Konoha: The Birth of the Ninja Clan.

Chapter 175 You are so brave

Chapter 175 You are so brave

"You must keep what I said today a secret, otherwise your senior brother will be in great danger!" Jiraiya's face became unusually serious.

He did not directly tell Shingo the reason, but now emphasized his confidentiality.

"Yeah!" Shingo also nodded seriously.

"Alas! If the two children didn't have to get along day and night in the next period of time, I would definitely not have brought Shingo in."

Jiraiya believed in Shingo's character, coupled with his qualifications and possessing the highest level of blood inheritance in the ninja world, he would not pry at the power brought by external objects.

"Your senior brother has the same eyes as the Sage of Six Paths. If he goes to Konoha, he will probably lose his eyes. I hope you can keep it a secret."

"Is that so?" Shingo could also understand why Jiraiya brought Nagato back to Konoha at this time.

Although the higher-ups will not covet his eyes, who can guarantee that those ninjas will not covet Nagato's eyes after they are exposed?

"Teacher! Shingo! Drink water." At this time, Nagato came in with two cups of hot water, and then placed a cup in front of Jiraiya and Shingo.

Maybe they were too thirsty, but none of them noticed that the quilt was missing a few corners, so they picked up the water cup and drank it in one gulp.

"We're going to live here for a while. Nagato's house is too small to live in. Let's go find a place outside to build a few wooden houses!" Jiraiya glanced at Nagato's house and said to Shingo.

"I know! I just don't know if the villagers here agree or not?" Shingo didn't want to disturb Nagato and agreed with Jiraiya's idea, but he was worried that the villagers would cause trouble.

"It's okay. After Mr. Jiraiya visited the village chief last time, no one in the village cared about my place anymore." Nagato explained.

Shingo looked at Jiraiya strangely: "I didn't expect the teacher to have such ability?"

While Jiraiya, Shingo and the others were busy building their residence, although the ninja world was calm on the surface, it was secretly turbulent.

On this day, Yuda borrowed a letter that Yuuto sent back from the capital. The letter said that the daimyo of the country of wind and the daimyo of the country of fire were discussing and wanted to get engaged to Kyoko for his son.

After reading the letter, Yuda waved his hand, and anyone could feel the murderous aura in his body.

"What's wrong, what happened to Yuuto? Why are you so angry?" After hearing the letter from her third son, Kiko hurried over and saw the sneer on Yuda's face.

"It's okay! It's just that some people are not self-aware, and the toad still wants to eat the swan meat! It seems that after some time, some people have their own whims."

Then he told Kiko everything that Yuuto said in the letter.

"Alas! I didn't expect that my sons would be troublesome enough, and my daughter would be equally troublesome." Kiko sighed and said helplessly.

"What do you think?" Even without asking, Kiko knew that Yuda, a slave girl, would definitely not agree to the request of the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, but she was afraid that Yuda would act impulsively and kill him in the capital of the Kingdom of Wind.

The ninja world, which had finally calmed down, was about to become turbulent again.

"I'm going out! You should be careful at home." Yuda stood up and said calmly.

But after hearing this, Xiko's heart trembled, she was really afraid of what might happen. Yuda became calmer at this time, indicating that he was trying hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

"You don't want to go to the Kingdom of Wind, do you?" Kiko looked at Yuda worriedly: "The worst case is rejection, there is no need to go to war!"

"I'm going to Sunagakure Village instead of the capital." Yuda is not that stupid. He plans to cheer up the restless Kazekage and check whether his human cash machine is full of money.

At the same time, he also wants to warn those guys who are ready to take action. It's okay to play tricks on his son, but if they dare to hurt his son's life, then he doesn't mind eradicating that force.

"Then be careful." ...

In the Sand Ninja Village of the Country of Wind, looking at the world that looked like it was rendered in earthy yellow, Yuda couldn't help but sigh at the tenacity of the people of the Country of Wind.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Just when Yuda was about to enter the village, he was stopped by several Sand Ninjas.

"That's him. He was sneakily observing our fortifications just now. You could tell he was a spy at a glance." A guy dressed as a businessman pointed at Yuda and said to the Sand Ninjas.

"Where's your pass?" After hearing this, the Sand Ninjas looked at Yuda warily. One of them was still holding the signal transmitter in his hand. If Yuda did anything bad, he would ask for help from the village.

It’s no wonder that they are so cautious, mainly because Feng Ying recently ordered to strengthen vigilance and arrest suspicious persons on the spot.

"Haha... Sure enough, Feng Ying is not willing to be restrained by such a stupid guy, and he can't help but take action?" Yuda looked at the few people and laughed, then dodged into the village.

"Enemy attack!"



The few people who flashed around saw the suspicious person burst into the village in the blink of an eye, and immediately raised their alarm and rang the signal transmitter in their hands.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"What's going on?" In a blink of an eye, the surrounding area was filled with security troops of Suna Ninja. One of them asked the Suna Ninja who sent the signal.

"Sir! Just now..."

Kazekage also heard the movement at the entrance of the village, but he believed that his men could solve such a small matter, and then continued to discuss with Ebizo the plan to replace the daimyo of the Land of Wind.

"You are so brave! Aren't you afraid that the daimyo of several other countries will collectively order the major ninja villages to seek justice for the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind?"

Suddenly, a joking voice came in, and then the door of Fengying's office was pushed open from the outside, and a figure walked in.

Looking at Yuda who was staring at them with a smile, Feng Ying, who had just planned to kill someone and silence them, jumped back a long distance in shock. After he had retreated to the wall, he pointed at Yuda in fear and asked tremblingly: "You...you Why are you here?"

Ebizo was also frightened by Yuda's sudden arrival and stood up, but as soon as he thought about it, he knew that his and Kazekage's lives were not in danger.

Then he began to think about Yuda's purpose in coming to Suna Ninja Village.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Your Excellency Yuda will not reveal the news, right? After all, it is Miss Yugui..."

"Ha! You are indeed the brains of Suna Ninja. Your cleverness makes people very uneasy!" Yuda was enjoying the Kazekage's physical performance at this time, but after hearing Ebizo's words, he suddenly turned around and stared at him coldly.

"Um..." I originally wanted to show off my cleverness in front of Yuda, but unexpectedly, he saw it as a threat. Ebizo was about to cry but had no tears at this time.

"Haha... Mr. Yuda is joking." Ebizo's heart was beating fast at this moment. If he didn't want to save some face, he would have collapsed on the ground.

"What kind of monster is this? Just one look can make people almost die."

(End of this chapter)

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