Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 154 The deadline is approaching

Chapter 154 The deadline is approaching

"The rope tree is back!"

Mito is getting older and has not even left home in the past year.

She could feel that her time in this world was running out.

Looking at the tall figure of the rope tree and the two little guys playing in the yard, she felt that even after arriving in the spiritual land, she had an explanation for Hashirama.

"Grandma!" Naoki put down his nephew, came to Mito, held her hand, and called out softly.

"Come back?" At this time, Tsunade came out of nowhere and asked after seeing the rope tree.

"Sister! What are you doing?" Seeing Tsunade wearing a rare jounin vest and wearing a Konoha forehead protector, Naoki asked in confusion.

"It's okay!" Mito interrupted Naoki's inquiry and raised his hand to Tsunade: "Go and do your work!"

"Yeah!" Tsunade nodded silently, turned and left.

"Grandma, what's wrong? You and your sister are both weird!"

"Naoki, you have grown up too!" Mito did not answer Naoki's question, but looked at Naoki and smiled happily.

"Hehe!" After being praised by grandma, Shengshu rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

"Don't go out if you have nothing to do today! Go wash up first!"

"Alas!" Shengshu stood up and returned to his room with a heavy heart.

"Haha! Mito! You see what I said is right, right? You can't trap me." At this time, Nine-Tails was in the sealed space. Although it was tied up by the Five Flowers, it was obviously in a good mood at this time.

"Kyuubi! I'm going!" Mito appeared in the sealed space at this time, looking at Kyuubi who was gloating about his misfortune, with a trace of reluctance in his tone.

"You woman should have gone a long time ago!" Kyuubi looked disgusted, but his eyes also revealed a hint of sadness.

Although he was forced to be locked up in this woman's body, although this woman would also forcibly extract his chakra, although sometimes this woman would punish him when he was angry...

"No, why do I get angrier the more I think about it."

"What are you going to do with me?" Kyuubi suppressed the reluctance in his heart and asked melancholy.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave here?" Mito seemed a little surprised.

"Yes! It's been decades! I'm afraid I've had enough of staying here."

"How about I change your place to live?" Mito asked, looking at Kyuubi.

"What? You guys still want to seal me. Don't even think about it!" Kyuubi understood Mito's plan as soon as he heard this and said angrily.

"Don't you want to know who you'll be spending the next few decades with?"

"No one can do it!" Kyuubi struggled a few times, then climbed down again after finding it was useless.

It looked at Mito with a pair of beastly eyes: "Other than you, I don't believe anyone else can imprison me."

Although this woman is very annoying, I have to admit that this guy is already one of the few humans that Kyuubi-sama respects in the ninja world.

"How is Yuda?" Mito looked at Kyuubi with wide eyes.

"What? Is that the guy with white hair?" When Kyuubi heard Mito mention Yuda's name, he suddenly trembled like a frightened little beast.

"Hey! You really don't want to seal me into that guy's body, do you?" Seeing Mito looking at it with a smile, Kyuubi became anxious.

Although it can't see the outside situation in Mito's belly, Mito needs to use its chakra to sense it, so it also knows what Mito senses.

Thinking of the monstrous power contained in that guy's body, Kyuubi suspected that even if Hashirama was resurrected, he might not be a match for that guy.

Coupled with the rumors that he had defeated Uchiha Madara, Kyuubi couldn't even imagine what kind of treatment he would receive if he was really sealed into Yuda's body.

"I am no match for that guy's strength! Isn't it a bit inappropriate to seal me into his body?" Kyuubi felt that he could still save him. "Why is it inappropriate? Didn't you say that no one can imprison you except me? I think Yuda can, what do you think?" Mito looked at Kyuubi jokingly.

"I don't think it's good!" Kyuubi said matter-of-factly.

"I think it was a complete waste for you to seal me into that guy's body!"

"As long as at least he is here, you won't cause trouble." Mito was unmoved, as if it was inevitable that Yuda would become the next Jinchuuriki.

"What do you want? I don't believe you humans would be willing to waste such a powerful fighting force like mine!" Kyuubi was really scared at this time.

"Is it true that my handsome, lovely and charming Nine Lamas will be locked up in a dark place for the next few decades?"

Although it is also locked up in Mito's body, Mito at least still needs its help. From time to time, he will let himself see the outside world, and sometimes even chat with him for a while.

If it were Yuda, it really didn't know where it could help that guy, and I was afraid that it would be really locked up by then.

"How about someone else? I promise not to cause trouble." Kyuubi completely gave up on his moral integrity for the sake of his future life.

"This is what you said, I didn't force you!" Mito's reaction almost made Kyuubi duck.

"Damn it! I fell for you again!" Kyuubi gritted his teeth and looked at Mito.

"Then why don't you let Tian do it?"

"I'm sorry! I was wrong!" Kyuubi was stunned.

After solving the problem of Kyuubi, Mito's figure slowly faded.

"Farewell! Nine Lamas!"

Mito's faint voice echoed in the space.


Kyuubi closed his eyes again, but there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes at the end.

When the rope tree came back out after changing it, I was shocked to see the situation in the yard.

By this time, Yimu and Ermu had long disappeared, and the courtyard was densely packed with people.

In addition to Hatake Sakumo, the Hokage, there were also the clan leaders of various ninja clans and other high-level officials of Konoha. Even the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who did not go out at all on weekdays, also appeared.

"Nasaki! Come here!" Looking at his confused grandson, Mito waved and called him to his side.

"Grandma! What's happening now?" Shengshu also realized that something was wrong.

"We'll find out later." Mito shook his head, signaling him to calm down.

After a while, Tsunade came in with Kiko.

After seeing the two of them alone, Mito shook his head in disappointment: "Is there still no chance in the end?"

"Mito-sama!" Kiko stepped forward to say hello to Mito, then walked and stood behind Hatake Sakumo.

Tsunade walked to stand behind Mito, looking at the high-level officials of Konoha in the courtyard, her eyes full of sadness.

"Grandma..." Naoshu seemed to have thought of it at this time, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Isn't this something everyone has to face? As the heir to the Senju clan, don't lose Senju's face in front of everyone."

 2024, hello



(End of this chapter)

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