Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 138 We are at odds with drug gambling

Chapter 138 We are incompatible with gambling and drug addiction

"Are you out of luck? Why do I lose every time?"

Uchiha Yu opened his mouth wide and looked at Tsunade, who was so angry just now, looking furious. He couldn't connect the desperate gambler in front of him with the heroic Tsunade-sama in his impression.

At this time, with the dealer's repeated assurances, Tsunade checked that there was indeed nothing wrong with the gambling equipment, and then shouted unconvinced: "If you do it again, I won't believe it."

After finishing speaking, he sat down in his seat.

But she reached out and touched her arms: "It's broken! I have no more money to gamble!"

Seeing the dealer's impatient expression, Tsunade turned around and looked around, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Yuuto! Why are you here?"

After saying that, he stood up and waved to Yuuto and the others.

When Yuuto saw Tsunade, whose eyes were shining, he almost turned around and ran away.

But when I thought that a monk who could run could not run away from the temple, this person would be his instructor from now on, so he could only move his steps and slowly move towards Tsunade.

But Tsunade seemed to be unable to wait any longer, and stepped forward to grab the hesitant Yuuto: "Boy, quickly lend me some money from my sister, and I will pay you back when I get my money back!"

"What sister? Mom wants me to call you Auntie?" Yuuto muttered, but he had no intention of paying.

Under the dealer's repeated urging, Tsunade grabbed Yuuto's ankles, lifted him upside down, and shook him up and down a few times.

"Crash!" A large amount of broken things were shaken out, and they piled up into a small mountain under Yuu Ren's head.

Not to mention the scrolls and shuriken kunai, Yuuto's snacks and some books were also shaken out by Tsunade.


After shaking it for a few times, it was discovered that there was nothing else on Yuuto. Tsunade picked up Yuuto and threw him to Hizashi and the other two.

Uchiha Rain and Hizashi hurriedly caught Yuuto and checked after he stood still. After finding that he was not injured, they turned to look at Tsunade who was picking up items on the ground.

She threw aside the things she thought were useless, and finally picked up a wallet and slapped it on the gaming table.

"Go on!" After saying that, he stared at the croupier's movements without blinking, as if he was going to cheat the next moment.

Uchiha Rain and Hizashi helped Yuuto pack away the remaining things that Tsunade had stripped away.

Uchiha Rain looked at the calm Yuuto and Hizashi, as if this scene was commonplace.

"What should we do next?" This was the first time Uchiha Yu encountered this situation and could only look at Yuu and Hizashi.

"Just wait! What else can we do?" Ever since he learned that Tsunade had given birth to two children for Yuda, Hizashi had been paying attention to Tsunade's information, and he was not surprised by the scene in front of him.

But he then reminded in a low voice: "Yu! If you have money with you, go out and hide the money before coming back, otherwise your money will be gone in a while."

"Uh?" As if he thought of something, Uchiha Yu looked at Tsunade who was gambling and swallowed: "Can't you?"

"Yes! Even when the Sage of Six Paths comes, Tsunade-sensei can pull out a few strands of her hair when she loses her temper." Yuuto straightened his messy clothes and said calmly to Uchiha Rain.

"Then how did you...?"

"Why do you bring so much money?" Yuu Ren saw Yu's confused look and thought about doing missions together in the future, so he simply said directly.

"It's not like you don't know the relationship between Tsunade-sensei and my dad. Those are my dad's private money secretly saved to make up for the guilt in his heart!"

"Oh!" Uchiha Yu secretly remembered this in his heart: "It turns out that the men of the Yuda family like to save private money to raise women outside. If I really marry into the Yuda family in the future, I must take good care of Jiro."

Jiro didn't know at this time that due to the manipulations of his father and brother, the pocket money in his pocket did not exceed ten taels after his marriage. Even if he managed to hide some money, it would be lost inexplicably. This is very annoying!

Just when Yu was about to sneak out and hide the money, Tsunade lost it all in time. Before Yu Yu could recover, the wallet on her body no longer belonged to her.

Looking at Yu who was crying without tears, Yuuto and Hizashi shrugged, saying that there was nothing they could do.


Just as Yuuto and the others watched Tsunade send money to the casino without hesitation, the three of them followed their instructor Orochimaru to a dark underground laboratory.

The very nervous Ganta and the mature and calm Minato couldn't help but shudder when they looked at the strange experimental instruments and various creepy specimens in the laboratory.

"Teacher Orochimaru won't do anything bad to us, right?" Kushina held Ganta's hand tightly and carefully looked at the terrifying scene around her.

"No?" Wanta wasn't sure.

He knew that his father's friend was a scientific research madman, but he didn't have the courage to turn them into specimens, right?

"Not necessarily!" Orochimaru suddenly said something, which frightened Ganta and the three of them behind him to stand on the spot, their legs trembling uncontrollably.

It’s no wonder they were timid. Thinking about the machines and equipment with a cold light, the weird specimens soaked in potions, and the dark and gloomy laboratory, Orochimaru grinned and stretched out his long tongue. Who wouldn’t be frightened by this? ah!

"Just kidding!" Perhaps because he was afraid of scaring his lovely students, Orochimaru gave them a gentle smile, and then continued to lead them inside.

"Are we still going to follow?" Kushina always felt that Orochimaru had bad intentions, so she asked Wanta quietly.

"We're all here! If you don't follow, do you want to stay here with these things?" Minato mustered up the courage to follow.

"Let's go too!" Ganta gritted his teeth and pulled Kushina to follow Minato.

After finally arriving at a less gloomy laboratory, Orochimaru suddenly picked up a syringe as thick as an arm from the experimental table and seduced Ganta: "Come! Give me some blood first and let me study it!"

"Don't come here!" At this time, Wan Taibu was possessed by Jingyun and shouted in horror at Orochimaru.


"Are Ganta and the others okay today?" Kiko asked worriedly, thinking about Tsunade Orochimaru's and the others' usual behavior.

"They are measured! Don't worry!" Yuda looked calm.

"That's good!" As if she had taken reassurance, she felt relieved after hearing Yuda's comfort.

"Then I'm going to the hospital first! When I come back, I'll prepare some delicious food for them as a reward for them to officially become ninjas!"

"Well! Go quickly!" Yuda put down the Buddhist scriptures in his hands and watched Kiko walk out of the house.

It's just that he still doesn't know what kind of storm will come when Ganta and the others come back.

"My whole life I have been at odds with gambling!" Yuuto finally escaped from the casino and ran towards the meeting place Tsunade had mentioned in advance, swearing as he ran.

That's right! He was mortgaged and escaped successfully under Tsunade's arrangement.

"I hate this evil experiment the most!" Wan Tai leaned against Minato and Kushina with a pale face, waiting for Orochimaru in front of him to say viciously.

The moment he saw the sun again, Wanta almost couldn't help crying.

Ganta really thought he would die on his first day as a ninja.

At this moment, the two brothers unanimously made an oath: "They will be incompatible with gambling and drug addiction!"

(End of this chapter)

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