! How could the Third Generation do this?" The ANBU following the Third Generation also whispered.

"Sandaime-sama! Is all this true?" At this time, a white-haired ANBU with a short sword behind him walked up behind the third generation and asked in disbelief.

Without even thinking about it, everyone knew that this ANBU was Hatake Sakumo, and everyone already knew his identity due to his peculiar hairstyle.

Hatake Sakumo is a ninja who has always practiced the will of fire, and even regarded the will of fire as his own ninja way.

At this time, I suddenly heard that Gou Gou was behind the Hokage who represented the will of fire, and I suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

The third generation didn't know how to answer Hatake Sakumo's question at this time. At this time, he was still thinking: "Did everything he did before be wrong?"

After being lost for a moment, Sandai regained his firm expression: "What I did was all for Konoha."

Although the third generation did not admit it directly, his attitude at this time showed that the voices in the box were indeed those of the third generation and Danzo.

"Boom!" Hatake Sakumo's heart felt as if he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer.

"How could you...?" Hatake Sakumo looked at the third generation in disappointment.

But the Third Generation was concerned about Danzo's safety at this time, and said directly to the ANBU and Mito people behind him:

"No matter what! I am the Hokage now. Are you going to rebel?"

"Haha! Haven't the Third Generation understood the situation yet?" The leader of the Uchiha clan looked at the Third Generation sarcastically: "The moment the general appears, you will no longer be the Hokage."

 No more today, two more updates tomorrow

  (End of this chapter)

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