Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 169 The Yuda family’s position in Konoha becomes more and more important

Chapter 169 The Yuda family’s position in Konoha becomes more and more important

Seeing that his grandson was back, Mito waved his hand to indicate to Kushina that today's class was over.

Kushina couldn't disturb the Mito family's family enjoyment at this time, so she could only say goodbye and leave.

After leaving the Senju Gate, Kushina ran towards a turret on the edge of Konoha Village like she was having fun.

There are a total of nine such turrets around Konoha, distributed in eight directions around Konoha and on Hokage Rock.

This is the giant electromagnetic gun that Orochimaru and the others successfully researched.

In addition to the dense sealing techniques, each rail of these electromagnetic guns is also inlaid with two rows of miniature pyramids.

The function of these pyramids is to convert magnetic force into the electromagnetic force required by the electromagnetic gun.

In other words, these electromagnetic guns can only be fired by inputting magnetic escape chakra, which makes the Yuda family's position in Konoha even more important.

However, after a test firing and seeing the tremendous power of the electromagnetic cannon, the ninja clan did not raise any objection to the deployment of electromagnetic cannons around the village.

After all, this can guarantee that when the enemy attacks Konoha, these guys can inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

For this reason, Hatake Sakumo also formed a strategic defense force specifically responsible for these electromagnetic guns.

Except for Yuda Kaname, the leader of this unit, Ganta and his three brothers are responsible for everything on a daily basis.

Yuuto also awakened the boundaries of his blood inheritance during a mission the year before last, and was able to carry the ninja gourd he dreamed of.

But he was still teased for a while by his sister Kyoko, who had awakened earlier than him.

Kyoko's talent ranks among the top five among all children.

Among all Yuda's children, except for Shiyu, whose talent exceeds Yuda's expectations, the most powerful one is not Jiro, but Shingo, who has been dawdling.

Closer to home, it is Ganta's turn to be on duty in the turret today. When Ganta and the others are on duty, they only need to store their chakra in the chakra storage scroll developed by Yuda, and then store it in the warehouse for safekeeping.

Therefore, apart from consuming more chakra, their daily work is relatively easy.

And when the scrolls are stored to a certain number, there is no need to do it anymore, because firstly, they are troublesome to save, and secondly, they are easy to be stolen.

Yuuto was recently sent to the capital to perform the task of protecting the daimyo, and he took his fiancée with him, so the only way to find Ganta and his two brothers was at the turret.

Relying on the Kagura Heart Eye of the Uzumaki clan, Kushina went directly to the turret where Ganta was.

"Ganta! Ganta! I'm here!" Kushina is also a member of this unit and is mainly responsible for maintaining the seals and barriers here.

So she had a smooth journey.

She entered the turret disguised as a hill and started yelling.

Ganta was checking the electromagnetic gun at this time, because the ninja responsible for maintenance today found that the electromagnetic gun seemed to have been tampered with when cleaning it.

But the ninjas in charge of the guards didn't notice anything unusual.

After inspecting it, Wanta found that several of the miniature pyramids on the cannon rails were missing, some sealing techniques had also been removed, and there were several scratches on the cannon body.

Ganta had already sent someone to inform the Hokage and Orochimaru Yuda.

After all, the village was still a heavily guarded forbidden area, and spies had sneaked in and destroyed Konoha's strategic weapons. Ganta himself had no choice but to report it. "You came just in time. Let's see if the lost sealing technique is okay. Is there any possibility of repairing it?"

After Ganta heard Kushina's cry, he waved to her. When Kushina came to him, he pulled Kushina and pointed to the place where the sealing technique was lost and asked.

Kushina stepped forward and looked at it carefully for a while, when there was a sound of footsteps outside.

"Ganta! How is the situation? Is the loss big?" Hatake Sakumo walked in first, followed by Yuda Orochimaru and several ANBU.

Seeing Queen Maru, Hatake Sakumo couldn't wait to ask.

"The rest is easy to say, but I don't understand the sealing aspect. I won't know until Kushina checks it."

Ganta motioned them to keep their voices down and not disturb Kushina, and then quietly reported the report.

"You guys also check to see if there are any other clues left." After hearing Ganta's words, Hatake Sakumo also whispered to the ANBU behind him to check the surroundings.

Yuda stood behind Kushina and took a closer look at the broken seal, then started sensing to check the situation here.


At the moment when Yuda started to sense, he suddenly realized that the chakra reaction of a Strategic Defense Force ninja was not correct.

He remained calm and continued to explore the surrounding situation.

"Hokage-sama! No abnormalities found."

After several ANBU inspections, they found no clues and could only report the truth to Hatake Sakumo.

At this time, Orochimaru also finished inspecting the damaged part of the electromagnetic gun, and shook his head towards Hatake Sakumo: "It can't be repaired. The inner wall is so damaged that it will explode if you are not careful. Transport it back and melt it and recast it. Bar!"

Kushina also checked the damage of the seal. She stood up and shook her head: "No, the sealing technique must be completed at one time to ensure that the chakra is not leaked during transformation. It is recommended to create a new one."

"Ganta! You continue to check the situation of other turrets. I will ask Jiro to come over and help you later. The entire strategic defense force has no order to stay where they are. If they leave, they will be treated as traitors." After giving the order, Hatake Sakumo took the Yuda and the others left here, and then a large number of Anbu took control of the nine forts, and no one was allowed to approach the electromagnetic gun without Hatake Sakumo's order.

It’s no wonder that Hatake Sakumo was so aggressive. These electromagnetic cannons were Konoha’s most intimidating weapons besides Yuda. At this time, they were destroyed under heavy protection. Wasn’t this a slap in the face of him, the Hokage?

No one can leave here until the enemy is discovered.

"Yuda-kun! What did you find just now?" Orochimaru leisurely followed Sakumo Hatake and asked Yuda beside him.

"Huh? Did Yuda find the enemy?" After hearing Orochimaru's words, Hatake Sakumo also stopped and looked back at Yuda.

"This is not the place to talk, go to my house!" Yuda continued walking without changing his expression, winking at the two of them.

When the two of them saw Yuda's appearance, they knew that things were not simple. So they didn't continue to ask questions and turned around and walked in the direction of Yuda's house.

"Have you been discovered? You know you will be held back if you cooperate with those idiots. I'd better withdraw first!"

After Yuda and the others left, a strange transparent human-like creature emerged from the ground where Hatake Sakumo was standing. Although the sound it made was human, it was extremely harsh.

The monster glanced at the direction Yuda left, then suddenly burst like a bubble and disappeared without a trace.

The moment the monster shattered, the ninja whom Yuda sensed something was wrong suddenly collapsed to the ground like a deflated balloon.

(End of this chapter)

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