Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 174 Are you teaching me how to do something?

Chapter 174 Are you teaching me how to do something?

Although several years have passed since the country-destroying incident that shocked the ninja world, countries have never given up the search for survivors of the Uzumaki clan in order to compete with the increasingly powerful Konoha.

As for what he is hired for, it depends on his potential and gender.

It goes without saying what the fate of a boy like Jiraiya's disciple is.

Just as Jiraiya and Shingo were walking towards the boy, a tall man not far away was also watching the boy silently, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Tsk...it must be very painful to see your son but not be able to recognize him, right?"

A pale humanoid monster slowly emerged from under his feet, smiling gloatingly.

"If you are not afraid of being killed, continue!" The man's blood-red hair was flying in the wind, his eyes were always staring at his son, but his words were full of murderous intent.

"How scary! Black Zetsu asked you how your negotiation with that guy went? It's hard to find traces of that guy after Konoha's actions were exposed this time."

"Haha... Hei Jue is really an unscrupulous guy. I'm starting to wonder if he is the incarnation of Madara's will?"

The man turned his head and stared at Bai Jue, trying to discover something?

But he was disappointed, Bai Jue shrugged indifferently: "Well! Well! Don't care so much, isn't the ultimate goal of you and him the Eye of the Moon Project? Don't you want to create a world where Kanako and your son world?"

"If you didn't want to, I would have killed you all?" Akano stared at Bai Jue hatefully and said in a deep voice through gritted teeth.

"That's alright, you haven't told me how your negotiation with that guy went?" Bai Jue was not afraid of being killed by Chi Ye, and he continued to ask.

"That guy is very mysterious! But his strength is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, making him unpredictable."

"But he said that we can continue to cooperate, but he doesn't believe in our abilities. After all, this plan to destroy Konoha's ultimate weapon failed because of you."

Akano suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and said slowly.

"What failed because of me? Under Yu Tian's perception, who can guarantee that it will not be discovered?" Bai Jue felt that he was extremely wronged.

Being able to destroy an ultimate weapon in Konoha is already impressive, okay, what more do you want from me?

"Anyway, the other party blamed us for the failure. He said he would contact us if we needed cooperation and asked us not to look for him again."

"You're such a stinky guy, you didn't fight with him?" Bai Jue looked at Akano in confusion. Normally, he would have started fighting with his temper after being so humiliated. Why did he look completely lifeless?

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't do without this guy's help in order to fulfill his obsession, he would have promoted this guy long ago.

"How terrifying! As expected of Madara's chosen heir!" Bai Zetsu seemed to be amazed, but in fact he didn't take Akano seriously at all.


After all, Akano couldn't hold back the anger in his heart and trampled this guy to pieces.

He looked at his son who was jumping for joy after seeing Jiraiya from a distance, and murmured: "Come on, son, when I resurrect your mother, our family will be reunited."

"Well..." A gust of wind blew by, and Akano's figure disappeared without a trace.

"Huh?" The vague chakra fluctuations caught the attention of Shingo, who was watching the master and apprentice reminisce. He looked back, but found nothing.

"What's wrong?" Jiraiya, who had just finished reminiscing with the eldest disciple, came over and asked after seeing the younger disciple's movements.

"Nothing! I just feel like someone is peeping, but I didn't find anything!"

Shingo shook his head. When he saw the boy behind Jiraiya, he smiled and said hello: "Hello, senior brother! I am Yuda Shingo, the recent disciple of Jiraiya." "Ah!" The boy did not expect that there would be anyone. I greeted him and was shocked when I suddenly encountered him.

"Come! Nagato, let me introduce to you. This is my little disciple, your junior brother Shingo."

Then he pointed at Nagato and introduced: "This is the disciple I took in during my travels, Nagato!"

"Master... Junior Brother Shingo! Hello." Nagato doesn't often interact with people and looks very shy.

Then he thought of Shingo's self-introduction just now, raised his head suddenly, pointed at Shingo and looked at Jiraiya with wide eyes, and asked: "Jiraiya-sensei, is junior brother's Yuda the same Yuda?"

"Haha! Of course!" Jiraiya was very happy to accept Shingo at this time. Looking at the surprised Nagato, his vanity was instantly satisfied.

"Shingo! You are so powerful! Since you are Lord Yuda's son, you must be very powerful, right?"

It seemed that after finally meeting his idol's relatives, Nagato couldn't care less about being shy and pulled Shingo to ask questions.

"It's okay!" Shino felt miserable! Why does everyone only pay attention to his father? He is also very powerful!

Regardless of Shingo's depression, Nagato pulled him and ran towards his cabin.

The villagers he met along the way looked at Nagato, who was full of joy, with disgust, and they all avoided him in fear.

"Why do they look at you like this?" Shingo was curious about Nagato's experience and couldn't understand why people here hated Nagato so much.

"Maybe everyone doesn't like me, right?" After hearing Shingo's inquiry, Nagato slowly slowed down and became depressed.


"Just look at their appearance and hair color, and you'll understand." Jiraiya came up behind them in an instant and looked at the surrounding villagers who were pointing at them in displeasure.

After Shingo looked around, his face was full of surprise.

Although I met many handsome men and beautiful women along the way, there were too many here, right?

"Do you understand? In the Country of Grass, you must either be so powerful that others dare not underestimate you, or you must have a good skin. This is how ordinary people are treated here."

"Inexplicable!" Although he didn't understand why this was the case, Shingo could imagine Nagato's situation here.

"Senior Brother Nagato, why don't you come with us to Konoha! There are still many of your tribe there!"


"They are from the Uzumaki clan! Don't you know?" Shingo looked at Nagato who was full of doubts and asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Nagato shook his head, and then looked at Jiraiya who was waiting for the crowd to watch.

"I'll explain to you when we get to Nagato's house! It's better to leave here now." Jiraiya was afraid that he couldn't help but teach these self-esteemed guys a lesson, so he simply stayed out of sight and out of mind.

After the three masters and apprentices entered the broken wooden house where Nagato lived, Nagato went to the kitchen to boil water for the two of them.

Shingo looked around the wooden house and deeply understood Nagato's difficulty.

In addition to the bed for sleeping, there were only a few broken chairs and a table with one leg missing in the entire wooden house.

Then he found a place to sit down and looked at Jiraiya with curiosity, waiting for his explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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