Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 126 Where is this?

Chapter 126 Where is this?

It was exactly as Orochimaru expected.

After he announced the start, the Chuunin responsible for the assessment of Uchiha Rain couldn't hold his breath at first. After throwing several shurikens at Uchiha Rain, he rushed towards her with a kunai in hand.

"Ding! Ding!"

Facing the oncoming shurikens, Uchiha Rain remained calm. After taking out his kunai and challenging him, he suddenly got a few more kunais in his hand.

Uchiha Yu jumped back, distanced herself from the chuunin who rushed towards her, and then threw out the kunai in her hand.

I saw kunai drawing several arcs in the air and then colliding with each other. Finally, he headed towards the Chuunin's key points.

"What an exquisite throwing technique! It seems that Uchiha's basic training also has merit." Yuda couldn't help but admire after seeing this.

"Haha! Yuda-kun has given you the award! It's not worth mentioning! It's not worth mentioning!" After hearing Yuda's praise, the Uchiha clan leader almost grinned to the back of his head, but he was still polite.

After forcing the chuunin to stop and dodge, Uchiha Yu quickly formed seals with his hands.
  "Art fire escape ho fireball!"

This ninjutsu is the signature ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan. Every time they fight with the enemy, as long as they have enough space and time, they will first use this ninjutsu to test or interfere with the enemy.

Just because its attack speed is too slow for ninjas, and the impact effect is too strong, the number of enemies killed by this number so far can be ignored.

After the Chunin in the assessment dodged Uchiha Rain's kunai, he looked at the oncoming fireball and dodged it easily. The trouble caused to him was not as big as the few kunai just now.

Looking at Uchiha Yu who was still in mid-air, a ferocious smile appeared on his face: "It's over!"

Then he ducked behind Uchiha Rain and stabbed her in the back with the kunai in his hand.


A burst of white smoke flashed by, and Uchiha Yu's figure disappeared.

"What? It's the shadow clone! When?" Looking at the opponent who disappeared in front of him, the chunin was shocked.

Everyone knows that once their back is left to the enemy in mid-air, they will become meat on the chopping board. Because there is no leverage point in the air, there is no way to avoid the attack.

"Really? It's over!"

A gust of fragrant wind came from behind, and then a cold kunai was placed on his neck.

The chuunin wanted to resist, but as soon as he turned his head, what he saw was blood-red pupils and a black magatama spinning inside.

"It's over! Uchiha Rain wins!" Orochimaru organized Uchiha Rain's next illusion in time.

After throwing the chuunin out of the field, he announced the results of the assessment.

"What, it turns out it's so simple, I can do it too!" Seeing this result, Wanta and his classmates who came to watch looked disappointed, thinking it was too simple.

But their teacher stopped them immediately: "Who said it was easy? In the end, if Orochimaru-sama hadn't thrown the chuunin out of the field, he would have fallen into rain's illusion."

Then she looked at the girl in the field with a look of relief, and sincerely praised: "What an incredible sense of fighting!"

"Great! Yu passed! I didn't expect this test to be so easy!" Ganta and the others saw how vulnerable Uchiha Yu's opponents were, and they were immediately full of confidence in their next test.

After Yuda saw Wanta's expression on the stage, a smile appeared on his lips: "Be happy before it starts, and you will cry later." Jiro, who was standing next to Wanta, saw Yuda's expression. , he pulled the excited Ganta with a solemn expression: "Brother! Don't be too happy too early! The next step may not be easy!"

"It's okay! We are just graduating, it's the same for everyone!" Seeing the self-aggrandizing boss, Jiro knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he had to give up the treatment.

"Now the assessment of Namikaze Minato will begin. Candidates and examiners are invited to enter the venue."

Orochimaru was anxious to see the quality of his disciples. Before everyone could recover from the previous battle, he announced the start of the next assessment.

"how come?"

As soon as Minato entered the venue, he saw his opponent coming out from the opposite side, and he was a little surprised.

"Junior Brother Minato, it's been a long time! I didn't expect that you would graduate in such a short time!" Shun Tengzi looked at the stunned Minato and said hello with a smile.

"Hello... Senior sister!" Even though he was surprised, Minato still had to say hello quickly to avoid suffering later.

"How could this happen? Minato's opponent is not at the same level as the one just now!" After Ganta saw Minato's examiner, he also realized that something was wrong.

"We are just a graduation assessment! There is no need to be so big!" Jiro also looked at Ivy in the field and couldn't help but complain.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you kidding me!" Shikaku also looked serious at this time: "Huntuko Jounin is one of Konoha's elite jonins, is there any need to send her as an examiner?"

"Haha! Where did this come from!" Orochimaru was very satisfied after seeing everyone's expressions. This is interesting.

Then he couldn't help but look at Yuda, who was looking calm, thinking in his mind that he shouldn't have offended him! Otherwise, he would not be able to sleep well if he was targeted by the shady Yuda.

"Damn it! Sure enough, it's still the same!" Tsunade was not surprised at all when she saw Ivy Toko appear. How much good thoughts can be expected from a man who has been thinking about using himself to pay off debts since he was a child.

Long Jian and his wife, who came to cheer for their son on the sidelines after a day off, also stayed in Bengbu.

"Isn't that Ivy? How could Minato's examiner be her? Will Minato be okay?" Minato's mother looked at Minato's opponent in the field in surprise and asked her husband worriedly.

"Are you okay? Master Hokage must have a reason for this arrangement. We can just watch!" Long Jian was not sure at this time.

"Don't Sakumo want Minato to become a ninja?" Long Jian looked at Hatake Sakumo in confusion, thinking in his heart.

But he would never have thought that the man standing next to Hatake Sakumo was the mastermind behind this.

"The assessment begins!" Orochimaru looked at Minato sympathetically, and then left the assessment venue in a flash.

Minato stared at Ivy who was standing there casually with vigilance, and continuously retreated to a distance that he thought was safe.

Ivy just watched Minato's movements with a smile. It wasn't until Minato threw out a few shurikens that she casually dodged the shurikens.

Then his eyes suddenly revealed murderous intent and turned into the appearance of an evil spirit.

"Junior Brother Minato, since you have decided to become a ninja, let you experience what a ninja is really like in advance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Izutoko's figure disappeared in front of Minato like a wisp of smoke.

"So fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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