Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 170 Yuda’s different reactions when his son was arrested and when his daughter was arrested

Chapter 170 Yuda’s different reactions when his son was arrested and when his daughter was arrested

During the subsequent ANBU investigation, no other spies were found in the Strategic Defense Force, but the origin of the enemy became a complete mystery with the death of the ninja.

"No! I must find the enemy!" Ganta said to Yuda after the new electromagnetic gun was built.

Because of his negligence, he not only caused huge losses to Konoha, but also dealt a certain blow to the prestige of the Yuda family.

"Yuda's eldest son is just like that! He didn't even notice the enemies lurking around him. It seems that the Yuda family is really getting worse with each generation."

I don't know when this evil wind blew up in the ninja world, making the people involved, Maruta and the others, completely unable to sit still.

If it weren't for one person to be in charge of these electromagnetic guns in the village, I'm afraid even Jiro would have to go out together to find information about the enemy.

Yuuto also sent a letter to Yuda in the capital after the incident. The letter said that the daimyo also sent people to search, but there was no news about the enemy.

"How are you going to find it? The dead ninja was almost brain-riddled by the Yamanaka clan, and there are no clues at all. It can be seen that the enemy is not ordinary. You are so reckless and lost the search. What if it is an enemy trap?"

Yuda asked his eldest son, who was sitting there looking at him unhappily.

"Sure enough, they have suffered too few setbacks. A little failure has made a few boys lose their mentality. It seems that it is time to let them go out and explore. Otherwise, how will they face those aliens in space in the future?" Yuda Thinking.

"Dad, why don't you let me go? It just so happens that Mr. Jiraiya plans to take me out to practice."

After learning that the eldest brother was going out to find the enemy, all the little guys who had graduated, except Yuuto, gathered here.

Shingo also graduated some time ago, and Jiraiya felt unbalanced when he saw that Tsunade and others had each accepted a kid from the Tian family as their apprentice.

So when Shingo was about to graduate, I don’t know how he was abducted. Anyway, as soon as he graduated, Shingo became Jiraiya’s disciple.

Perhaps he saw Shingo's talent and felt that his talent would be wasted in Konoha's comfortable environment, so Jiraiya took Shingo on a trip as soon as he graduated.

"Be careful yourself. Although Jiraiya is a good teacher, you don't want to learn everything from him."

Yuda didn't have any objections to Jiraiya taking Shingo on an excursion, but he was afraid that Shingo would imitate his bohemian ways.

After all, this kid has had the tendency to become a playboy since he was a child.

"Jiraiya-sensei is very handsome!"

Seeing his father say bad things about Jiraiya, Shingo unconsciously defended his teacher.


But as soon as he finished speaking, Kyoko punched his head to the ground.

"Damn it! If you dare to imitate that pervert Jiraiya's behavior, I will definitely crush you to death!"

When Kyoko thought of what Tsunade had told her mother about what Jiraiya had done outside in the past few years, she immediately regarded her younger brother as his teacher.

"I'm sorry! I must remember my sister's teachings."

Shingo dared to quarrel with Yuda, but when he met Kyoko, he immediately withered.

"I hope you remember, otherwise, hum..."

Kyoko let go of Shingo and raised her fist to warn him.

"What about you? Who are you going to go out with, Ganta? Don't think about doing it alone."

Since we were planning to let them go out for training, we might as well let them go out together.

"Dad, do you agree?" Wanta looked at Yuda happily and asked in surprise. He had already planned to give up, but in the end there was such a twist.

"It's too early for you to be happy. You definitely can't do it alone."

Yuda didn't dare to let his son leave the village alone. After all, in the ninja world, their status was similar to that of Tang Monk in Journey to the West. All the forces wanted to pull them back and let them leave something behind.

"Why don't you go and accompany Ganta? It just so happens that I'm almost rusty from staying in the village these past few years!" Suzuki, who had been silent for the whole time, crossed his arms and looked at Yuda, as if asking for his opinion.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Suzuki!" Yuda nodded, and then scolded Ganta: "Why don't you thank Grandpa Suzuki? He's so old and you have to trouble him with you."

"Thank you, Grandpa Suzuki!"

"I'm not fifty yet?" Suzuki complained when Yuda thought he was old.

"Jiro, go and tell your teacher that you should follow your Grandpa Suzuki!" Yuda said with a smile, looking at the son who looked most like him.

"I know!" Jiro nodded calmly after hearing this, and then walked out.

It seems that this kid is not at all like what he usually shows, and he doesn't care about the rumors from the outside world at all.

"Dad! What about me?" When Kyoko saw that her brothers had all gone out, even her follower Shingo could go out, and she didn't want to fall behind.

"Can you just stay at home with your dad? As a girl, your dad is reluctant to let you go out and suffer!"

Yuda rubbed her head lovingly and persuaded her.

"No! I also want to go out to exercise and help daddy in the future!" He started to act like a spoiled child.

If it had been in the past, maybe she would have succeeded.

But this time is obviously different from the past. Before Yuda could continue to persuade, Kiko pinched her ears: "You damn girl, don't cause trouble. Why don't you just learn medical ninjutsu from me?"

Kiko knew how popular Yuda's descendants were among the major powers. If her son was captured, it would be a big deal that there would be more wild grandsons in the future. It should be considered that Yuda would spread his wings.

But if the daughter is arrested, big trouble will happen. Who knows what her daughter Nuyuda will do.

"Why don't you go if you don't want to? Then I will help dad take care of those electromagnetic guns! Staying in the hospital is boring to death."

Kyoko has been used to by Yuta since she was a child. She typically doesn't like red clothes and prefers weapons.

Ever since I followed my brothers and saw those huge electromagnetic guns, I have been clamoring for Yuda to make a single one for her.

When she graduated, she was created together with the new one.

But after using it a few times, she felt it was not enough, so she took the opportunity to make her own request this time.

Yuda is also having a headache as to who can help him manage those electromagnetic guns after the boys go out.

After all, the chakra storage scrolls consumed during daily troop training must be replenished from time to time.

At this time, Kyoko's suggestion solved the problem. Then, regardless of Kiko's look, he quickly nodded and agreed to Kyoko's request.

"Okay! Now that we've decided to go out, I'll go prepare their luggage."

Xiko looked at Shale's daughter and the younger ones with envy. He immediately rolled his eyes at Yuda and pulled Nonoyu out together.

"It's so irritating! What's wrong with medical ninjas? Does she need to be so annoying?" Kiko complained to Nonoyu while helping several boys pack their luggage.

(End of this chapter)

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