Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 164 Yuda’s Space Ninjutsu

Chapter 164 Yuda’s Space Ninjutsu

"You haven't offended us, but who told you to dance so happily?" Young Otsutsuki may have guessed something. He glanced at Bai Shi with envy and said contemptuously to Yuda.

"So that's it!" Yuda pondered for a moment, thinking that the butterfly effect he had brought to the ninja world might have caused the ninja world to gradually escape the control of these guys who claimed to be heavenly beings, and were about to eliminate the uncertain factor of himself.

"You talk too much!"

"Wishful rotation!"

Bai Shi scolded the young subordinate, only to see him floating in the air again, directly attacking Yuda.


A huge repulsive force was used in the direction of Yutian, and all obstacles along the way were moved to the ground.

"Is it gravitational repulsion? It just so happens that I can do it too." Yuda said softly, looking at Bai Shiki who was condescending in mid-air.

I saw his right hand raised slightly:

"Electromagnetic escape! Magnetic field rotation!"


The space around Yuda instantly shook like a tight cloth, and then the force field compressed to the extreme, and expanded rapidly in the direction of the repulsive force.


The two force fields collided, and the space at the junction cracked like a shattered mirror.

The shock wave caused by the collision directly lifted Bai Shi's body several meters high.

Fortunately, a few people were strong enough to adjust their posture in the air and managed to land safely.

"What the hell?! How can an ant be so strong?" After the young Otsutsuki stood still, he looked at the broken ground around him in horror and said in horror.

"You still think of him as an ant, so who are we? It seems that we are all wrong. The appearance of those two monsters decades ago was not accidental. We have all underestimated the ninja world."

At this time, the ninja responsible for the investigation stood at the front and opened his Byakugan to observe the situation on the battlefield.

"Then what should we do now?" At this time, another person asked, staring at the ninja who was responsible for the investigation.

"Shiraishi-sama has the authority to use the reincarnated eye. As long as we can drain the opponent's chakra, it will be time for us to show off our skills. No matter what, we cannot let this guy continue to live."

"Then we're just going to watch like this?" The young Otsutsuki suddenly became unhappy. He was the leader of the younger generation of hawks in the clan and could not accept this approach.

"No, look! Your opponent is coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "whooshing" sound in the woods. In a moment, the trees around them were filled with masked ninjas, all looking at them with vigilant eyes.

"Da da da!"

A crisp sound of footsteps came from the woods, and then several figures slowly appeared in front of them.

"Lord Hokage!"

The ANBU in the tree knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads in respect.


Hatake Sakumo waved his hand and said calmly.

"Whoa!" The ANBU in the trees all left far away and quickly disappeared into the woods.

"Sakumo! Is it okay with Yuda?" At this time, Kiko, who was following Sakumo Hatake, looked nervously at the battlefield not far away.

"Trust Yuda! Look at this movement, even if we go over there, we can't help."

Suzuki saw Kiko's nervous look and comforted her.

"These guys look like the Hyuga clan! Isn't it the blood they left behind?" Tsunade curiously stared at the eyes of the people in front of her and asked.

"Don't compare us with those ants!" After hearing Tsunade's words, the Otsutsukis became angry. A group of bastards from the lower world were worthy of being compared with them.

"Hold them, don't let them disturb Yuda!" Hatake Sakumo threw off the cloak behind him and pulled out the White Fang dagger on his back.

"Go! How can you let Yuda-kun face the enemy alone?"

Blue chakra emerged from Dai's body:

"Jingmen: Open!" Dai, who had opened the seventh door, came to an Otsutsuki in a blink of an eye.

Before he could kick his foot out, Otsutsuki opposite him stretched his hands forward and shouted lightly:

"Baguazhang: Divine Sky Strike!"



Hatake Sakumo and others looked up and saw Dai drawing a parabola in the air and falling heavily to the ground.

"Be careful! These guys are not simple!"

The chakra on Dai's body slowly receded, and he stood up and reminded.


Suddenly, the ground where several Otsutsuki stood surged, and a giant snake sprang out from the ground, swallowed an Otsutsuki in one mouthful, and then tried to burrow into the ground again.

But before it could get in completely, its stomach suddenly bulged, and then it fell straight to the ground with a bang.

I saw a pair of hands stretching out from the snake's belly, pushing it to both sides, and the Otsutsuki that had just been swallowed came out of the snake's belly.

"How disgusting!" After the man came out, he shook the mucus on his body, and then his body glowed with light fluorescence, and his body became clean again.

"Haha! It seems that to get these materials, I need to do it myself." Orochimaru slowly surfaced from the ground at Hatake Sakumo's feet, his snake eyes staring at several Otsutsuki with interest.


Before they could take action, a huge slash flew towards them.

"Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion!"

The ground flew up wherever the slash passed. Hatake Sakumo and others managed to escape the attack, but found that the slash extended to both sides.

"Ganta! Jiro!" Kiko suddenly raised her head and shouted.

Just when the attack was about to reach the feet of Sakumo and others, iron plates suddenly appeared under their feet and dragged them into the air.

They looked down and saw a fan-shaped ravine left by a slash on the ground.

Fortunately, the Anbu had been kept away from here before, otherwise the situation like that in Konoha twenty years ago might have happened again.

When Otsutsuki and the others discovered the oncoming attack, they immediately flew into the air.

At this time, they couldn't care about Hatake Sakumo and the others not far away.

Several people were also surprised now. What happened that caused Bai Shi to use the ultimate move of the Tsengigan at the beginning of the battle.

Hatake Sakumo and others were also startled by the sudden attack and looked towards the battlefield on Yuda's side.

"Hoo! Hoo!" After issuing a big move, although there was help from the Tsangscargan, it also consumed a large amount of Shiro's chakra during the activation.

He was covered in blood at this time and looked at Yuda who was smiling not far away with an angry expression.

"Why? Why can you travel through space? There is obviously no space fluctuation!"

Bai Shiki yelled at Yuda unwillingly.

"Haha! Guess!"

It is true that Yuda has no space talent and cannot sense space fluctuations. It stands to reason that he cannot learn space ninjutsu.

But don't forget that when the magnetic field is distorted to a certain extent, space can be torn apart by violence.

Yuda used magnetic field distortion to shuttle freely through space, catching Bai Shiki off guard as soon as he came up.

Every time he was about to attack Yuda, Yuda would tear open the space and escape, and then appear next to him and give him a cold blow. This kind of cat-and-mouse fighting method made the mentality of Bai Shi, who had always been arrogant, unbalanced. .

(End of this chapter)

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