Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 137 Classification teacher: It’s so difficult for me!

Chapter 137 Classification teacher: It’s so difficult for me! (I have a problem with the title, today it’s two in one)

"Why aren't teachers here yet? You didn't oversleep, did you?" Naoki climbed listlessly on the desk and complained to Ganta.

But his eyes would glance at the big golden gourd behind Wanta from time to time, and his eyes could not hide his envy.

"It's so handsome!" Naoki imagined that if he was carrying such a handsome gourd, Nonoyu would be fascinated by him.

"Hey! Watch your appearance, your saliva is about to fall on the table!" Kushina poked Naoki's waist, and then blocked his greedy sight with her body.

"Hmph! That's Wanta's gourd, I can't let you fool me away!" Kushina was afraid that the honest Wanta would let Nasuki deceive her gourd away, so she looked at her cousin who was caught up in his imagination warily.

"Uh!" Naoshu raised his arm like lightning and wiped the corner of his mouth. At the same time, his eyes secretly looked at Nonoyu: "She didn't notice it, right? Otherwise, it would be a big embarrassment!"

Seeing Naoki's cautious look, Kushina raised her head proudly: "Huh! Next time you dare to take advantage of Maruta Gourd's idea, it will definitely make you look even worse, and it will also attract Sister Nonou's attention!" At this time, Kushina Nye's heart turned black.

Just when everyone was about to get impatient, the teacher in charge of dividing classes arrived late.

"Teacher! You are finally here! If you don't come, I plan to go home and have lunch first!"

"I just know how to eat! But look at the time, it's almost lunch break, right?"


After seeing the teacher eating it, everyone noisily expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Everyone, be quiet!" The teacher in charge of dividing classes just stood on the podium, looked at the angry students, and patted the desk in front of him vigorously.

But maybe the students had too many accumulated emotions and completely ignored the teacher's words.

At this time, everyone has graduated, who is still afraid of the teacher?

Seeing the students who were completely ignoring him, the teacher suddenly cried in his heart: "What is all this? I was intimidated by leaders and parents outside the school, and when I got to my own territory, I had to face these disobedient children. I risked my life." It’s so bitter!”

"Quiet! You are very noisy!" Kushina wanted to know quickly if she could be placed in the same class as Ganta, but the teacher couldn't announce the situation in the classroom at all! She suddenly fell into her old ways again.

"Who is this? Such a tiger!" The students who didn't know Kushina wanted to see who was so bold and dared to disgrace everyone.

Before he could stand up and show his presence, his companion covered his mouth and pushed him back.

"You don't want your life. Have you seen those people around her?"

Seeing his companion quiet down, he reminded him in a low voice.

When he saw the classmate who wanted to show off nodded, he let go.

"The red-haired one was the trigger for what happened on the first day of the freshman year last year. Those around her were the monsters who took action."

Seeing the dull eyes of his companion, he felt that it was not exciting enough and continued: "Even if you don't know them, didn't you see the rope tree sitting next to him? Is that guy something you can afford to offend?"

It seemed that he was afraid of frightening his companion, or maybe he had had enough of it. After saying this, he let go of his companion.

What was also received was the expected gratitude from my companion: "Thank you very much! If it weren't for you, I would be dead!"

The student who was talking and wanted to be in the limelight wiped the cold sweat on his head, "I almost offended the next generation of influential figures in the village!"

Similar things happened in every corner of the classroom.

After a while, the classroom became quiet. There was no way, I couldn't compete in terms of strength, I couldn't compete in the background, I didn't even have the courage to say "Don't leave after school", I could only be weirdly obedient.

Seeing that the classroom was quiet, the teacher looked towards Kushina gratefully, but what greeted her was an impatient look from Kushina.

"Forget it! Let's finish today's work quickly!" The teacher could only think so.

"Ahem!" He coughed and cleared his throat: "First of all, congratulations to everyone on your successful graduation!"

According to past circumstances, he should have received cheers and applause from the students at this time, but today he and the students were frightened, so he was not in the mood to do this.

"Then let me announce everyone's class division."

Hearing these words, the students who were listless just now instantly became energetic. After all, this is about the beginning of their ninja career!

If they are placed in the same class as outstanding students, then their instructor must be at least a jounin.

But they soon became disappointed.

Considering that World War II had just ended and the village was trying to concentrate its efforts on restoring its combat effectiveness, this time the outstanding students were divided into classes and concentrated in one class for focused training, which disappointed those students who were ready to take advantage of them.

Soon Ganta and the others arrived.

"Class 9: Yuda Maruta, Namikaze Minato, and Uzumaki Kushina."

"Yeah! Maruta and I were assigned to the same class! It would be great if we didn't have that sissy!" Kushina jumped up excitedly after hearing her assignment, and then looked at Minato who was always smiling next to him with disgust .

In fact, Minato was also panicking: "How could this happen? Could it be that because I am Jin Shining, I can't escape the life of being a light bulb?"

Then he smiled awkwardly at Kushina and said that he didn't want to either!

Wanta didn't care. At this time, he was imagining how he could show off his power to be more handsome after meeting the enemy.

"Class 10: Yuta Yuuto, Hinata Hizashi, and Uchiha Rain."

"Alas!" Different from the previous reaction of Kushina and others, several people sighed after hearing the situation of their class.

"That's not right, teacher! Didn't Hizashi graduate a long time ago? Why is he still participating in this class placement?" The student who had originally planned to hug his thigh suddenly became unhappy. There were few opportunities in the first place, and now there is someone trying to steal their food. How can they endure this?

In fact, it was originally Hizu, but after the Hyuga clan leader knew that he had messed up, he stopped the teacher on his way back to school and planned to let Hizashi replace Hizu.

He planned to use Hizashi's status as Yuda's disciple to strengthen his relationship with the Yuda family.

At this time, there was no one to help him. The poor, helpless and weak teacher was suppressed by the power of the Hyuga clan leader and had no choice but to change his name.

As for the future, that poor little guy like him can't participate.

But at this time, he could not put the blame on the head of the Hyuga clan. He could only pretend to be calm and explain: "I did this after fully considering the allocation of resources. Besides, Hizashi-san is not divided into classes!"

His far-fetched explanation obviously did not satisfy those students who did not embrace him, and another round of verbal and written criticism followed.

"I obviously didn't do anything, so why did I resist everything in the end? It was so difficult for me!" The teacher was crying silently in his heart.

Seeing the faces of these classmates, Yuuto felt happy for a while: "Fortunately, it's Hizashi. If we team up with these people, the future will be exciting!"

After hearing his words, Uchiha Yu behind him deeply agreed.

Although it’s a pity not to be in the same class as Jiro, at least my teammates are very reliable.

It seemed that the teacher in charge of dividing the classes did not hear the noise of those students and continued to read the students of Class 11.

At this time, those gangsters who had not yet been divided into classes pricked up their ears and listened carefully, and the opportunities were getting fewer and fewer.

The only outstanding students left are Jiro, Nonou, and Naoki.

Although there are still a few graduates who perform pretty well on weekdays, but I wonder if they can compare with those monsters? “Class 11: Yuta Jiro, Senju Nezuki, and Yutanano Nou.”

"Why? Does this mean that people of the same species flock together and birds of a feather flock together? Don't we even have a chance to be companions with them?"

Immediately some students were shocked and felt that they had been slighted.

But at this time, Shengshu and the others had no time to pay attention to them.

"Hehehehe!" Naoki was secretly happy when he heard that he and Nonoyu were assigned to the same class, and unknowingly a pig smile appeared on his face.

"Disgusting!" Kushina was not used to him at all. When she saw his embarrassing appearance, she stood up and changed seats with Ganta.

Nonoyu also looked at him with a confused look on his face: "Isn't this stupid?" He even reached out his hand to shake him worriedly.

"Ah!" Nao Shu was shaken by Nonoyu, and he suddenly woke up.

After looking around, he found that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment: "Isn't this because I thought that everyone would be divided into one place and take care of each other? I was overly happy for a while!"

After hearing his forceful explanation, everyone stopped arguing with him for the sake of sharing.

There was nothing else for them to do next, so Naoki quietly asked Ganta: "Who do you think our instructor will be? Could it be Teacher Yuda."

When Wanta heard Naoki's words, he thought of the old salted fish at home, and immediately shook his head: "Stop dreaming! He looks like he can't wake up all day long, who can let him do this? ?”

Shengshu was dissatisfied and thought to herself, "Maybe my tyrannosaurus sister can do it."

After finally waiting for everyone to finish their assignments, the teacher hurriedly left with a teleportation technique.

He doesn't want to stay here anymore, this year has been tough for him.

As soon as the teacher left, Orochimaru walked in.

"It's Orochimaru-sama! So handsome!" When some young girls saw Orochimaru's gentle yet resolute face, stars suddenly appeared in their eyes.

"Yuda Maruta, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina. You follow me!"

"Oh! Here we come!" Wanta and the others are no strangers to Orochimaru, so they can accept him as their instructor.

Looking at the three Gantas who followed Orochimaru out, most of the students wailed: "I didn't expect Orochimaru-sama to be the instructor. If I had known, I would have been assigned to the same class as those monsters!"

Although they were very envious, they could only feel jealous in their hearts.

Just when they were still regretting missing Orochimaru, Hatake Sakumo walked in majestically wearing a Hokage hat and a Hokage cloak.

"Fire...Hokage-sama is here too! Oh my God! Isn't it that Hokage-sama is also the instructor?"

"Could it be that my handsome face and outstanding talent have alarmed the Hokage-sama to the extent that he even plans to accept me as his disciple?" Although it was already noon, many people had already started taking a lunch break.

"Ahem!" Hatake Sakumo, as the Hokage, has to give these Konoha seedlings a few words on this occasion, otherwise it will dampen the enthusiasm of these seedlings.

"I'm glad that everyone graduated successfully. I hope that after becoming ninjas, everyone will continue to work hard and contribute to the prosperity and stability of Konoha."

"Okay! I won't waste everyone's time. You three, Yuda Jiro, Senju Naoki, and Yutano Nou, follow me."

"Damn it! Why can't such good things happen to me?"

As if being pointed at by dozens of sharp knives, Jiro lowered his head and hurriedly followed Hatake Sakumo's footsteps, and disappeared into the classroom after a while.

"How great! Jiro can actually accept the guidance of Hokage-sama!"

Uchiha Yu was very envious of Nonou at this time. Not only was she accepted as a disciple by the Hokage, but the most important thing was that he was assigned to the same class as Jiro.

"Have you known this for a long time?" Seeing that Yuuto didn't show the slightest surprise when he saw the Hokage coming, Uchiha Yu approached him and asked curiously.

"Yeah! My dad got angry a year ago because of this." Yuuto looked at Uchiha Yu's approaching face and leaned back.

"Why, isn't it bad to be the Hokage's disciple?" Uchiha Yu said he couldn't understand, but after seeing Yuuto's actions, he still sat back in his seat.

"Alas! You don't understand!" Yuuto sighed as if he had seen through the world.

Watching the remaining students being led away by their instructors one by one, Yuu Yuu and Yu Uchiha were the only ones left in the classroom.

Yuuto stood up directly at this time and said to the anxious Uchiha Rain: "Let's go! No need to wait! I will take you to our instructor."

"Huh?" Uchiha Yu suddenly looked at the somewhat depressed Yuuto in disbelief: "Do you know who our instructor is? Then why isn't he here?"

Yuuto carefully opened the distance between him and her, hummed softly in front, and stopped talking.


"Our teacher won't be here, right?" In order to catch up with Jiro, Uchiha Rain didn't care about things other than training, so after seeing the scene of people coming and going for the first time, he still Didn't get used to it.

"Yuuto! I knew you could find this place!" Before the two of them could enter, a handsome boy with all white eyes came over.

"Hinata Hizashi is another member of our class." Although he was a little reserved, Yuuto introduced the two of them to each other.

"Who is our teacher? Why do you come to a place like this?" After getting to know Hizashi, Uchiha Rain still didn't understand why the two of them found this place by chance.

"You'll find out when you get in!" Hizashi smiled, stepped forward and opened the curtain and walked in, followed closely by Yuuto.

Uchiha Yu hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and followed.

She wanted to see what riddle these two were playing.

A huge "gamble" was flying in the wind on the curtain.

"big big big!"

"Small! Small! Small!"

"Leopard! The banker takes it all!"

As soon as I entered, there were shouts, curses, and cheers all over the place.

Everyone is either excited, nervous, lost, or depressed. All the faces of the world can be seen here.

Just as Uchiha was looking around, he followed Yuuto to a gambling table without knowing it.

"Tsunade...Tsunade-sama?" It seemed that she was still not sure that the heroic figure sitting there was her idol. Uchiha Yu rubbed his eyes vigorously, intending to confirm again.

(End of this chapter)

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