Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 172 Raikage VS Otsutsuki Branch Family Head, those who form an alliance should not be tempte

Chapter 172 Raikage VS Otsutsuki Branch Family Head, those who form an alliance should not be tempted

The Country of Water, as the country that gained the most profits in World War II besides the Country of Fire, the Mist Ninja Village is also the village with the largest blood stain outside of Konoha.

Although he is not as persistent as other ninja villages about Yuda's bloodline, he does not necessarily have to get it.

However, with a sense of luck and an attitude that Zao Mo Zao would deal with it later, they also sent out a few beautiful spies.

At this time, the head of the Otsutsuki branch family in the moon also quietly came to the ninja world through the passage. Faced with such a massive move by several major forces, how could he not know it with his white eyes.

"Is that guy's bloodline so in demand? I wonder if there is a chance to cooperate with other forces?"

Having seen the battle between Yuda and Shiro Shiki, he knew that it was impossible for him alone to recapture Shiro Shiki who had become a prisoner under the care of Konoha with so many strong men.

He already knew that the ninja world should not be underestimated, so he decided to find a suitable force to cooperate with. After they finished using Yuda's descendants, they could let him exchange Yuda's descendants for Shiro Shiki.

After some thought, he rushed towards the Kingdom of Thunder.

The reason why he chose the Kumo Ninja from the Kingdom of Thunder was that on the one hand, Raikage and Yuda had a broken arm, and on the other hand, he believed that with his strength and Kumo Ninja's upright character, they would not rashly offend a force with an unknown background.

After several days of traveling, the head of the branch family finally arrived at Yunyin Village. After some briefings, he finally met Lei Ying.

"Your Excellency is the companion of the one who fought with Yuda some time ago."

In the Raikage's office, seeing the head of the Byakugan branch who was exactly the same as the Hyuga clan, the Raikage finally suppressed the urge to rob.

"Haku Shiki's patriarch, Otsutsuki Takashi," the branch clan's chief takashi replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Otsutsuki?!" Raikage seemed to have thought of something: "What is your relationship with the Sage of Six Paths?"

"The ancestor is the younger brother of the Immortal of Six Paths!" Ying said proudly, with a fanatical look on his face.

"Is that so? Then the Hyuga clan is also like this?" Raikage suddenly realized, and said that except for the pervert Yuda, none of these super-limited strong men had any blood relationship with the Six Paths.

"Really hard work can't compare to a good pregnancy!" Lei Ying thought unconvinced.

He had previously thought that even if he was not as good as Yuda, he was still one of the best in the ninja world. Who knew that the battle some time ago had made him completely autistic.

"Lord Raikage, what do you think of my previous proposal? Is there any possibility of cooperation?" Eagle seemed a little impatient with Raikage Gu Zuoyan and asked directly.

Lei Ying rolled his eyes: "Since you are cooperating with us on behalf of your family, you must also show your strength, otherwise I will not be able to estimate your value." Lei Ying seemed to be embarrassed at this time.

"What do you want to see?" Eagle looked confident when facing the powerful ninjas except Yuda.

"Strength and power!" Lei Ying suddenly stood up, his whole body full of momentum.

"Then please!" Ying straightened his spine, showing no fear.

"Follow me!" Lei Ying seemed a little impatient and broke the window directly and disappeared in front of the eagle.

"Ha! Is this the beginning?" Eagle chuckled and headed towards the direction where Lei Ying disappeared.

In a deserted wilderness, two figures stood face to face, it was Eagle and Thunder Shadow.

Raikage is also very curious about the strength of the guy who fought Yuda before, and what kind of battle can cause such damage.

At the same time, he also wanted to measure the gap between himself and Yuda by fighting against Ying, and instantly see if this guy was worth the risk of risking his relationship with Yuda to help him.

After all, after the defeat in World War II, Yunyin Village could no longer withstand any storms, and at the same time it also needed strong allies.

"Well..." The mountain wind roared, picking up the dust in the open space between the two of them and meandering past.


As if the space flickered, the two people who were tens of meters apart rushed towards each other at the same time, and then locked in a stalemate in mid-air. "What a strong strength and defense!"

"What a wonderful physical skill!"

They both marveled at each other's strength at the same time.

"Drink!" Lei Ying yelled. Although he only had one arm left, after this period of training, he had adapted to fighting with one arm.

As the Raikage increased his power, the hawk was forced to the ground.

He made a big jump to distance himself from the Raikage. Through the trial just now, he knew that with strength and defense, even with one arm, the Raikage was no match for him.

"Then the only way to do it is through the taijutsu passed down from the family and the Byakugan. Although it doesn't look good to bully a disabled person like this, for the sake of our ancestors, I have no choice but to feel sorry for this person."

"Blind eyes!"

Hawk used Byakugan's signature starting move, which was slightly different from Hinata's, but not too different.

After the Raikage forced the eagle to the ground, he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but just watched his movements.

After Yingying made his hand gesture, Raikage shook his head in disappointment: "That's it? Your Excellency, you look down on me too much!"

"How can I break the fact that I have absolutely no desire to continue the contest?" Lei Ying thought that since the other party was the patriarch of Bai Shi, even if he was not stronger than Bai Shi, he should not be far behind.

But it seems that although his momentum is not weak, it is at most comparable to his own. Although it would take some time to cause that kind of damage, it was not what he wanted.

"Since you are unwilling to use all your strength, then I will force you to use it."

"Hell Thrust: Ippon Hand!"


A blue light flashed, and the thunder shadow appeared directly in front of the hawk.

"Not good!" Eagle didn't expect Raikage to be so fast and was completely unprepared.

"Boom!" In his haste, he was unable to resist and was directly blasted dozens of meters away.

After the smoke cleared, the wolf's embarrassed figure appeared in front of Raikage.

I saw that his clothes were in tatters and covered in blood stains. A blood hole penetrated his left forearm and was bleeding continuously.

"If you only have this kind of strength, then die here!"

In order not to anger Yuda, we can't let this guy leave here alive.

"Hehehe..." Eagle laughed nervously after hearing Lei Ying's contemptuous words, and then became more and more presumptuous.

"Hahahaha, interesting! It seems that I have underestimated you guys in the ninja world. So be careful next time!"

Before Eagle came, he didn't want to use his trump card, but after being ridiculed by Raikage, it seemed that he had to show some real skills.


A silver chakra light appeared in Eagle's right hand, as if he was holding a silver sword.

I saw him slowly raising his right hand above his head, and then swung suddenly at the Raikage.

"Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion!"

Just when the chakra light in the eagle's hand appeared, Raikage's body frantically warned, danger! Can't stop it!

(End of this chapter)

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