Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 171 This is a complex issue

Chapter 171 This is a complex issue

The next day, Yuda, Kiko and a few little guys who couldn't wait to go out and have a try said goodbye one by one, and then turned to find Hatake Sakumo to discuss something.

The enemy's silent sneaking in this time also sounded a warning to Yuda. After all, it was impossible for him to monitor every corner of Konoha all the time.

His idea is to record the chakra reactions of every ninja who has developed chakra. As long as unfamiliar chakra appears, the alert signal pyramid can automatically alarm. This will prevent enemies from sneaking in unnoticed.

But all this must be recognized by the village. After all, each ninja's chakra reaction is his own top secret information.

If the opponent accidentally gets it, it means that the ninja's whereabouts will have nowhere to hide.

Just when Yuda went to find Hatake Sakumo, several little guys also embarked on their own journey of experience.

Compared to Ganta and Jiro, who had several experiences outside the village, Shingo was very curious about everything outside.

One moment he asked Jiraiya why it rains all year round in the Country of Rain, and the next moment he asked Jiraiya why the Country of Wind didn’t flatten the place that separated them from water vapor...

It made Jiraiya's head big.

Seeing Shingo jumping around in front and looking around, Jiraiya was very depressed at the moment.

His disciple's talents were impeccable, and even his personality and hobbies were very compatible with his own. Jiraiya once thought that Shingo might be the child of destiny that the great toad sage said he was.

But Shingo sometimes has very naive ideas. Not to mention the whimsical questions he asked, his question about whether he could attack female ninjas once made him think that this disciple could not survive without a woman.

He actually said that as long as he is a woman, even if he is an enemy, he cannot take the life of the other party, because that is a blasphemy against the beauty bestowed on the world by the Immortal of Six Paths.

"What an inexplicable persistence? Who taught him this." Jiraiya cursed in his heart at the guy who taught Shingo to be like this.

"Sneeze..." Kyoko, who was touching the barrel of the electromagnetic gun excitedly, sneezed a few times, wondering if Shingo felt that she couldn't control him anymore and started to disrespect herself.

So she decided that when she saw her brother again, she must always remember her sister's majesty.

At this moment, Shingo, who was excitedly dragging Jiraiya along to review the young ladies he met on the road, shivered inexplicably.

"How strange! Why is it so cold when it's not dark yet?"

Little did he know that he inexplicably took the blame for his teacher.

"Wow haha... You have such a good eye. I didn't expect you to have so much research on beauties? You must ask the teacher for more advice in the future, otherwise such a good talent of yours will be wasted."

Jiraiya and Shingo reached an exciting point in their discussion, and happily patted his shoulder and praised him.

At this time, he also felt that it might be Shingo's love for beautiful women that allowed him to have such a profound understanding of women, and he didn't care about his softness towards women.

After receiving the teacher's compliment, Shingo replied excitedly: "Really? Teacher, you think what I said is right. But why do I get beaten up by my sister when I discuss this with her?"

"Well... this is a very complicated question. You will gradually understand it in the future."

Jiraiya might have thought of the same experience he had with Tsunade when they discussed beautiful women, so he suddenly became vague. After all, the teacher's face still had to be maintained.

"Is that so?" Shingo seemed to accept Jiraiya's explanation: "But I heard that when you discussed this issue with Sister Tsunade, you were almost beaten into the hospital by her. Could it be that Sister Tsunade was bragging?"

"Why is this child so unlovable? What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiraiya stopped and immediately punched Shingo.

"Hmm...it doesn't seem to hurt as much as when my sister hit me!" Shingo rubbed the hit forehead and looked at Jiraiya in confusion. “Isn’t it just empty?”

"I..." Jiraiya regretted accepting this disciple.


Just as the master and apprentice were noisy, the news that several of Yuda's graduated sons were going out for training together had spread throughout the ninja world.

Although they mocked Ganta and the others for their incompetence, their covetousness for Yuda's bloodline did not diminish at all. Instead, they became even more eager after the Hyuga clan got the news about the Tsangikan.

Not many people might have known about the reincarnation eye in the past, but with the leakage of information from Bai Shi and others, people in big forces already know about the reincarnation eye of the Six Paths Sage and the reincarnation eye named after it.

But even such a powerful pupil technique was easily defeated by Yuda, which shows how powerful the blood stain boundary possessed by Yuda is.

So as soon as they got the news that Ganta and the others were leaving the village, all the major ninja villages came up with their trump card that they had been preparing for a long time: the beauty trap.

Compared to other bloodstained boundary ninja clans, the period of time when the magnetic escape was established by the Tian family was too short, and other ninja clans did not protect their own bloodstained boundaries as strictly, so this was the best time to steal the Tian family's bloodline.

Long after Yuda became famous and exposed his own bloodline, major forces began to prepare to steal Yuda's bloodline.

But as Yuda's deterrence becomes stronger and stronger, methods like robbery are no longer needed.

Otherwise, Yuda might have committed suicide before he could steal Yuda's bloodline.

Then the only thing left to do is to find a way to get Yuda's sons to leave something voluntarily.

Each village had already prepared various beauties for this time. Combining the intelligence and the personalities and potentials of Yuda's sons, Shingo was undoubtedly regarded as the primary target.

"Kana, Tamane, the future of Earth Country is entrusted to you!"

Onoki stood at the border and bowed solemnly to the two young girls.

"Lord Tsuchikage! We will definitely live up to your trust!" The two young girls were so moved that the Tsuchikage valued them so much.

"Whether the Kingdom of Thunder can rise! It's up to you not to be surpassed by other ninja villages." The third generation Raikage waved one arm and encouraged several graceful figures with high spirits.

"Yes! Raikage-sama!"

"Don't we need to take action?" Ebizo asked, looking at the calm Feng Ying in confusion.

"Do you think I don't want to? The daimyo didn't know what he was thinking. He even sent an envoy to propose to Yuda and planned to marry Yuda's eldest daughter for the eldest son. Let's not leave a bad impression on Yuda." The Third Kazekage was irritated. explained.

Can you not be depressed when you see other ninja villages starting to plan for opportunities to rise, but they are stopped by a daimyo who is crazy about their brains?

"It seems that the daimyo doesn't trust us!" Ebizo thought for a while and said calmly.

"Then let's find someone who trusts us." Feng Ying waved his hand and said decisively.

"Yes!" Ebizo lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth, and responded respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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