Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 159 Red-haired Kai and Two-color Kakashi

Chapter 159 Red-haired Kai and Two-color Kakashi

"Three Years in Seclusion: After Leaving Seclusion, My Son Became a Prince Consort"

Yuda feels that this melon can be used as material for an online article.

"Sorry! Maybe things were too sudden and scared you."

Seeing Kiko's look, Yuda knew that the matter had become a foregone conclusion, so he smiled at the little princess hiding behind Kiko.

"It's our first time meeting, so I didn't prepare any gifts. You can play with this thing." Yuda saw that the little girl was still a little afraid of him, so he took off the ninja sword from his waist and handed it to her.

After all, she is a princess of a country. Although the daimyo's strength is a bit inferior, judging from the reputation and influence in the ninja world, the princess becomes Yuuto's fiancée, which can be regarded as a marriage.

Therefore, Yuda also gave away his own sword as a sign of his importance to this marriage.

Ignoring the shocked looks of his family, Yuda forcefully thrust his sword into the hands of the astonished princess, and then waved to Yuuto.

"Take care of the princess from now on. She is not familiar with Konoha. If she gets bullied, I want you to look good!"

Seeing his father pretending to be stern, Yuuto nodded happily.

Yuuto was afraid that Yuda would object to the marriage after he came out of seclusion.

After all, judging from Yuda's behavior in the past, although Yuda has trade relations with the capital, he has always stayed away from matters there. So Yuuto doesn't know what his father thinks of Miyato, but he still likes this cute little girl.

Ignoring the fact that he couldn't find Bei's son who was already happy, Yuda took Shiyu from Nonou's arms, who was still confused.

"Oh! This is the youngest of our family."

Yuda smiled and raised Zhiyu above his head. Before he could enjoy the pleasure of loving his young son, Zhiyu grinned, kicked his short legs, and jumped out of Yuda's palm.

"Who is this weird man? He's so scary to the baby!"

Zhiyu didn't give Yuda, the ninja god, any face. After escaping from Yuda's clutches, he threw himself into Kiko's arms and made faces at Yuda.

Kiko rolled her eyes at Yuda who was stunned, and then scolded her little son softly in her arms.

But Suzuki, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, got excited and laughed regardless of Yuda's face: "Are you dumbfounded?"

"Grandpa Suzuki!" Kyoko was indeed Yuda's little cotton-padded jacket. Seeing that her father had lost face, she scolded Suzuki who was gloating about his misfortune.

"Okay! I won't laugh!" Seeing Kyoko's glare, Suzuki wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and raised his hands in surrender.

"Let's chat as a family while I go out for a walk." Suzuki saw everyone's eyes turned to him, waved his hands boredly and walked out of the hall.

Suzuki is getting more and more out of touch, and now he is a happy person. Seeing that the Yuda family's melon can't be eaten, he goes out to find other melons.

After Suzuki walked out of the Yuda house, he met Matt Dai who was taking his son for exercise.

With his wife wearing it, he is no longer the sloppy look he used to be.

Although he tried his best to protect his hairstyle, he also said goodbye to his heroic beard.

Suzuki rolled his eyes as he looked at the two kappas, one large and one small, wearing green tights running towards him.

"Dai! Are you taking your son to exercise?" Suzuki smiled and stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello, Suzuki-sama!" Kai Huang, who was still in his early childhood, was very polite because of his mother's guidance.

"Kai is getting cuter and cuter!" Suzuki lovingly rubbed Kai's bright red pot lid head and praised with a smile.

Before the innocent Kai and Dai could thank him, he tilted his mouth and said, "It's just not as beautiful as Kakashi's hair. Kakashi inherited the hair color of his father and mother, which is one more color than yours!"

Kai was stunned for a moment and looked at his father with tears in his eyes, wanting him to save his face.

Perhaps due to inertia, Kai can lose to anyone, but he can't hear others say that he is like that cold-faced man in red and white. "Haha! The kid is really awesome, and Dai's hair is also very nice." Dai scratched his head and said haha, wanting to get rid of this fun-loving person as soon as possible.

Although Dai is simple, he doesn't want to become Suzuki's melon.

"Kaiya! You can't live up to your youth! Let's continue!" He said and quickly ran away with Kai.

"Haha!" Suzuki looked at the backs of Dai and his son, and quietly went to have a drink with his old friend.

The goods are already stacked, just wait and see the fun.

If the tigress from the Dai family knew that he was teasing her husband and children, then even he would inevitably be scolded.

"Dad, why is my hair not as black as yours? Am I really not as good as Kakashi!"

I hadn't noticed it before, but when Grandpa Suzuki said it today, Kai suddenly felt that he had already lost to the man with facial paralysis.

"Kaiya! Youth never complains, come on, your hair is the most beautiful in dad's opinion." Dai was extremely depressed at this time. He was originally taking his son to exercise happily, but he didn't want to be fooled by Suzuki, a fun-loving person. It ruined the atmosphere.

After finally completing today's training with his son, Dai hurriedly found an excuse to go home in order to get rid of Kai's resentful eyes.

Kai looked left and right and saw no one around, so he gritted his teeth and went to find his lifelong rival.

He wanted to prove that even if he only had one hair color, he was still better than Kakashi.

"Bang bang bang!"

Kakashi was practicing his swordplay in the yard when his training was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Kakashi! Go see who is here! Don't keep people waiting." Hatake Sakumo's wife, who was cleaning the house, shouted to Kakashi in the yard.

"I got it!" Although he was unhappy about being interrupted from training, when he thought of his mother's anger, Kakashi still put away his wooden sword and reluctantly opened the door.

"Kai! What's wrong?" Kakashi opened the door and saw that his friend was staring at him angrily.

Gai glanced at Kakashi's head and found that the strand of red hair in front of his forehead usually looked unpleasant now.

"Kakashi, let's fight! I want people to know that even if I only have one hair color, I am better than you!"

Facing Kai's sudden whim, Kakashi's little face under the scarf was stunned for a while.

He stared at Kai for a while, then suddenly stepped forward and touched his forehead.

"It's not burning!"

"Asshole! We must decide the outcome today!"

Looking at Kakashi's look like he was looking at an idiot, Gai felt offended.

"Boring! What do you mean, I have to continue training!"

Kakashi didn't have time to mess around with Gai.

His father made a special trip back home today and asked him to prepare well. He was going to take him to meet a very powerful big shot tonight.

The news of Yuta's escape has already been known to the whole village as the top management returned.

Kakashi thought about it carefully and knew who his father was taking him to meet tonight.

As his idol, Kakashi has been fascinated by Yuda for a long time, so he has to show the best side of himself as much as possible, and he has no time to fool around with Kai.

"No time! I'm going to see Master Yuda tonight." Seeing that Kai wasn't about to give up, Kakashi hurriedly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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