Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 148 Come here often! Old man

Chapter 148 Come here often! Old man

Kakuzu managed to save his life in the end.

However, his burly figure looked very bleak at this time, and the night wind blew the hem of his clothes, as if it could take him away.

After all, anyone who is extorted of all their savings will look like this, let alone someone who loves money as much as his life.

As for resistance?

Stop making trouble, as someone who has fought against Hashirama before, Kakuzu understands the horror of that level all too well.

It's okay if they don't take it seriously, but once they do, he may be killed in an instant.

Yuda tossed a few storage scrolls happily. Not to mention, Kakuzu is indeed the largest personal reserve in the shinobi world.

Because he has no fixed residence and does not trust anyone, Kakuzu carries all his wealth with him.

Fortunately, Kakuzu worked hard for decades and accumulated a net worth of nearly two billion taels. Now it is all his.

Looking at Kakuzu's staggering steps, Yuda couldn't help but yelled: "Come here more often, old man."

Jiao, who was already physically and mentally broken, could no longer hold on, and fell over with a "plop".

"Asshole!" Kakuzu scratched the ground bitterly, cursed through gritted teeth, and then he quickly started fighting.

Just when Yuda thought he was going to fight back, Kakuzu pretended to be cool with a teleportation technique and disappeared into the vast night.

"Haha! The harvest is good. Now I can give an explanation to Orochimaru." Yuda looked at the several scrolls in front of him, thinking about how often he should go to Kakuzu to withdraw money.

"Whoa!" A gust of wind blew past where Yuda was standing, and after the wind passed by, Yuda's figure disappeared without a trace.


At dawn the next day, Hizashi and Uchiha Rain came to the hotel to join Tsunade and the others.

But the tragic situation in the hotel made the two realize that something happened last night.

"Quickly go find the teacher and Yuuto to see if they are okay?" Uchiha Yu rushed into the hotel immediately, not forgetting to tell Hizashi.

"White eyes: open!"

Hizashi immediately rolled his eyes, but what he saw almost made him stumble and fall to the ground.

In Byakugan's field of vision, Tsunade was excitedly counting the bills on the table, and there was an abandoned storage scroll thrown aside.

Yuuto begged something with a wry smile, but was obviously rejected by Tsunade.

"This money was sent by your father to compensate the owner of this store. Why do you feel bad?" Tsunade was busy counting the compensation that Yuda quietly sent, and said impatiently to Yuuto next to her.

"But the note he left behind also said that the remaining money was pocket money for me, and these are all mine." Yuuto hurriedly threw himself on the table and suppressed the bills on the table.

But Tsunade stretched out her hand to fish it out and threw him aside: "I didn't say it wasn't yours! I'm just helping you count it. Besides, it's dangerous for a child like you to take so much money out! I'll keep it for you first. , I’ll give it to you when I get back to the village.”

"It's just because you want to keep it that I feel it's dangerous!" Yuuto stood up and complained.

"What did you say?" Tsunade stopped what she was doing and turned to stare at Yuuto, like a tigress about to lose her cub.

"No...it's nothing. Teacher, just be happy."

"I don't know why dad went crazy this time? The repair fee of 100,000 taels can't be used up, so why did he send two million taels if he didn't know that this is a pond? The money can only be wasted when it comes here. "

"Well! I guess you are smart enough to be worthy of my hard work, teacher." Tsunade nodded with satisfaction, sealed all the money on the table into a new scroll, and patted it carefully for fear of losing it. "Bang!" As soon as Tsunade stood up, the people in the room flew directly towards her.

At the same time, a shout came in: "Teacher! Yuuto! Where are you?"

"Crack!" Tsunade waved her hand casually, and the door was broken into pieces: "Stop shouting! You will pay for this door later!"

Looking at Yu who was worried about them, Tsunade's brain circuit was obviously more concerned about the compensation later.

"Ah!?" Yu looked at the two people who were safe and sound. He just breathed a sigh of relief and almost fainted from the shock of Tsunade's words.

Seeing Yu's confused eyes, Yuuto raised his chin and tapped the banknotes on the table, signaling her to quickly pay for it while Tsunade was happy, otherwise she would pay more in a while.

"Okay! Let's go on!" With the store owner's gratitude, Tsunade waved her hand and led a few people out of the town and rushed towards the capital.


"It's so boring! I thought I could learn a lot by becoming the Hokage's teacher, but he just taught us what we need to correct and then disappeared!" Naoki just finished training and was sitting in the shade complaining.

Next to him, Jiro was holding a Hatake Swordsman training note and looking at it carefully.

After hearing Naoshu's complaint, he looked up at Naoshu, and then focused on his notes: "What else? It's great that the teacher can take time out of his busy schedule to teach us."

"I know the teacher is busy, but at least he takes us on a mission! I heard that my sister took Yuuto and the others out of the village. Aren't you in a hurry?"

Naoki approached Jiro and wanted him to emphasize.

"You don't want to see Naruto doing a D-level mission, do you?" Jiro raised his head and looked at the rope tree suspiciously.

"How is that possible?" Shengshu quickly denied.

"Ganta! Jiro! The teacher asked us to go to the Hokage Building. He arranged for someone to take us on a mission." At this time, Nonoyu ran over and shouted to the two of them.

Because Hatake Sakumo was busy, Nonoyu went to the hospital to receive guidance from Kiko when he had time. The hospital was close to the Hokage Building, so Hatake Sakumo asked her to inform the two of them.

"Isn't this a mission that can be done?" Jiro put away his notebook and stood up, walking towards the Hokage Building.

"Wait for me!" Nao Shu also stood up quickly and quickly followed Jiro and Nonoyu.


"Good morning, Grandpa Suzuki!" After arriving at the Hokage Building, a long-haired ninja was already waiting for them there.

But to Jiro's surprise, the person who led them on the mission was Yuda's original teacher Suzuki.

At this time, Suzuki was almost forty years old. Although he was still in his prime, he was dragged down by the third generation. He was transferred from the ANBU and his spirit was a little bit damaged. He looked like he was in his fifties.

"Haha! It's Kojiro!" Suzuki, who was staring lonely at the Hokage Building just now, heard Jiro's voice and turned to look at them with a smile.

Although he has been hindered by the third generation, with Yuda's relationship, he can still continue to be a mission ninja.

Many people like him have disappeared inexplicably.

"Hello, Grandpa Suzuki!" Naoki and Nonoyu also knew that the old man in front of them was Yuda's teacher, so their attitudes became respectful.

(End of this chapter)

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