Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 127 Minato VS Ivy

Chapter 127 Minato VS Ivy


Minato only had time to sigh before the sound of kunai breaking through the air came from behind him.

There was no time to think too much, Minato knew that fighting an elite jounin would not tolerate the slightest distraction.

I saw him holding the kunai's hand and pulling it back, and he didn't have time to turn around.


As soon as Minato's kunai came into contact with the attack coming from behind, it was knocked away by a huge force.

But this also gave Minato time to respond. He quickly ducked down to avoid Ivy's sweeping side kick.

The wind brought by Ivyko's legs made Minato's scalp ache, which showed how much strength she had used.

"Huh!" After dodging the side kick, Minato didn't dare to stay, and he didn't care about his own image. He rolled like a donkey and opened the distance between him and Ivy. He took out a kunai based on his feeling and pointed towards Ivy just now. Throw it where you stand.

"Yo! Nice reaction!" He lightly knocked away the kunai thrown by Minato, and Ivy gave him a rare compliment.

"This is impossible to fight! Minato was squeezed the whole time!"

After seeing the scene on the scene, the onlookers all said worriedly.

"Haha! Let's get rid of it now!" Hatake Sakumo looked at Yuda with gloating, wondering why he insisted on letting Izutoko be Minato's examiner.

"No rush! Trust Minato, don't underestimate him!" Yuda's expression did not change at all, as if he was not worried at all that Minato would not pass the test.

"Although I don't know what back-ups you have prepared for him, but in the face of the absolute strength gap, these are useless." Hatake Sakumo saw no hope that Minato could pass the assessment and continued to attack Yuda.

"Haha! Let's wait and see!" Yuda didn't bother to pay attention to Hatake Sakumo's triumphant expression, and just looked at Minato in the field expectantly.

"Minato, let them see your light today!"

Because Yuda himself had no space talent, although he yearned for the Flying Thunder God very much, he couldn't use it at the time, even though he had deduced this ninjutsu to an incredible level.

In order to make up for the regret in his heart, after Minato's chakra broke through the Jonin, Yuda immediately taught him the Flying Thunder God training method he had summarized.

Although at this time he could not flash as wildly as the golden flash did later, but as long as he found the right opportunity, there was no chance of victory by surprise.

Just when Yuda and Hatake Sakumo were bickering, Minato was already in danger by Ivy. If it hadn't had an extraordinary reaction speed and had been transformed by Yuda using the light of the mysterious beads for a long time, it would have lost its combat effectiveness long ago.

"Haha! If Minato you only have this kind of strength, then I will end this boring assessment!" Although I don't know why the teacher asked me to personally assess this lovely junior, but out of gratitude to the teacher, Haru Fujiko decided to come anyway.

But although Minato's strength was good, it was far behind her. So she didn't plan to play with him anymore.

"Oh! Are you serious?" Orochimaru also cheered up, wanting to see what kind of trump card Minato had that made Yuda so confident in him.

Minato became wary after hearing Ivyko's words.

But as soon as he saw Ivy Tengko's figure flashing, he completely lost sight of Ivy Tengoko.

"Up there!" After seeing Minato's predicament, Ganta, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but remind him loudly.

Once again relying on Ganta's reminder and his own excellent reflexes to avoid Ivyko's attack, Minato made a big jump to distance himself from Ivyko.

"Originally I didn't plan to use it here, but I didn't expect that the examiner turned out to be a senior sister. So in order to graduate smoothly, I had to do this." Minato looked at Izutoko seriously and took out four strange-looking ninja tools from his bag. of kunai.

Ivy looked at him with a smile: "Oh! These kunai look interesting, but I don't know if they are useful?"

Minato suddenly threw the four kunai in his hand towards Ivyko, but they were easily picked aside by Ivyko, and a few of them even missed the chance to hit Ivyko and flew towards the corner of the field.

"Haha! It really opened my eyes!" Seeing Minato's childish attack, Ivy couldn't help but ridiculed him.

But Ganta and the others who were familiar with Minato looked at Minato in surprise after seeing him take out those special kunai: "Has Minato already mastered the Flying Thunder God?"

Ivy was no longer interested in playing with Minato. She saw her legs suddenly kicking the ground, and the chakra gathered in her feet exploded instantly.


The speed was faster than before. Before, a black line could be vaguely seen, but now Ivy seemed to be teleporting, appearing behind Minato instantly.

"It's over! My lovely junior brother!" After saying this, Chun Tengzi wanted to end the assessment with the kunai in her hand.

But before her kunai could fall, Minato in front of her instantly disappeared.

"What?" Before the onlookers could react, they were all waiting to see Minato's figure appear on the other side of the field when he failed.

Chun Tengzi also looked at Minato who smiled at her in surprise: "That wasn't the teleportation technique just now, was it?"

"Haha!" After Yuda's training, Minato would not easily reveal information about his trump card.

Seeing that Minato didn't answer her question, Izutoko suddenly reacted: "As expected of Mr. Yuda's student, he is really cautious!"

The first thing Yuda does when educating his students is to emphasize that no one should reveal his trump card at any time.

Seeing that nothing could be asked, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from Chun Tengzi, exuding murderous aura with all his strength, and the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

Minato was almost suffocated by the sudden momentum and murderous aura.

"We can't drag it out any longer, otherwise I will be crushed before my senior sister takes action!" Minato analyzed.

Then, with the momentum of Ivy Tengzi, he launched an active attack for the first time.

In order to save chakra, he used the teleportation technique and rushed directly towards Ivy.

Forced by the situation, the further he delays, the more disadvantageous it will be to himself.

His eyes were fixed on Chun Tengzi, who had transformed into Shura. The closer he got to her, the more terrifying he could feel her.

"How many people have been killed?" Yuda was also surprised when he saw the murderous aura burst out from Chun Tengzi.

"Ever since she started training, she has been assigned to ANBU by the Third Generation. Until recently, I arranged for her to be a mission ninja."

"Huh?" Yuda frowned.

Seeing that Yuda had misunderstood, Hatake Sakumo quickly explained: "It's not what you thought. She is not an undercover agent of the third generation. It's just that the girl is old and cannot delay other people's lifelong events, right?"

"Oh?! Tell me in detail, who captured Izutoko's heart and asked me, the master's wife, to help her check it." Kiko became energetic when she heard this, and stared at Hatake Sakumo with a bright look, her eyes filled with joy. Curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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