Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 109 Hello grandma

Chapter 109 Hello grandma

The third generation looked at Danzo's body in confusion at this time, unable to accept that his old friend died like this.

Mito also looked sad. After all, Danzo had often studied with the Senju clan since he became a disciple of the second generation. At that time, Danzo was still a mature and steady boy.

"Is power really so charming? It can make people give up everything for it."

Mito was a little confused. Hashirama and Tobirama didn't become like the Sandaime and Danzo!
  "Tap! Tread!" Sandai was still sad about the death of his old friend, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps.

The third generation raised his head, and what caught his eyes was Mito with a complicated expression.

"I'm sorry! Mito-sama! I disappoint you!" The third generation seemed to have lost his soul at this time, and he picked up Danzo's body helplessly.

"I agreed to abdicate, and I will wait at home for the village to deal with it." After saying that, he left without looking back.

The Uchiha clan leader wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Mito's look.

Even though the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan are not dealing with each other, Uchiha is still very afraid of Mito. Even Uchiha Madara was afraid of Mito's sealing technique back then.

"General! Thank you for your hard work this time!" Yuda nodded and smiled at the general who was protected by everyone behind him.

"Haha! I hope Mr. Yuda will not forget his promise."

This time he was able to come in person because the daimyo and the nobles of the capital wanted to continue to get Yuda's iron sand, and because of Yuda's strength.

In their eyes, Yuda, who could provide them with a large amount of cheap iron sand, was much more valuable than Sarutobi.

Besides, Yuda's strength also forced them to compromise with Yuda, who scared the daimyo back then.

"As for the new Hokage! What do you think, Lord Yuda?" Upon hearing the general's question, the several ninjas present, except for the neutral ones, Uchiha and Hinata all looked at Yuda eagerly.

Although I know I have little hope, but what if!
  "Let's wait until the frontline war is over! For now, let's send one person from each family to form a temporary advisory group to take charge!"

"Oh? Your Excellency Yuda has no idea about the position of Hokage?" The general looked at Yuda in surprise, and he didn't expect that there was anyone who could refuse the temptation of Hokage.

"Haha! Do you think it's appropriate for me to sit in that seat now?"

If Yuda becomes Hokage now, then the nature of their operation will change and it will be a complete military coup.

As long as Yuda, the mastermind, does not take the position of Hokage, then this operation will bring order to the chaos.

"Haha!" The general laughed a few times and breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as you are willing to play within the rules."

He was afraid that Yuda would break the rules arrogantly with his own strength. As long as Yuda can't wait to be the Hokage at this time, then after returning this time, he will persuade the daimyo to be more vigilant against Konoha.

Seeing the general leaving Konoha with satisfaction, Yuda turned to the various ninjas behind him and said, "Let's go back and discuss it! Select your own representatives as soon as possible. The war on the front line is not over yet, and Konoha cannot be in chaos."

After saying that, Yuda hurried home, as if there was something terrible behind him. A lot of people were left staring at him.

"It's over!" The leader of the Hyuga clan asked in disbelief.

"Then what else do you want?" The Uchiha clan leader looked at the Hyuga clan leader with contempt, but he was also very excited in his heart. The Uchiha clan could finally take a breath and have a chance to reach the top of Konoha. "No! You must be careful in selecting political advisors. You can't let those who are full of rebellion be elected. Otherwise, if you miss this opportunity, Uchiha will really have no chance."

Except for Hinata and Uchiha, who have been excluded from the top management, the other ninja clan did not react much. After all, no matter who becomes Hokage in the future, their assistance will be indispensable.

It's just that no one from each family wants to let the representatives of each family have a say in the seats.

The alliance that had been united just now began to quarrel. They didn't dare to fight. Although the third generation abdicated, Yuda, the ninja god, was still in charge, so everyone could only fight for greater interests for the family within the rules.

At this time, Kiko didn't notice Yuda leaving. She looked at the embarrassed Tsunade teasingly, as if she couldn't believe that she would steal her man.

After seeing his granddaughter's embarrassment, Mito coughed a few times: "Oh! As I get older, I feel uncomfortable standing outside for a long time. Tsunade! Help me go home!"

After hearing what her grandma said, Tsunade hurriedly stepped forward to support Mito, who seemed to be about to fall to the ground in the next moment, and quickly walked towards home.

Kiko looked at the backs of the two actors and couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to enter the Yuda family easily!" There is quite a feeling that the family will not die, and you are all concubines.

"Yeah!" When Kiko's attention was withdrawn from Tsunade, she found that Yuda had disappeared.

Kiko ignored the quarreling clans and walked directly towards home: "Humph! A monk can't run away from the temple! I didn't expect you to be so brave that you dare to provoke even Tsunade!" Kiko murmured as she walked, thinking about waiting. How will you deal with Yuda?

Mito looked at Tsunade, who was blushing, and felt funny in his heart. The sadness of Danzo's death was also forgotten: "What? Wasn't he very aggressive just now? I feel embarrassed now that I have been exposed."

"Grandma!" Tsunade shouted with tears in her eyes: "You still laughed at me, but now I don't even know how to face Kiko."

"Who told you to be so bold in the first place!" Mito said seemingly reproachfully: "Then what do you think? Do you have any plans to marry Yuda?"

"No! I will be satisfied if I can give birth to our common offspring." After saying this, Tsunade felt a little sad.

"Then what are you afraid of! As long as you don't interfere in their lives, you can do whatever you want. Men! You still expect them not to cheat!"

After listening to Mito's comfort, Tsunade looked at Mito in surprise: "Grandma, you are so good! Could it be that grandpa also..."

"Smelly girl! What are you thinking about?" Mito angrily patted Tsunade on the back. He was worried about the child in her belly, so he didn't use any force.

"Your grandpa and I were still young when we got married, so he didn't have a chance. But your second grandpa..." Mito said suddenly.

"How could it be?! The second grandfather is very strict! He looks very serious!" Tsunade was obviously overwhelmed.

"Haha!" Mito smiled. It's better not to let the younger ones eat too much of the elders' melons. Look at Tsunade's belly.

Seeing that her grandma was unwilling to say more, Tsunade could only suppress her curiosity.

Although I still regretted my impulsiveness just now, my mood became much brighter after hearing grandma's comfort.

(End of this chapter)

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