Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 110 Chapter 108 The safety and danger of the ninja world are all 3 generations and 1 body

Chapter 110 Chapter The safety of the ninja world depends on the three generations

That night, there were bursts of "dong-dong" smashing sounds floating in the sky above Konoha, and from time to time, miserable screams could be heard.

This was a terrifying night for the ordinary villagers, but the various ninja clans and spies lurking in Konoha were very busy.

"What?! The teacher stepped down?! He also collaborated with Danzo to do so many unforgivable things."

The commander of the military camp on the front line of the Rain Kingdom, Jiraiya was immediately confused after receiving the report from the village.

Although the third generation seemed unreliable before, it was very good for their disciples. Otherwise, how could you achieve what you have achieved today based on your status as a civilian?

Although it has something to do with his own talent, it would have been impossible for him to reach his current status without Sandai's devoted teachings.

So he couldn't accept that his teacher was such a dirty person secretly.

But when I thought that the notification was jointly issued by Tsunade, Yuda and the clan leaders of all the clans in the village, I suddenly became disappointed.

On the front line of the Kingdom of Water, Orochimaru showed a true expression after receiving the notification: "Haha! Yuda-kun is always unexpected!" However, thinking of his teacher stepping down in this way, a trace of sadness appeared on his face. .

Koharu, who was sleeping in the Land of Grass, looked at the Uchiha clan leader standing in front of him and the ninja behind him.
  "I don't believe it. You must have faked the order. Sarutobi would never do this to me."

Seeing the hysterical Koharu sleeping in front of him, the Uchiha clan leader felt happier than ever before.

"Hmph! You people used to target us, but now you know what kind of life we ​​lived in the past, right?"

"Koharu Jonin, the third generation has been deposed by the daimyo for endangering the security of Konoha, so you should not make unnecessary resistance. Otherwise, we will take measures against you as a traitor!" Uchi is worthy of being the captain of the guard for more than ten years. As soon as Patriarch Bo came up, he suppressed Koharu Koharu, the former high-level leader of Konoha, with his aura.

Seeing the indifferent ninjas around him and the eager Uchiha clan leader, Koharu had no choice but to go to bed and capture him.

"What will the village do to us?" She just wanted to survive at this time, but she was also afraid of people like Uchiha taking personal revenge, so the word "village" was specially emphasized. Reminding the Uchiha who came to detain her not to mess around.

"Haha!" The Uchiha clan leader naturally understood what she meant. Looking at the frightened Xiaochun who went to bed in a joking way, he said contemptuously: "Don't think that I am as dirty as you. It is up to the village to decide how to deal with you. I am only here to supervise and take over the troops here!"

Hearing what the Uchiha clan leader said, Koharu breathed a sigh of relief when she went to bed. However, when she thought that the power that had made her so superior in the past was gone, and she might have to face trial, she collapsed again, and was immediately detained by the police who came to detain her. The ninja escorted him back to the village.

Although other ninja villages also received information about the great changes in Konoha, the heavy losses they imagined in Konoha did not happen. Yuda relied on sufficient preparations and strong strength to easily solve all hidden dangers, allowing them to take advantage of the situation. The idea of ​​taking advantage of Konoha's vitality was completely shattered.

Ohnoki looked at the intelligence sent back by the spies and sighed deeply: "Order the frontline troops to withdraw, and at the same time send a mission to discuss the truce with Konoha."

"Lord Tsuchikage! No! We can continue to fight. If once the agreement is signed, then all our sacrifices this time will be in vain!" Someone immediately objected.

"Then what do you think we should do? If Konoha sends Yuta over, how can we resist? Then it won't be a matter of stopping the fight, it will be about destroying the village! Don't forget that there is another Uchiha Madara with ulterior motives secretly. We cannot afford to lose too much strength.”

Onoki said angrily as he looked at the side and endured the objections.

If you haven't seen Yuda's terrifying strength, you won't understand the despair that ordinary people feel when facing a ninja like Yuda.

"Yes!" Seeing Ohnoki getting angry, no one dared to object.

"Sure enough, he solved it easily." Raikage was also very disappointed after receiving the news, but thinking of Yuda's strength, he could only give up his plan.

After receiving the news, the Kazekage just sighed. At present, they have no idea about Konoha, and their strength does not allow it.     But Hanzo's reaction was the fastest among all. When Yuda arrived at the Rain Country, Hanzo paid close attention to all developments in Konoha.

After learning that Yuda had brought down the power of the Third Generation and Danzo, he immediately sent someone to express his wish to renew their relationship with Konoha.

I used to think that with the Sandai and Danzo holding Yuda back, everyone could somehow hold on.

But with the fall of the third generation, Yudana without the shackles is very intimidating.

The raging World War II ended inexplicably with the fall of the third generation.

People who don't know think that the entire World War II broke out to overthrow three generations of rule.

It can be said that the three generations are related to the safety of the entire ninja world.

"Ah... I haven't been back to the village for a long time!" Jiraiya, who had just withdrawn from the front line, was filled with emotion as he looked at Konoha which had regained its prosperity due to the end of the war.

Because Hanzo was the first to propose a truce, and there is nothing that Konoha can see in the Rain Country.

So after receiving Hanzo's request for an alliance, the ninja advisory group in the village agreed to Hanzo's request for a truce after some discussion.

However, everyone rejected his request for alliance after careful consideration.

Because that guy is so good at backstabbing allies. Rather than forming an alliance with him, it is better to guard against him like this. After all, you will be too close to him after forming an alliance. If he stabs you in the back again, everyone will not be able to react in time.

When Jiraiya returned to the village, no one else greeted him and he went straight to the third generation's home.

Looking at the once bustling courtyard, there are now sparse people. Jiraiya couldn't help but feel that things are right and humans are different!

Jiraiya stepped forward and knocked on the door of his teacher's house.

"I'm afraid this is the first time I have to knock on the door when meeting a teacher!" Jiraiya smiled mockingly.

"Who is it?" A servant of the Sarutobi clan was also very confused at this time.

Ever since the third generation was ousted, everyone has been avoiding the Sarutobi clan, so why would anyone come to visit?

"Creak!" The servant opened the door and took a look. A tall figure with a white hedgehog head and a face full of oil paint appeared in front of him.

"Jiraiya-sama! When did you come back?" The servant was extremely surprised when he saw the visitor.

"Hehe! Although the situation of the Sarutobi clan is not good, isn't this new supporter coming!" The servant was secretly happy.

"Is Sarutobi-sensei here?" Jiraiya asked directly without paying attention to the servant's inner drama.

"Ah..." When the servant heard Jiraiya's question, he immediately came back to his senses: "Yes, yes! The Third Generation is in the backyard now. I will take you there." He quickly replied enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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