Chapter 135

In the end, Yuda ran away under the pitiful looks of the other two small women.

"I'm sorry! My little lover, I can't afford to offend this big devil daddy!" Yuda could only say sorry to his two little babies in his heart.


The next day, Ganta and the other three got up early and put the forehead protectors symbolizing their status as ninjas squarely on their foreheads.

The only difference between Wanta and Jiro was that each of them carried a one-meter-high gourd on their backs.

The gourd behind Wanta is golden in color, with prismatic sealing techniques densely engraved on it.

The gourd behind Jiro is the same as Ganta, and is engraved with the same spells, but his gourd is silver-white, exactly the same color as his hair. If you didn’t look carefully, you’d think a chunk of his head was missing! It's quite scary at first glance. Coupled with his foxy smile that is exactly the same as Yuda's, the whole thing is an underworld operation.

Jiro was very happy when he first got his gourd, but when he couldn't wait to put the gourd on his back and show it to his family, he was so scared that Eri cried.

Jiro was stunned immediately, and then he looked at his eldest brother with expectant eyes, which meant: "Please give me a hand!"

But Wanta held his hands behind his back to protect his gourd: "I'm sorry! Brother, the color of my brother's hair means that he can't control your gourd either!"

Although Jiro was a little dissatisfied with his gourd, after seeing the huge scroll behind Yuuto and the miniature pyramid hanging around his neck, he reluctantly accepted it: something is better than nothing.

These two gourds were made of chakra metal by Yuda who asked the daimyo of the Fire Country to find a forging master.

Coupled with the sealing technique carved by Yuda himself, the space inside is larger than imagined.

In addition, Yuda filled it with iron sand that he carefully selected. As long as the two of them use their own chakra to nourish themselves, not only can their chakra be saved during battle, but the power of magnetic escape will also be greatly enhanced.

The cost of these two gourds alone is worth several Asumas, and that doesn't even include Yuda's labor costs.

Although Yuuto got one more gift than his brothers, he still followed his two brothers in despair on the way to school, looking enviously at the big gourd behind them.

Although Ganta is usually careless, he still cares about his younger brother.

After seeing Yuuto's disappointed expression, he hugged Yuuto's shoulders: "Don't be downcast! Didn't Dad say that? He has already prepared it for you. As long as you awaken to the blood stain boundary, you will be there soon." Have your own gourd.”

Jiro usually doesn't talk much, but at this time he looked at Yuuto with concern.

After all, among the three of them, only Yuuto, the youngest, has not awakened Magnetic Escape. He is afraid that Yuuto's confidence will be affected and he will lose his fighting spirit.

After all, not everyone can awaken to their own bloodstained boundaries. Although they are still young, who can say clearly what will happen in the future?

"Hey! Cheer up, you! You're making everyone worried!"

Nonoyu yelled at Yuuto uncharacteristically. She knew that what Yuuto needed at this time was not comfort, but to reawaken his fighting spirit.

Although some people are submissive on weekdays, he is eager to prove himself more than anyone else. If his fighting spirit collapses, Yuuto will be completely useless.

Yuuto raised his head, looked at the concerned eyes of his brothers and sisters, and suddenly realized: "That's right! I failed to live up to my expectations, and now I put on such a bad face and make everyone worry about me. It's really inappropriate."

"I've made everyone worry, I'm fine." Yuuto showed a smile, broke away from Ganta's embrace, and ran towards the school with a laugh.

"Is it really okay, Yuuto?"

Neither Ganta nor the others noticed that Yuda and Kiko were standing on a tree not far from them, looking at their figures from a distance.

"What can happen? Yuuto has never given up since he was a child. Now it's just a child who sees that his peers are one step ahead and can't get out. He can just figure it out on his own."


In a large classroom in the school, students who passed the graduation examination came here early, waiting for the teacher to come and divide them into classes. When they leave this classroom again, they will usher in their ninja career.

Minato came to the classroom early, looked around and found that there were many graduates already sitting inside.

Each of them tied their forehead protectors to their foreheads, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were already ninjas.

Just when he was trying to find a seat, the roaring voice of the rope tree came from the noisy classroom: "Minato! Here!"

Minato looked for his voice and found Naoki standing on his seat, waving to him, while Kushina was sitting next to him looking expectantly at the door, obviously waiting for Ganta.

Minato nodded to the rope tree and walked towards him: "Aren't Ganta and the others here yet?"

Minato sat on the other side of the rope tree. Although there were still a few seats on Kushina's side, someone had obviously reserved them, so he naturally wouldn't ask for trouble.

"No! What on earth are they doing? On the first day as a ninja, they just grinded away and had no motivation at all." Kushina looked resentful.

She also wanted to let Wanta see if she looked pretty after wearing a ninja forehead protector today, but she didn't know that he was not active at all, and she was almost like a husband stone.

Uchiha Rain, who had the same idea as her, turned slightly red at this time. Thinking about the clan leader's instructions to him yesterday, and thinking about Jiro's figure, he simply acted like an ostrich in the back row.


Just when Uchiha Yu was thinking about how to greet Jiro later, a scream suddenly came from the classroom.

"Wow..." Just when she looked up to see what was going on, more and more classmates exclaimed.

Jiro's usually calm face suddenly turned red: "I knew it would be like this!"

After Ganta saw Kushina and the others, he pulled Jiro, who had his head lowered, and Yuuto, who was startled, towards where they were going.

Only then did everyone see the gourd behind Jiro and Wanta.

"I'm scared to death! I thought someone cut off a piece of Jiro's head!" A girl patted her chest with lingering fear, looking shocked.

"It turns out to be a gourd! He has silver hair and a gourd of the same color on his back. When he meets the enemy, he scares the enemy into confusion. So insidious! Damn it! How did he come up with this trick?" Someone with a fresh mind Annoyed.

When Jiro heard their discussion, he pushed Ganta to speed up. Without looking at the surprised expressions of Nawaki and the others, he lowered his head and walked to the last row, came to sit down next to Uchiha Rain.

"It's so embarrassing!" This was the first time Jiro encountered this situation.

Although he had expected it, everyone's reaction exceeded his expectations.

Uchiha Rain also came to her senses when Jiro sat down. She looked at the shy Jiro with both laughter and tears.

She had been sitting at the same table with him for a year, and this was the first time she saw Jiro like this.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​making him this color?" Uchiha Yu asked, pointing at the gourd behind Jiro's back.

"Save money!" Jiro also gave up treatment at this time. Do whatever you want, that's it anyway.

"Well..." Hearing Jiro's unexpected answer, Uchiha Yu didn't know how to answer.

In fact, this is also the truth, and this is how Yuda answered him.

(End of this chapter)

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