Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 161 Accepting Disciples Kakashi and Kai

Chapter 161 Accepting Disciples Kakashi and Kai

The Tian family was brightly lit at night, and not only Tian's family and disciples, but basically all the top officials of Konoha were present.

Zhiyu was currently hiding in a remote corner with Kakashi and Kai, no one was convinced and they stared.

"Hmph!" Kakashi, who was still shy in the end, turned his head and snorted disdainfully.

"Kakashi lost!" Kai shouted excitedly when he saw Kakashi moving.

"Boring!" Kakashi put his hands in his pockets and turned to look at the people coming and going in the yard.

"You don't really want to take that man as your disciple, do you?" Zhiyu looked at Kakashi with wide eyes and looked forward to it, and thought it would be better to persuade his little friend.

Although he accepted that strange man as his father, he couldn't watch his little friend jump into the fire pit.

Through his half-day observation, his impression of Yuda has undergone earth-shaking changes.

That's a bastard and a scheming, incompetent man who can't even hide from his own attacks.

Before Kakashi could answer, he noticed Hatake Sakumo and the others waving in this direction.

"Go over! Mr. Yuda should be a very good teacher." Kai felt that he should defend Yuda. After all, his father was Yuda's student.

"There hasn't been much happening in the ninja world recently, right?" Yuda put down the tea cup in his hand and asked curiously, looking at the haggard Hatake Sakumo.

"It's not a big deal, but the news of your escape was also known to other villages." Hatake Sakumo looked at Yuda and said depressedly.

"Originally I thought that I would have some leisure time after you got out of seclusion, but unexpectedly those guys sent me an application for the Joint Chuunin Examination in the evening."

"Those guys have very sensitive noses. What's wrong? Aren't you afraid that I'll find them to fight against the Warring States Period?" Yuda asked casually as he poured another cup of tea and took a sip.

At his level, except for the Six Paths Sage who was hiding in the spiritual earth and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in the moon, and the Ōtsutsuki Isshiki who was looking for a contract in the ninja world and formed the shell organization, he really had no one who could threaten him.

Moreover, the threats from those people were due to the fact that I did not have enough information about them.

It's not certain who will win in a real fight.

"Why can't they guess what you're thinking? You're just playing with a few of your boys. If you weren't willing, they would have stopped a long time ago."

Hatake Sakumo looked at Yuda in front of him speechlessly. In order to train his son, this guy even allowed other forces to attack his son. What a big heart!

"Didn't Ganta and the others do a good job? There is nothing to worry about." Yuda said disapprovingly.

Thinking of the enemies he would face in the future, he had to speed up the growth of Ganta and the others.

At this time, the plot of the ninja world has been changed beyond recognition by him. Who knows whether those aliens from Otsutsuki will come out in advance.

If several people come out at the same time, then he won't be able to care about the safety of his family, and Ganta and the others will have to rely on themselves to get through the difficulties.

"Dad! Lord Yuda!" Kakashi walked over and looked at Yuda excitedly and bowed respectfully.

"Hokage-sama! Yuda-sama!" Kai followed Kakashi and was also very excited after seeing his idol Yuda.

"Hokage-sama!" Shiyu only bowed to Hatake Sakumo, completely ignoring Yuda who was sitting there.

"Haha! You kid..." Yuda pulled Shiyu over and forced him to his side regardless of his struggle.

It can be seen from the name that this boy is the last direct second generation of the Yuda family, and Yuda is full of expectations for him. This kid is the only single child in the family. According to Yuda's perception, his talent is definitely higher than that of Jiro and others at the same age.

"Can that thing be fulfilled?" Hatake Sakumo felt sour looking at Yuda enjoying the family happiness.

His kid is like a little adult and is not fun at all.

"What's the matter?" Yuda started to pretend to be confused.

I finally got out of quarantine and haven’t fully enjoyed the joy of being reunited with my family. How can I have time to be a kindergarten teacher?

Kakashi became nervous after hearing Yuda's words. He knew that he had the opportunity to worship Yuda as his master today. Although he was calm on the surface, he was happy for a long time in his heart.

At this time, seeing that Yuda was not going to accept the blame, he looked at his father expectantly, hoping that he could fight for himself at this time.

"My best friend! You may favor one over the other, but my Kai is also very good, so just accept him together." Dai, who had been paying attention here, saw Hatake Sakumo mention the matter of accepting a disciple, and immediately came over to intervene.

He knew the magic of Yuda. He only stayed in Yuda for a short period of time, and his physical fitness improved a lot.

Although he didn't delve into it, he decided not to let Kai miss this opportunity.

Yuda looked at his two little kids with sullen faces and looking at him expectantly, and suddenly felt a headache.

I obviously took the script of a family story, so why is it now developing in the direction of a nurturing story?

It seems that Konoha's top combatants in the future will become his students.

Although I am depressed, why is this full sense of accomplishment in my heart?

"I'll rest for a while first, and I'll let you know when the time comes." Yuda would never admit that he accepted these two brats just for his own vanity.

"I know Yuda is the most reliable!" After seeing Yuda agree, Dai did a backflip excitedly and gave Yuda a thumbs up.

Hatake Sakumo stared blankly at Dai, who was flattering Yuda: "Obviously I didn't say that before. When I promised to give you a sideline, you said I was the most reliable!"

"Master!" Kakashi understood Yuda's words first and quickly changed his name to Yuda.

Kai's reaction was a bit slow, but he wasn't stupid either. He could still copy cats and animals: "Master!"

"Okay! Since you agreed, let's hold the apprenticeship ceremony together while everyone is here!" Hatake Sakumo said and gave Dai a wink. The two of them sandwiched Yuda in the middle and surrounded him. Chao walked from the Tian family hall.

"Actually, you don't have to do this!" Yuda looked at the two people who were guarding against thieves, and still wanted to struggle.

But one of the two people hugged one shoulder: "This is good, don't you think? Wear it!"

In the end, the two of them let go of Yuda at the entrance of the hall. After all, they still had to save some face for Yuda!

Seeing three people walking in with a group of children, everyone in the hall knew that Yuda was starting to recruit disciples again.

Everyone looked at Hatake Sakumo and Dai with envy. You must know that Yuda's disciples, not to mention how much reputation the name of Yuda's disciples can bring, just the success rate of 100% is enough to make people flock to them.

But when I think about it, except for Yuda's first disciples, Uchiha Makoto and Ivy Toko, who were arranged by the third generation, who else is not a disciple of the ninja clan who is friends with Yuda himself? Even Hizashi followed Yuda through life and death and walked through the battlefield before being accepted as a disciple.

Immediately these people knew what to do next.

Hatake Sakumo didn't mind the little thoughts of these ninjas at all. He knew that Yuda would not harm Konoha. After these ninjas got close to Yuda, they might be able to reduce his troubles, so he was happy to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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