Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 111 What! Tsunade, don’t want to die.

Chapter 111 What! Tsunade, don’t want to die.

Following the servants to the backyard, Jiraiya saw the third generation sitting cross-legged in front of a newly raised grave, smoking silently.

Thick smoke continued to spray out of the third generation's mouth.

"Old man!" Jiraiya called out worriedly when he saw the third generation who was not in a good state at this time.

"Huh?" Sandai turned his head in confusion after hearing the voice: "It's Jiraiya! Are you back?" The voice was full of hoarseness and exhaustion.

"Old man?!" Jiraiya couldn't believe his eyes.

The previously high-spirited Third Hokage was now wearing homely clothes, his hair had turned gray, and he suddenly looked nearly twenty years older.

"Haha! What? You didn't go to the village to report first." The third generation was not surprised by Jiraiya's arrival.

Among his three disciples, if the plan against the Senju clan had not been revealed before, Tsunade might be the most emotional and the most likely to support him.

But since he found out that she was pregnant with Yuda's child, and Danzo revealed that as long as he left a root for the Senju clan, the master-disciple relationship between him and Tsunade was over.

Although Orochimaru may be a little sad, he is too rational and will consider the best option for himself. When the village has not decided what to do with him, he will avoid suspicion and stay away from him.

Only Jiraiya came here to find out for himself regardless.

"No! I just came back." Jiraiya's expression was a little complicated at this time: "Have you really done so many wrong things with Danzo?"

The third generation did not directly answer Jiraiya's question, but turned to look at the grave he had built for Danzo: "Do you also think that we and Danzo deserve to die?"

Jiraiya looked at the third generation and felt a little confused: "I don't know! But if Danzo really did so many bad things, then he deserves to die. No village can tolerate a guy who kills his own companions."

"Really?" After hearing Jiraiya's words, the third generation also began to wonder if he had been too indulgent towards Danzo in the past.

Although he knew that Danzo had always had his own ambitions, the third generation always thought that the things he did were for the good of Konoha.

But he found that he still underestimated his old friend, and even dared to steal the Sharingan of his classmate Uchiha Mirror for the sake of power.

Although I only knew that Jing's death was related to him, I didn't expect him to do that.

"Did you say that what I did as Hokage was a failure?" The third generation's tone was a little lonely.

"It's okay! At least it was the best choice at the time." Jiraiya also knew that those things were true at this time, so he gave the third generation a vague answer at this time.

"Was it just the best choice at that time? Haha! It seems that it is not now!" After seeing Jiraiya at this time, the third generation also calmed down.

He looked at Jiraiya seriously and asked, "Do you have any ideas about the Fourth Hokage?"

"What a joke! Who would want to be that tired and troublesome Hokage! I still have to look for writing materials, but I have always followed your example!" Jiraiya jumped up after hearing the third generation's question.

Then he solemnly said: "Do you think our family still has a chance? Those ninjas will not agree. Old man, please stop worrying about it. Spend more time with Master and Shinnosuke. It's best to Let’s have a son!”

Jiraiya saw that the third generation was in a better mood and joked with him.

"Haha! Let's wait for the village to deal with it now!" The third generation saw that Jiraiya was now much more relaxed and relaxed. Even if he was executed in the end, at least his family would still have Jiraiya to look after him.

"Don't worry, I don't believe you can't guess who has a better chance of becoming Hokage. He is your former direct descendant! He won't be so heartless." Although Jiraiya is usually careless, he is extremely transparent. of a person.

"Then what are your plans?" Of course Sandai knew that he would not be executed, but he also wanted to add extra insurance for his family.

After all, he will be an ordinary person living at home from now on, and he also wants to find a backer for his family. "Toad Sage said that I will have an apprentice, the son of destiny who will change the fate of the Ninja world. I plan to travel to the Ninja world after the war." Jiraiya didn't want to stay in the village anymore.

On the one hand, I can be said to be a remnant of the previous dynasty, and it will be embarrassing for everyone to continue to stay in the village.

On the other hand, this is also my true thought.

"Is that so?" Sandai pondered for a moment: "Go visit Tsunade before you leave!"

Sandai looked at his stupid disciple. He clearly had a great chance, but he was ruined by him like this.

"Tsunade?! What's wrong with Tsunade? Is she injured?" When Jiraiya heard this, he thought Tsunade was seriously injured and asked worriedly.

He has never paid attention to the situation in the village. In his opinion, with strong men like Yuda sitting in the village, nothing major will happen. He just needs to do his own thing.

"Uh..." Seeing Jiraiya like this, the third generation couldn't bear to tell him the truth: "Go and see for yourself and you will understand. Sorry!" The third generation said to Jiraiya regretfully.

"Tsunade!" Jiraiya was even more panicked now, thinking that Tsunade had been sacrificed.

So he didn't bother to report to the village at this time, leaving a burst of dust for Sandai before disappearing.

"Um...he won't misunderstand anything, right? Forget it, this is no longer something that an old man like me should worry about." The third generation looked at Jiraiya who had misunderstood, shook his head and smiled.

"Let's go back and coax the old lady!" Sandai suddenly had a headache when he remembered that he had been sleeping on the sofa and eating cold food for half a month.

He looked at Danzo's grave and waved his hand calmly: "Old man, our era is over!"


"Is it over?" Mito was worried about something unexpected happening to the third generation, and was always sensing his situation with chakra.

After hearing his last emotion, I was lost for a moment: "Then who am I?"

But then he thought of Jiraiya's grief-stricken look, and chuckled again: "Sure enough, he is still the same as before, full of bad ideas."

"Grandma! What's wrong with you?" Kushina, who was learning the sealing technique from Mito, asked curiously when she saw Mito suddenly smile.

Yanzhen was also laughed at by Mito inexplicably at this time. He thought there was something dirty on his face and wiped it randomly.

"It's nothing, let's continue our teaching!" Mito said kindly, looking at the two little ones, Kushina and Yanzhen.

"Even if my time has passed, what should I leave behind for Senju and Uzumaki in the last few years?" Mito felt a little anxious at this time.


"Tsunade! Don't die!"

Before Mito could continue to speak, he heard the door being knocked open. Then there was a mournful cry.

"Haha! Here it comes!" Mito thought that what was going to happen next would be interesting, so he didn't show up to stop it and waited to see the show.

The corner of Yuda's mouth twitched a few times at this time: "They are all a bunch of old foxes! They are very sinister!"

(End of this chapter)

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