Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 155 2 Best of All

Chapter 155 The best of both worlds

"Today, old lady, I asked Tsunade to inform you to come over. I believe you all know why, right?"

After Mito comforted the rope tree, he turned to look at the crowd under the steps.

At this time, these big shots in Konoha looked very solemn.

The third generation and Hatake Sakumo stood side by side at the front. At this time, he looked at Mito, who was showing his age, with a complicated expression.

When he first ascended to the position of Hokage, this woman fully supported him, which allowed him with a shallow foundation to secure his position despite internal and external difficulties.

More than ten years later, it was the same woman. When his reputation was at its peak and he led Konoha to win World War II, he openly stood on his opposite side. Pulled him down from the highest position.

Now this woman is about to die, taking away not only the glory of the Senju clan that once oppressed the ninja world, but also that magnificent era.

Looking at the Konoha elites all over the courtyard, the third generation felt very envious, even a little jealous: "If I reach this time, will there be so many people coming to see me off on my last journey?"

But then he thought of the deserted Sarutobi clan, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

At this time, Mito also noticed the expression on Sandai's eyes, which looked a bit doting and helpless.

Then she waved, and Taku walked up to Mito with a worried Enzhen.

"Sakumo, transfer the Kyuubi now!"

"Yes!" Hatake Sakumo, now wearing full Hokage attire, walked proudly in front of everyone.

With a wave of his hand, the barrier team that had been prepared immediately opened the barrier around the Thousand Hands Clan.

This was not done to prevent spies from outside the village from sabotaging it, but to prevent the Nine-Tails from going berserk during the transfer.

After seeing that everything was ready, Mito rubbed the head of Enzhen who was standing in front of her: "From now on, the Uzumaki clan will be left to you."

"I know! Auntie!" Yanzhen was already in tears at this time, not only because of his reluctance to leave Mito, but also because of his fear for the future.

"Don't worry, kid. Remember, only by filling the Nine Lamas' hearts with love can you use its power."

"Yeah!" Yan Zhen bit his lip and nodded.

At this time, several sealing class ninjas had prepared the altar. Mito stood up and took Yanzhen's hand, leading him to the altar.


After saying that, she gently pushed Enzhen's back and watched Enzhen slowly walk up to the altar. Mito turned to look at Hatake Sakumo and the three generations standing behind her.

"From now on, Konoha will take care of everyone!"


Hatake Sakumo and Sandai knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads and shouted: "Congratulations, Mito-sama!"

"Congratulations, Mito-sama!"

At this time, everyone in the yard knelt down and shouted loudly.

This was a tribute to Mito's life devoted to Konoha, and also a send-off to that era.

"Congratulations, Mito-sama!"

At this moment, a vague voice suddenly came, just as everyone raised their heads to be alert.

Mito smiled: He is coming!

A figure fell into the courtyard like a wisp of blue smoke, and finally slowly became clear.

"You're still here!"

When they saw the figure of the person coming clearly, everyone in the yard was shocked.


I saw Yuda smiling at this time and looking at everyone slowly. "Yuda! You're out!" After seeing Yuda, Kiko stood up and rushed to Yuda, regardless of the situation, and asked in shock.

"What's going on with the aura on your body?" Mito frowned at this time.

Even at the last moment of his life, Mito's perception was still far beyond that of others.

She first noticed something was wrong with Yuda.

"What's wrong with Yuda?" Kiko heard Mito's words and looked at Yuda worriedly.

At this time, everyone in the yard also stood up and looked at Yuda curiously.

"Haha! There was an accident! But it's not a big problem! Let's solve the problem of the fox first!"

Yuda looked at the worried Kiko, smiled and comforted her.

I saw Yuda raising his right hand, Enjin's figure on the steps twisted for a moment, and the next moment he appeared in front of Yuda and Mito.

Seeing this situation, the people in the yard were shocked: What is this? Ingested through the air? Why is Yuda's strength becoming more and more abnormal?

"The next seal is left to me. Do you have any objections?" Yuda held Enzhen's shoulder with his right hand and turned to look at Hatake Sakumo and Mito and asked.

"I wish you could, but I know that your sealing skills are much better than this old woman like me. We'll see how you perform later." Mito chuckled, looking like he was taking care of you.

Seeing this situation, Hatake Sakumo waved the altar away and said angrily to Yuda: "It depends on Yuda-sama's performance."

You want to come and tell me in advance. You see, all these preparations have been wasted now.

"It'll be fine soon!" Yuda said, suddenly reaching out his left hand and pressing it on Mito's shoulder.

The figures of Mito and Yanzhen suddenly became distorted.

At this time, a dark round ball suddenly appeared in Mito's abdomen, which was the sealing space that sealed the Nine Tails.

As soon as the black ball appeared, everyone could see the black and red Nine-tails Chakra permeating it.

Nine Lamas originally saw that the seal transfer was about to begin, and Yuda didn't show up. He also thought of giving the red-haired brat a slap in the face during the transfer, so that he would know who the big brother would be in the future.

Unexpectedly, Yuda suddenly appeared, and then there was a distortion around him, and then even the fox belt house was pulled out.

At this time, Nine Lama was frightened. Mito's seal no longer worked after leaving Mito's body, so its chakra diffused out inadvertently.

But when it saw the smiling man outside, it curled up its body into the sealed space as hard as possible, and all the little thoughts it had before disappeared.

What if the man misunderstood and pulled herself into his body halfway, then it would be Barbie Q.

Just when Kyuubi's sealed space was about to be transferred to Yanzhen's body, Kyuubi suddenly felt a pain in his butt.

Then it looked back and became furious: "Damn it! I've already given you face, but you still..."

Before it could finish its words, the sealed space entered Yanzhen's body.

"Blood-stained Five Elements Seal!"

Seeing that the Kyuubi's sealed space had been completely transferred, Yuda took his right hand away from Enjin's shoulder, and chakra glowing with five different rays appeared on his five fingertips.

Then he pressed his right hand on Yanzhen's abdomen, and the chakra on his fingertips spread instantly, forming a strange five-pointed star sealing technique.

After finishing, he stretched out his left hand, and a ball of transparent hollow star chakra appeared in his palm. In the star chakra, two bright red fox tails floated inside.

"Is this...?" After Mito saw what was in Yuda's palm clearly, his already gray pupils flashed with color.

"That's right! That's it!" Yuda smiled and nodded, then suddenly slapped Mito's abdomen with his left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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