Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 136 You can do it, come on

Chapter 136 You can do it, come on

While Ganta and the others were waiting in the classroom to be sorted into classes, the teacher in charge of the sorting was quietly hiding in the corner of the Hokage's office with the sorting list, watching a group of big guys arguing there.

"Why? Why don't Lord Hokage's disciples have children from our Hyuga clan? Isn't it because our contribution to Konoha is not great enough?" The Hyuga clan leader looked at Hatake Sakumo behind the desk emotionally and asked him Give an explanation.

As Konoha's advisor, he is certainly qualified to know the status of this class division in advance.

But when he saw the list of Hatake Sakumo's class for the first time, he couldn't sit still.

"Yudajiro, very good, can't be offended.

Rope tree, cut! Although it's uncomfortable, it's still acceptable.

Nonoyu! What the hell? "

You must know that as long as you become a disciple of Hokage, when Hatake Sakumo abdicates or something unexpected happens, his disciples will automatically become candidates for the next Hokage.

Therefore, Hatake Sakumo's choice of disciple this time affects the hearts of all the ninja clan in Konoha.

When he saw that Hatake Sakumo did not choose his Hyuga clan, but chose a civilian student, the Hyuga clan leader couldn't sit still. He found Hatake Sakumo early in the morning and asked him for clarification.

While Hatake Sakumo was handling the documents on the table, he glanced at him from time to time, but did not answer his words.


After seeing Hatake Sakumo's rude appearance, the Hyuga clan leader may have felt that as a member of Konoha's top brass, he could challenge the Hokage with the help of the Hyuga clan behind him.

I saw him slamming Hatake Sakumo's desk: "Hatake Sakumo, don't forget how you came to be the Hokage? Whatever you say today, you will kick out that Minato. Only Nizu can do that." The qualifications are shared with Jiro and the others."

"Creak!" As soon as he finished speaking, before Hatake Sakumo could get angry, the office door was pushed open from the outside.

"Asshole! Who asked you to come in, give me..." This was the last chance to force Hatake Sakumo to list Hiashi as the candidate for the next generation of Hokage, so the Hyuga clan leader was very angry at those who disturbed him.

But when he turned around and saw the person clearly, he suddenly froze, and cold sweat instantly covered his body: "Your Excellency Yuda! Why are you here!"

He walked straight from the track and field to an empty seat and sat down. He waved to the teacher who had huddled up into a ball at this time: "Go out! Let's divide according to the list!"

At this time, the teacher breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Yuda gratefully, and ran out of the Hokage's office as if he was forgiven.

"Yuta 伱..."

Before the Hyuga clan leader could finish speaking, Yuda stared at him coldly.

In an instant, the Hyuga clan leader swallowed back the rest of his words.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Yuda's eyes were no longer aggressive, and he just looked at him calmly: "Do you know why Danzo died?"

Listening to Yuda's emotionless questions, the Hyuga clan leader felt very frightened and uneasy. At this moment, he just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Yuda didn't make it difficult for him, and kept the same tone: "Because he wants too much and can't see his own position in order to achieve his goal, so I can only ask the second generation to re-educate him. So I don't want anyone else to If they don’t understand their status clearly, otherwise I would have to send them to find their parents.”

"Yes! I was rude! I'm sorry! Hokage-sama! I have something else to do, so I'm leaving!" After saying that, he bowed to Yuda again and slowly exited. "Huh! It's finally over! No, since it failed this time! Then we can only think of another way! Otherwise, it will make Uchiha further and further away." With some calculations in his mind, the Hyuga clan leader hurried home. He wanted to Together with the senior members of the clan.

"You see! These guys have become more and more aggressive since they took up high positions."

Hatake Sakumo did not stop his official duties because of Yuda's arrival, he just complained to Yuda.

"Why don't you become the Hokage's assistant! Now I really can't hold the place alone!"

Having said this, Hatake Sakumo put down the pen in his hand and looked at Yuda expectantly.

"No! Don't try to pick my brain! It's just that those ninjas have been dancing a lot lately. How are you going to deal with it?" Yuda hurriedly changed the subject. He was really afraid that Hatake Sakumo would get mad and ignore him. Pull into that seat.

"Tch! After all, you are still lazy!" Hatake Sakumo knew that Yuda would not agree, so he was not too disappointed.

But when he thought about the strange behavior of the Uchiha clan leader yesterday and the behavior of the Hyuga clan leader today, he suddenly had a headache.

He didn't have the strength of Yuda to suppress everything, and he wasn't the direct descendant of the previous Hokage, so he didn't have the support of his own family.

By chance, he sat in the position of Hokage, and the situation he faced was even more complicated than it was at the time of the Third Generation.

Yuda once again looked like he was letting go of the boss. He was really at a loss to deal with the Uchiha and Hyuga families at this time.

"Wait! It will be fine when the next generation has fully grown up." Yuda was also a little embarrassed at this time.

Because in order to solve the hidden danger of Danzo as soon as possible, he owed these two families a big favor.

You can't just kill the donkey, so just kill this guy right away.

Then he really wouldn't be able to stay in the ninja world. Because no matter who you are, you won’t deal with a capricious person.

"But! Can the Uchiha side move a little?" Hatake Sakumo suddenly thought of something and looked up at Yuda.

"How do you say that?" Yuda was confused for a moment.

"I plan to let Cheng enter the ANBU and let him train there for a few years. When the time is right, I will return him to the Uchiha. By then, the other Uchiha people will know how to choose."

"Haha! Your heart has become dirty too!" Yuda looked at Hatake Sakumo with no trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Then what else can I do? If I hadn't pieced together everything, and wanted to accept Jiro as my disciple, and took advantage of your influence, I would have been regarded as a human seal by those two guys." Hatake Sakumo didn't care about Yuda. The look in his eyes directly admits his weakness.

If you have the ability, don’t push yourself. If you can do it, go ahead!

Yuda didn't want to be fooled by him, he still had to go home to coax his two daughters.

If he hadn't seen that the Hyuga clan leader had gone too far, and that he couldn't deal with him the way he dealt with Danzo, Yuda wouldn't have come here to make himself uncomfortable.

"Okay! You can figure it out! I'll go back first." Yuda patted the armrest, stood up and left directly.

Seeing that Yuda didn't accept the call, Hatake Sakumo shook his head. Just when he was about to continue handling official duties, he suddenly thought that he had to meet his students today!

As if thinking that he could bully Yuda's son later, Hatake Sakumo showed a strange smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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