Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 147 I am the man who survived the fight with Yuda

Chapter 147 I am the man who survived the fight with Yuda

"Haha! The son of the God of Ninja, the second-generation bloodline of the Magnetic Escape Bloodline, you are very valuable!" Kakuzu is indeed a person who is absolutely loyal to money, and his words are filled with the smell of copper.

Yuu Ren carefully guarded him: "Aren't you afraid that my father will cause trouble for you if you attack me?"

Yuuto wanted to scare Kakuzu away with Yuda's reputation, but he obviously underestimated the importance of money to Kakuzu.

"Fifty million taels to die! 100 million taels to live. Just be careful. Who knew it was me who did it! Besides, it's not like I haven't fought against your father before."

Perhaps it was because the first generation was too old to let people know its strength well, so the opponent that Kakuzu always talked about in the past changed from Hashirama to Yuda.

"Really? What about now?" Suddenly Tsunade's voice came from the broken window.

"Haha! Little girl, are you Hashirama's granddaughter? Considering that you have fought against him before, I advise you to stay out of your own business!"

Although Tsunade's appearance was surprising, after all, there is no drama in this world where Sannin fights demigods.

In the eyes of outsiders, Tsunade is just a wet nurse who works hard and has superb medical skills.

But in order to avoid unnecessary complications, Kakuzu doesn't want to fight Tsunade just yet.

Although it is inevitable for Yuda to know his identity, as long as he completes this order, he only needs to avoid Yuda. The ninja world is so big, it is unlikely that he will meet Yuda by chance.

"Damn it! You, the guy who was blasted by Grandpa's clone, dare to make such a big statement here. Who are you looking down on?"

After saying that, Tsunade kicked off her legs and punched Kakuzu who was busy pretending to be an AC.

Although Tsunade's reputation is not as famous as in the original work, her strength is much stronger than in the original work.

Perhaps he underestimated the enemy, Kakuzu felt his eyes blurred as a huge force hit him.

"Poof!" He spurted out a mouthful of blood, flew backwards, smashed a big hole in the wall, and then fell to the ground like a rag.

"Is it solved?" Yuuto calmed down his panic and couldn't wait to stick his head out the window, trying to see Kakuzu's situation clearly.

"Come back quickly!" Tsunade was about to pursue the victory when she noticed Yuuto's attack and shouted to stop, but it was still too late.

Just as Yuuto's head stuck out of the window, several "swish" sounds broke through the air.

The horn lying on the ground turned into a broken monster.

Several black threads shot out from under the monster's body, tightly wrapping Yuuto's upper body.

"Don't ignore me!" After Tsunade saw the situation of someone, she didn't care about chasing Kakuzu.

She grabbed Yuuto's leg, and her other hand glowed with chakra.

It's the chakra scalpel!

"Brush! Brush!"

In order to prevent hurting Yuuto, she did not dare to use too much force, so she immediately raised the knife and cut the thread wrapped around Yuuto, and then threw Yuuto into the house.

"Stay here and don't move!" Leaving Yuuto with a frightened look on his face, Tsunade jumped from the window.

Seeing that the plan failed, Kakuzu no longer hid, and he sprang out from the ground. At this time, his cloak had been thrown to an unknown place, and his body was like a suture monster.

"Swish!" Facing Tsunade falling from the sky, several clones sprang out of Kakuzu's body.

"Fire Release: Head Hard!"

"Wind Escape: Big Breakthrough!"

The fire took advantage of the wind, and a wave of fire rose into the sky and rushed towards Tsunade.


Tsunade did not dodge, but waved her hand and punched Kakuzu's combined ninjutsu to blast away.

"What?" Tsunade's strength exceeded his expectations. Faced with Tsunade's attack from the sky, Kakuzu didn't dare to touch it head-on.

He could tell from Tsunade's two punches just now that Tsunade seemed to be a little stronger than him.


After narrowly avoiding Tsunade's punch, Kakuzu looked at the huge crater left where he had just stood, with cold sweat breaking out on his head.

"Damn it! It's beyond expectations. Are all those who work for intelligence in the bounty office just losers? Is this called quasi-shadow strength?" If possible, Kakuzu would like to skewer the guys who gave him information and grill them.

"Ha! It seems that the bounty house's reward for you is low. You are definitely more than 130 million taels!" Kakuzu didn't dare to stay here any longer, otherwise Konoha's support would arrive soon, and Barbie would be in trouble. .

So after knowing that the operation failed, Kakuzu planned to run away.


Several of Kakuzu's clones fled in several different directions at the same time while Tsunade was stunned.

For a moment, Tsunade didn't know which one to pursue. In order to prevent the other party from diverting the tiger away from the mountain, she gave up the pursuit.

"Well..." Tsunade was about to go back to check on Yuuto when a weak voice came from the first floor of the hotel.

At this time, the hotel owner was almost crying. Business was not easy to do in the first place. Finally, a wave of customers came today, but unexpectedly, their hotel was about to be demolished.

I was so scared that I didn't dare to vent my anger, but when I thought that a whole family had to rely on this store to make a living, I had the courage to call out to Tsunade.

"What? Is something wrong?" Tsunade turned around and asked.

"Well... look at this store..." The boss could only point around and look at Tsunade pitifully.

"Oh? So that's what happened! Don't worry, someone will come over to compensate you later." Tsunade said proudly.

But if you want her to pay, don't even think about it.

Since it was caused by Yuuto, Yuda should be the one to compensate.

Looking at Tsunade going upstairs, the boss seemed to want to say something else, but he opened his mouth and did not dare to say anything in the end.


"Huh!" After merging with several clones, Kakuzu ran for dozens of miles overnight before leaning against a big tree and breathing heavily.

"Damn it! One hundred million taels just flew away like this!" Kakuzu was annoyed. At this time, he hated the guy who provided him with information.

"Hey! Isn't this Kakuzu who fought against the first generation! Long time no see, Kakuzu-san!" Suddenly a voice came from the top of the tree where Kakuzu was leaning.

"Whoosh whoosh!" Kakudu didn't even look back, and directly shot several strands in the direction of the sound.

Then there was another instant, far away from the big tree.


With a soft cry, the line he shot was cut off.

After standing still, he looked towards the tree. A white-furred fox stood there with a short knife and looked at him with a smile.

"Yu...Yuda-dono, long time no see!" Kakuzu was almost crying.

If you try to plunder other people's children with your front foot, the parents will come looking for your back foot. Is there anything more unlucky than this?

But Yuda was very happy at this time. If he hadn't discovered Kakuzu through the pendant around Yuuto's neck, Yuda would have almost forgotten that he still had such a piggy bank!

Orochimaru needs a lot of funds recently, and he was thinking about going to the Country of Winds to find some gold sand for emergencies, but he didn't expect his piggy bank to be delivered to his door.

"Well..." The night wind whimpered as it rolled through the woods, watching Yuda swaying in the wind from an angle, not daring to move.

If Yuda can find him quickly, there is no point in running away. It just depends on whether he can be saved later.

(End of this chapter)

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