Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 165 Bai Shi opens the reincarnated eye by chance

Chapter 165 Bai Shi opens the reincarnated eye by chance

"Master Bai Shi, calm down!" Several people from the Otsutsuki tribe stood in mid-air and wiped their cold sweat.

"It was so dangerous! I was almost killed by one of my own people."

Just when Otsutsuki and the others were still frightened. Sudden! Not far away, Orochimaru raised his right hand.

""Latent Shadow Snake Hand"

A large number of snakes swarmed from his sleeves and rushed toward the Otsutsuki tribesman closest to him.

After a moment, the Otsutsuki man was submerged and wrapped.

In response to Orochimaru's sudden arrival, the other Otsutsuki tribesmen retreated a distance in mid-air and stared at Hatake Sakumo and others warily.


However, the shouts of several people did not affect Orochimaru's movements. He suddenly stretched his neck, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the Otsutsuki tribesman who was wrapped by the snakes.

"Haha!" After doing all this, Orochimaru licked his face with his long tongue, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"This is a good research material!"

Perhaps because he saw the scene after his tribesmen were captured, Bai Shi suddenly calmed down.

He knew that if he failed this time, the key to controlling the Tsangigan in his hand might fall into the hands of the other party.

He cheered up and stared seriously at the smiling Yuda.

Although at this moment he wished he could tear Yuda across from him into pieces.

However, it can be seen from the previous confrontation that there is a huge gap in the strength of the two sides.

In order to prevent Yuda from getting the key in his hand.

Bai Shi suddenly raised his hand and stuffed the key into his mouth. Then he swallowed the key in his throat.

However, something unexpected happened.

Just when Bai Shi swallowed the key into his stomach, he was inside the moon. The Otsutsuki clan leader and the branch clan clan leader who were always paying attention to them stood up at the same time.

Especially the clan head, who seemed to have forgotten that he and Shiro Shiki were in the ninja world at this time.

He raised his hand and shouted: "No!"

However, all this is in vain.

He could only watch as Bai Shi swallowed the key into his stomach.

Afterwards, Bai Shi was seen shaking all over, falling to the ground holding his head and screaming: "Ah!"

Yuda stood not far away, staring blankly at the sudden situation in front of him, not knowing what happened.

Just a few people in the air were stunned, and they couldn't figure out why Bai Shi was like this suddenly.

But things did not develop as they had imagined.

Just when Bai Shi felt that his head was about to explode.

Suddenly, a huge amount of power surged toward his eyes.

Then, the tingling pain he felt all over his body slowly subsided, and a sense of refreshing spread throughout his body.

Bai Shi felt that his condition was better than ever at this moment.

He put down his hands and slowly raised his head.

At this time, Bai Shi's eyes were glowing with blue fluorescence.

"Ha ha……"

Bai Shi stood up, opened his arms, and laughed arrogantly.

"The reincarnation eye! It turns out that the key not only gives me the authority to control the giant reincarnation eye, but when I swallow the key, part of the same power of the giant reincarnation eye will also flow into my eyes, making my eyes evolve into reincarnations. Eye."

“What an unexpected surprise!”

Bai Shi was immersed in the joy of suddenly gaining huge power, and then his body slowly floated into the air.

He looked down at everything below, and at this moment, he felt that he was the master in charge of all things.

"Thank you so much! As my gratitude, then you can be my first sacrifice after I get these supreme eyes!"

"Everything goes as you wish!"

Suddenly, several people present felt a strong force pulling them towards Bai Shi in mid-air.

"Sir Bai Shi! It's us! One of our own!"

Several people from Otsutsuki were waving their hands and struggling, and at the same time shouted to Shiro Shiki.

Bai Shi glanced at them disdainfully: "Just ants, who and you are our own people?"


Several members of the Otsutsuki tribe suddenly felt that the air around them shrank and was pressing towards them.

The eyes of Otsutsuki and others were almost squeezed out by the pressure. They couldn't believe it. Bai Shi would actually kill them.

"Sir Bai Shi! You..."

Before they could finish their words, suddenly, their bodies turned into a mass of blood mist.

After dealing with those people who disrespected him, Shiro Shiki turned to look at Hatake Sakumo and the others.

"Then it's you next."

Just when Shiro Shiki was about to kill Hatake Sakumo and the others. Suddenly, a faint voice came from my ears: "Did you forget something?"

"Everything goes as you wish!"

Bai Shi didn't expect that Yuda would suddenly appear behind him at this moment.

He immediately changed the direction of the magnetic field and forced Yu Tian to retreat as far away from him as possible.

Hatake Sakumo and the others were thrown far away by the sudden change in the force field.

There was a loud "bang", and the area of ​​several kilometers centered on Bai Shi felt as if it was being ravaged by a tornado.

The originally uneven ground turned into a huge basin.

After doing all this, Bai Shi turned around suddenly and found Yuda standing not far away, safe and sound, looking at him calmly.

Yes, Yuda was angry at this time.

He didn't expect that due to his negligence, Bai Shi would kill Kiko and his children.

Looking at Yuda's cold eyes, Bai Shi said disdainfully: "For strong men like you and me, you are still bound by your family. I am so disappointed."

It seems that at this time, Shiro Shiki regarded Yuda as an opponent of the same level as himself.

Seeing Bai Shi's arrogant look, Yuda said coldly: "I don't know what you think, but since you have attacked my family, then be prepared to face my anger."

"Electromagnetic Escape: Force Field Distortion!"

Yuda shouted loudly.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from his body, wrapping Yuda and Shiro in it.

This beam of light was formed by the force field changing and refracting the light after Tian exerted all his strength to twist the magnetic field.

The figures of Yuda and Shiro Shiki twisted in the beam of light. Around the two people, dense spatial cracks spread throughout the entire light column.

"Haha...it's useless."

Bai Shi's body glowed with a faint blue light, blocking all distorted force fields and space cracks around him.

"Mortal! Although you are very powerful, in front of my eyes, all resistance is in vain."

He slowly raised his right hand, and a golden glow of chakra condensed in his palm.

Then he suddenly swung forward, splitting the light beam into two with a slash that also penetrated the sky and the earth.

After the light pillar disappeared, the space cracks inside suddenly exploded and spread to the surrounding areas.

After Yuda dodged the slashing attack, he glanced at the bottomless abyss that appeared beneath his feet. He raised his hand and lightly touched it, and these spatial cracks disappeared without a trace.

He stared seriously at Bai Shiki floating in mid-air. This might be the toughest opponent he had ever encountered.

Doesn’t it make sense that even the elderly Uchiha Madara isn’t that difficult to deal with?

The Ultimate Eye Technique has just been opened, so why is there such a big gap between the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye?

"Is it really Uchiha Madara's physical condition that limited his ability at that time?" Yuda couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Shiro's ninjutsu is so powerful.

After the blow, Bai Shi slowly put down his hand, looked at Yuda proudly and said, "How about it, mortal? As long as you surrender, I can consider making you my first subordinate."

Yes, maybe it was these eyes that made his self-confidence expand to an unprecedented level. Bai Shi was no longer satisfied with being a separated dog.

He knew that the higher-ups in the clan were staring at this place at this time, and nothing here could be hidden from those higher-ups, but he didn't care.

He believed that his eyes could defeat any enemy that stood in his way.

Facing Bai Shi's solicitation, Yuda chuckled: "We'll talk about surrender later. Let me weigh your courage first."

"Oh? Still not giving up? But it's a pity that you don't have a second chance. If you dare to refuse my solicitation, your only result will be death."

As soon as Bai Shi finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand and waved it.

The golden light that had not dissipated instantly turned into a huge slash. He wanted to cut Yuda in half.

However, Shiro Shiki, who was so excited at this time, forgot about the space ninjutsu that appeared and appeared in the beginning.

Not far away, Yuda faced Shiro Shiki's slashing attack and disappeared instantly.

After the slash swept across, a hill not far away suddenly fell down, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror.

"It is indeed a move that can cut off the moon!"

After Yuda appeared, he couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the mountain that was cut in half.

"It's really troublesome. Come on, it's very difficult to deal with this guy with electromagnetic escape alone. Then try the new tricks I've developed in the past few years."

Yuda raised his right hand, and a dark bead appeared in his palm.

Then Yuda flicked it suddenly, and the dark bead turned into a dark dagger.

At this time, earth-shaking changes also occurred in Yuda.

I saw two small bumps on Yuda's forehead, and the clothes on his body turned into a wide white kimono.

With a tap of his feet, Yuda slowly floated to the same height as Shiro.

"It's a bit unfamiliar the first time and I can't control my speed. You have to be careful."

Bai Shi looked at Yuda's changes, his eyes shrank, and he pointed at Yuda in disbelief: "You...how can you achieve such strength?"

Even several Otsutsuki senior officials inside the moon stood up in surprise after seeing Yuda's state at this time.


At this time, they could no longer care about the angry accusations against Shiro Shiki just now. Compared to Shiro Shiki who had obtained the reincarnation eye, Yuda's Six Paths mode at this time was obviously more shocking to them.

They couldn't believe that there were still people in the ninja world who could achieve such strength.

At the junction of the spiritual earth and the ninja world after Yuda displayed the Six Paths Mode, the soul of the Six Paths Sage who had been sleeping slowly opened his eyes.

He turned his head and glanced in the direction of Bai Shiki and Yuda, and murmured: "Haha, interesting. I didn't expect that a guy of this strength would appear. However, this little guy doesn't seem to be my direct descendant."

Liudao tilted his head and thought for a while: "Are they alien?"

Just when the Immortal of Six Paths tore open the cracks in space, he planned to find out for himself.

Suddenly, a golden light glowed above the moon.

The golden light that penetrated the sky and the earth turned into a huge slash and struck down towards the ninja world.

"Damn it! It's all the fault of these guys from the branch family, they are all so ambitious, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted so much power."

It turns out that inside the moon, several senior executives of Otsutsuki activated the giant reincarnation eye without hesitation after seeing Yuda's Six Paths mode.

Even at this time, Bai Shi already had a disobedient heart. But after all, they are a pair of reincarnated eyes!

How could the Otsutsuki clan watch it being taken away by Konoha?

"Descendants of Hamura? I can't let you mess around. It's just a pity that I can't see that little guy with my own eyes."

I saw a blue light emitting from the eyes of the Six Paths Immortal's forehead, rushing towards the slash that hit the moon.

Just when the slash was about to hit the ninja world, the blue light emitted by the Sage of Six Paths stopped it.

Just when Yuda was about to use ninjutsu to resist, he suddenly saw the slash on the moon colliding with the blue light and then disappearing without a trace, just like snow seeing the sun.

After doing all this, the Six Paths Immortal's soul dimmed a bit, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

Several high-level officials inside the moon almost dropped their eyes to the ground when they saw the sudden disappearance of the slash.

They couldn't figure it out, how could the ultimate move, which was the trump card of their Otsutsuki clan, be canceled out by someone's understatement?

"What should we do now?"

The head of the branch family felt a little unreasonable at this time, and took the initiative to lower his posture and asked several people in the clan family.

Chief Otsutsuki glanced distressedly at the huge Tenseigan that consumed a lot of pupil power, and sat slumped in his seat.

"What else can we do? We can only hope that idiot Shiro Shiki can escape. The remaining eye power of the Tsangigan is no longer enough to launch a second attack."

After several clan elders heard what the clan leader said. He looked at the head of the branch family with a reproachful look.

The head of the branch family was stared at by several people and was very angry.

He stood up suddenly, turned around and walked outside. As he walked, he said: "We will solve the troubles caused by our separation."

Just when he was about to walk out of here, a faint voice came from behind: "If it is not necessary, don't provoke that guy from the ninja world again."

After hearing this, the head of the branch family paused and said slowly: "I'm not that stupid."

Then he left here without hesitation.

At this time, Bai Shi was also stunned by the slashing attack from the moon.

But after seeing the attack disappear, he chuckled: "Those guys who know really think they can cover the sky with one hand, and they don't overestimate their own capabilities."

Then he turned around and stared at Yuda coldly: "Since no one will bother you, let's get started. Let me see who is more powerful, my ancestor or his brother?"

Facing Bai Shiki who had regained his confidence, Yuda slowly raised the dark dagger and said coldly: "Please enlighten me!"

The slight wind stirred up the dust on the ground, and the two men stared at each other warily in the air. A battle was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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