Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 128 Kosuke: Just an ordinary genin in Konoha

Chapter 128 Kosuke: Just an ordinary genin in Konoha
  Yuda felt a little sorry for Hatake Sakumo when she heard it.

After his first few disciples left school, in order to avoid the conflicts between himself and the three generations being implicated in them, Yuda rarely contacted them, except Dai, who would not be suspected at any time.

In a blink of an eye, they will also get married.

On the training ground, the battle between Minato and Ivy reached the final moment.

Just when Minato rushed to Ivy Koko despite the pressure. Ivy smiled, kicked her legs, raised her right hand and punched Minato in front of her.

"Strange power!?"

As one of Yuda's first disciples, and a girl at that, it was no surprise that Yuda taught her strange powers in order to increase Ivy's future survival rate on the battlefield.

But it's okay for you, an elite jounin, to bully a quasi-ninja, but using ninjutsu is too much!
  Minato knew by looking at Izutoko's aura that this punch could not be received forcefully, as it would kill someone.

He had no choice but to give up his attack, and just when Ivyko's fist was about to fall on him, Minato's figure disappeared again.

"Interesting!" This time the attack failed, Chun Tengzi was not disappointed at all, because the moment Minato disappeared, she felt a trace of space fluctuation.

After combining the strange kunai he had taken out before, as Yuda's student, she immediately thought of the ninjutsu Minato used.

But she understood a little too late. Just after Minato dodged her punch, she suddenly saw the Flying Thunder God Kunai not far behind Ivy.

His eyes lit up and disappeared again.


The sound of cutting air coming from behind told Idouko what move Minato would use next.



Before Minato could finish calling out the moves, his always white jade hands grabbed his wrist.

"Isn't that amazing?" Ivy Tengzi appeared beside him at some point and tightly grasped his attacking hand.

Because it lost its target, the Rasengan quickly dissipated in the wind.

Seeing the stunned junior brother, Chun Tengzi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are all the brats today so powerful? I almost fell over."

"The assessment is over! Minato..."

Seeing that the winner was decided, Orochimaru was about to announce the results of the assessment.

"Wait a minute!" Hatake Sakumo interrupted him, and then Hatake Sakumo looked at the decadent Minato in wonder: "How does Yuda teach students, why do they all look like monsters?"

However, I was secretly happy when I thought that my soon-to-be-born son would also worship Youda as his teacher.

"Ahem!" Seeing the onlookers and Orochimaru looking at him in confusion, Hatake Sakumo coughed.

"Whether the assessment is passed or not is not determined by victory or defeat. Although Minato lost, the strength he showed was amazing, so I think he can pass."

Orochimaru also nodded after hearing what Hatake Sakumo said. After all, although Minato was defeated, the Jonin present could pat his chest and guarantee that he could defeat Minato.

"Minato passed the examination." Orochimaru announced immediately.

"Passed?!" Minato had already accepted the fact that he failed the assessment, but what the Hokage said surprised him. "Minato passed! He will also be a ninja from now on!" Long Jian cried with excitement after hearing Orochimaru announce the result.

"Passed! Minato is so awesome!" Ganta and the others were also happy that Minato could pass the test.

"You are really messing around! How can you teach that kid that ninjutsu?!" Although he was surprised that Minato could learn to fly the Thunder God, Hatake Sakumo still couldn't help but complain to Yuda.

"It's very useful, isn't it?" Yuda ignored his sour taste and looked at Minato with a gentle smile on his face.

After Orochimaru announced the result, the knowledgeable people explained to the surrounding companions who did not understand how difficult it was to learn the ninjutsu that Minato used just now, and everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder Minato was able to pass the test even though he was defeated. It turned out that he had mastered the flying thunder god of the second generation!

For a moment, the melon-eating crowd burst into cheers, celebrating the addition of a genius to Konoha.

When the crowd gradually quieted down, Orochimaru appeared again this time,

"Uzumaki Kushina will take the assessment next."

When she heard her name, Kushina was stunned for a moment, and then she clenched her fists to cheer herself up: "Come on! Even that sissy Minato can do it, Kushina you can do it!"

Minato, who had just come over to tell his friends to be careful next time, stumbled immediately after hearing Kushina's words and almost fell to the ground. After he stood firm, he looked at Kushina speechlessly: "I just have a gentler personality. Where is the sissy?"

But when he saw Kushina's examiner, Minato silently became worried for her.

Seeing the middle-aged ninja standing in front of Kushina, although he was not carrying his iconic cauldron, who else could he be if he wasn't Kosuke?

Seeing Kosuke with a kind face and always smiling on his face, Yuda looked at Kushina who was full of energy and was speechless: "Why did you find him? Isn't this deliberately embarrassing this little girl?"

"That's not as outrageous as the one who appears next? Didn't you remind me of this? But Kosuke is very happy to come out and meet these Konoha seedlings. Look how happy he is smiling."

"He must have that expression when he sees everyone!" Yuda didn't intend to expose his bad intentions and just hoped that Kushina could withstand the blow next.

"What! Are you looking down on me? Why is my opponent still a genin?" Kushina saw Gusuke's clothes and knew that he was still a genin, and she was a little unhappy.

As a girl, why did Yu's opponent become a chuunin, but when it came to her, he became a genin.

"Kushina, don't be careless. Kosuke-senpai is different from ordinary genin!" Tsunade saw Kushina's love rival and reminded her loudly that after all, Kushina is still her cousin. If she overturns here, that's not the case. Would it embarrass her Tsunade?

After hearing Tsunade's reminder, Kushina finally paid attention to her opponent: "Who are you?"

"Just an ordinary genin from Konoha." Kosuke introduced himself modestly.

Kushina curled her lips, obviously not believing what he said. If she were an ordinary genin, Sister Tsunade would not specifically remind her.

"The assessment begins!" Before Kushina could figure out Gusuke's identity, Orochimaru announced that the assessment had begun.

"So offended!" Since he accepted this task, Gusuke also planned to feel the vitality of these Konoha seedlings.

"Water escape: water dragon bomb!"

"What? Did you see clearly? He seemed to have only made four seals just now?" People who didn't know Gu Jie's identity immediately looked at this ordinary man in surprise, and the scene was full of noise.

"This is what you call an ordinary genin, an ordinary ghost!" Kushina saw the sudden water escape, she avoided it awkwardly, and complained to the smiling Kosuke.

 I've been a little lazy these days. I'm out on the road, so I don't have time to come up with ideas. I'm sorry, but I don't have the nerve to ask for a subscription. It'll be fine next month.

  (End of this chapter)

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