Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 160 The wise and foolish Dai

Chapter 160 The wise and foolish Dai

"Lord Yuda! Is this the one who single-handedly ended World War II?"

Kai couldn't care less about the contest with Kakashi at this time, and looked at his slightly proud friend in surprise.

"Of course!" Kakashi looked calm on the surface, but he was also a little uneasy in his heart.

That man was regarded as the strongest genius since the founding of Konoha, the new generation of ninja god, and even defeated the older generation of ninja Shura Uchiha Madara.

His deeds were written into the textbooks of the Ninja School, and the whole village knew that he was Konoha's hero.

Although his father was Hokage, Kakashi, who knew more about the situation, believed that his father's position as Hokage was given by Yuda.

Although he has not appeared in front of people for a long time and is the father of his other rival Zhiyu, this does not affect Yuda's status in Kakashi's heart at all.

"Has Mr. Yuda come out of seclusion? Then I will go back to find my father now. I also want to see Mr. Yuda with my own eyes."

Yuda's status in Kai's heart is no worse than Kakashi's. According to his father Dai's words, if it weren't for Yuda-sama, his father might still be a genin who is laughed at.

Besides, Yuda also served as his father's instructor for a period of time, so it stands to reason that the relationship is much closer than Kakashi's.

Why can this man with facial paralysis go, but he can't?

Watching Gai running away, Kakashi turned around, closed the door, and started his training again.

"I will definitely not be embarrassed in front of Lord Yuda tonight!"

Although Kakashi sometimes matures like a child, but as a man, no matter how young he is, he does not want to lose to others in front of his idol.


"Dad! Did you know that Mr. Yuda is out of seclusion?"

Kai Feng ran home angrily, pushed open the door and shouted inside.

"My son is back? Come here and let mom take a look!"

Before Dai came out, Kai was pulled over by a woman with the same hair color as him, held him in his arms and looked at him.

"I've said it several times! I'm not a child anymore!"

After finally breaking free from his mother's arms, Kai looked at his still confused mother with lingering fear.

He was almost choked just now, and he didn't know where she got such strength.

"Hey! The boy's wings are hard, right? He's starting to dislike his mother!"

Dai's wife suddenly changed her expression when she saw her son's depressed expression.

"No... I don't mind it!" Kai looked at the rice spoon in his mother's hand, his buttocks tightened, and he quickly apologized.

But when he saw his mother's blood-red hair flying, he immediately remembered Suzuki's words.

"Mom! Why do I only have one hair color, but Kakashi inherited the hair color of both his parents?"

After Dai heard his son's return, he just came out to greet him and didn't want to hear his son's questions.

"It's over!" Dai began to worry about Suzuki in his heart, hoping that he would hide better, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to Yuda later.

"Huh?" At this time, both father and son felt a faint murderous aura surrounding them.

"You don't like red hair?"

"I... like it, but I just think it's a bit less beautiful than Kakashi's. Grandpa Suzuki said my hair isn't as pretty as Kakashi's!"

Kai shrank back, but said it bravely.

"Who is where?"

After hearing what her son said, Dai's wife did not get angry at the two of them. Instead, she shouted loudly, jumped up and punched a big tree outside the house. "Boom!" The big tree was punched in two by Dai's wife, and smoke suddenly filled the air.

"Gulu!" Dai and his son swallowed their saliva, their eyes almost fell to the ground when they looked at the tree crown falling in the yard.

Since the strange power technique was developed by Yuda, it has almost become the standard equipment of Konoha ninjas.

Any ninja who has a good relationship with Yuda will have a skill or two as long as the conditions are met.

As a relative of Senju, Uzumaki and Kushina seem to be basically the daughter-in-law of the Yuda family.

So it's not surprising that Dai's wife also knows magic.

"Ouch!" A cry of pain came from the smoke: "Dai! Come and help me up, you almost killed me!"

"Oh!" You knew who it was as soon as you heard the voice!

Dai hurriedly ran over to help Suzuki, but was stopped by his wife: "Old man! You are unreasonable. Do you want to see my family's jokes or something? How can you say such things to your children?"

Dai's wife crossed her chest and looked at Suzuki who was pretending to be pitiful. Several chakra chains appeared from behind and wrapped around Suzuki.

"Oh! I apologize!" Suzuki quickly apologized after dodging the flying chains.

"Have you forgotten how clever you Uzumaki clan are? If you don't see me as a melon, you might become a melon yourself."

Suzuki stood up and dusted himself off, obviously he was still worried about his carelessness.

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Dai quickly went up to help Suzuki clean up the dust on his body, and then invited him into the living room.

"Dai, you are doing well now!" Suzuki looked at the Dai family's house, and then at Dai's wife and son. He would be lying if he said he was not envious.

Considering Dai's situation at the time, who would have thought that Dai would have become a famous taijutsu master in the ninja world and have a happy family.

"Sir Suzuki, is Yuda out of seclusion?" Seeing Suzuki, Dai thought of what his son said when he came back just now, and planned to ask Suzuki who lived in Yuda's house.

"Hmm! You don't know?" Suzuki looked curiously at Dai who asked him. It stands to reason that Yuda's release from seclusion was not concealed, and Dai had known about it for a long time.

"I don't know. I have been exercising today. Youth cannot be wasted!"

Looking at the passionate Dai, Suzuki sighed in his heart: "No wonder Dai can be ranked alongside Hatake Sakumo and others with a civilian body. It is unforgivable for such people to fail."

"Mito-sama moved the Kyuubi today. It seems your wife didn't tell you."

Although I know that Yi Dai’s family status is not good for him, but what if?

"Hmph! What are you telling him to do? It will also affect his cultivation." Dai's wife came in with a tea tray and rolled her eyes at Suzuki after hearing what he said.

"Yes! I can't help you if I go, so I might as well try to improve myself."

Who said Dai is stupid? When it comes to coaxing his wife, the old man Suzuki was resigned to being inferior after hearing this.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Dai's wife nodded with satisfaction, gently picked up a cup of tea and put it in Dai's hand.

Dai's character determines that he really needs a strong woman to look after him, otherwise he will easily suffer.

Suzuki looked at Dai and his wife with envy, then took a long sip of tea.

Dog food makes your mouth dry.

"If you want to go, just go. With the relationship between you and Yuda, how can you still meet outside?" Suzuki put down the tea cup and said to Dai.

"No! I heard that Yuda is going to take Sakumo's son as his disciple, and I want Kai to learn from Yuda as well."

Regarding the fact that Yuda accepted Hatake Sakumo's son as his disciple, it was no secret after Hatake Sakumo became Jiro's instructor at that time.

Thinking about those people who have been trained by Yuda, every one of them is not amazing and talented, and they have become the future pillars of Konoha, how could Dai give up this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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